Wi-Fi 6 new opportunities

Wi-Fi 6 and 5G: new opportunities and more advantages

Internet providers and their customers, who have already been using Wi-Fi 6 since the end of 2018, await the arrival of 5G technology in Brazil with great expectations.

Among other reasons, because Wi-Fi 6 has the potential to generate new commercial opportunities for internet providers and offer more advantages in wireless internet access for ISP users.

In fact, the 5G network makes applications that were previously impossible possible . And, without a doubt, it will increase the revenue of internet providers .

Wi-Fi 6 and 5G: a world of possibilities

The 5G network, expected to start operating in the first quarter of 2022 in Brazilian capitals, brings with it the promise of a world of possibilities in internet access , with new opportunities and more advantages.

In fact, good examples are the internet of things (IoT) , artificial intelligence (AI) , cloud computing and even the possibility of using autonomous vehicles , among other applications.

Although Wi-Fi 6 , which significantly improves the quality and speed of wireless internet connectivity , is not a new technology, it is very efficient.

Therefore, it has great potential for application in this new scenario and, consequently, for monetization and profitability for the internet provider business model .

Mainly because Wi-Fi 6 is a technology that enhances and complements IoT (internet of things) and cloud computing applications . Certainly, repressed demands from all ISP customers , whether individuals or legal entities.

These are the main reasons why Wi-Fi 6 and 5G create new opportunities for internet providers .

Wi-Fi 6: new billing strategies for ISP

Furthermore, this technology that allows for better and faster internet connection, Wi-Fi 6 has the best of advantages for internet providers: it is an SVA Value Added Service !

In fact, we have already talked quite well about the opportunities and advantages of SVA solutions for ISPs .

After all, every entrepreneur, manager or IT professional at ISPs needs to be informed and always know more about news and trends in the internet provider market .

To access all this content, simply click on one of the links below.

Finally, everyone knows that billing strategies for ISPs with SVA packages are important to maximize the financial return of internet providers .

Without a doubt, the advent of the 5G network has the potential for the management of internet providers to create new opportunities to earn more with SVA packages boosted with Wi-Fi 6 .

Especially because they allow tax reduction and, consequently, increase profitability with SVAs for internet providers.

In other words, the idea is to pay less tax and earn more with SVA packages as a billing strategy for internet .

Because an SVA for ISP must always be a useful, profitable and profitable solution .

A picture is worth a thousand words

The opportunities and advantages of Wi-Fi 6 for internet providers are directly related to at least two important technical characteristics of this wireless internet connection technology.

In fact, the advantages and opportunities of Wi-Fi 6 are more directly related to the stability and capacity of the network (it supports a greater number of devices connected to the same router) than to the maximum connection speed.

This is one of the qualities and resources of this SVA solution, which is essential for everyday life at home or in your work routine. In fact, no one can imagine everyday life without a wireless internet connection anymore, right?

So, with the purpose of facilitating the understanding of Wi-Fi 6 and the new commercial opportunities that it combines with the possibilities that 5G brings to the market, instead of writing “a book” to tell this story well, I brought three short videos that will illustrate the scenario well.

Wi-Fi 6: A Historical Perspective

The first video, The era of Wi-Fi 6 officially begins , from the Olhar Digital , provides a historical perspective on Wi-Fi 6.

In less than two minutes , it tells how, on September 16, 2019, the certification program for this new wireless internet connectivity standard and other interesting facts officially began.

The power of Wi-Fi 6

In the second video, THE POWER OF Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 6E! (802.11ax) Max Dicas channel , we will have a technical overview of what Wi-Fi 6 is and the power of the newest generation, standardized by the Wi-Fi Alliance .

Without a doubt, this video is worth checking out , even if it is a little longer. Because in a simple, objective and very didactic way, you get to know the technical potential, opportunities and advantages of Wi-Fi 6.

Differentiators, applications and business opportunities for ISP

Last but not least, I share the video lecture “The differences of Wi-Fi 6 and its applications by Luiz Puppin” , from the EXPOISP BRASIL TV .

It's 26 minutes, in which the speaker talks about the differences of Wi-Fi 6 and the business opportunities that ISPs can explore with this new technology .

Probably one of the latest content available on the web about new business opportunities and the advantages of Wi-Fi 6 for internet providers.

After all, this content is from EXPOISP São Paulo , a national event held on November 23 and 24, 2021 with lectures and panels relevant to the internet provider sector.

If you are interested, 11 other videos are available on the event's YouTube channel, including lectures and panels:

Without a doubt, knowledge and information are essential to improve the management of ISPs. And, as a result, generate more profit, security and control of the internet provider business .

That's why, on the Lumin Blog , we publish articles about opportunities, advantages, benefits and the relevance of SVAs for internet providers .

Wi-Fi 6 and 5G: an equation that brings advantages and benefits to internet providers

Without a doubt, on the Lumiun Blog , we have already seen that SVA solutions for ISPs such as Wi-Fi 6 , for example, have lower taxation than the multimedia communication service (SCM). And, therefore, they provide more profit .

Therefore, the focus of entrepreneurs and internet provider managers should be to invest in profitable SVA solutions for ISPs

Certainly, earning more with SVA packages is a viable and accurate billing strategy to achieve better results with lower costs. Especially, through the Wi-Fi 6 and 5G duo.

Wi-Fi 6: more benefits for subscribers

As Wi-Fi 6 will gain new commercial momentum, it is likely that adapting and boosting the SVA solutions will be a good alternative.

See the strategic and commercial opportunities, advantages and of offering Wi-Fi 6 technology for ISPs and their customers :

  • Improve subscriber experience and, consequently, increase revenue for internet providers.
  • Provide tax savings.
  • Offer control and protection of data and content on the subscriber's internet.
  • Increase the level of security and control on the subscriber's internet.
  • Facilitate and expand the results of the internet plan sales process.
  • Diversify and enhance sales and marketing actions.
  • Optimize migration between plans . Which generates an increase in the average ticket, via an up-selling strategy.
  • Increase the service portfolio.
  • Increase the level of user satisfaction.
  • Retain and retain subscribers.
  • Generate competitive differentiation.
  • Reduce network problems and failures.
  • Optimize the administration and management of ISPs.
  • Enable the business model.
  • Increase LTV (Lifetime Value).
  • Reduce the cost of customer acquisition.
  • Generate value for ISP providers and subscribers.
  • Improve network performance.
  • Reduce harmful traffic.
  • Consequently, reduce the number of support calls .
  • Enable the integration of SVA for ISP with the provider's ERP.
  • Create utilities and new services .
  • Opportunity to expand and remodel the internet provider business model.

Stay tuned for the next content about SVA solutions for internet providers on the Lumiun Blog .

  • Marketing tips for internet providers

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