What are the benefits of having an SVA for ISP?

Having an SVA for an ISP is basically just benefits. Both for users and the internet provider. It seems like a lie, but when we talk about Value Added Service ( VAS ) for Internet Service Providers ( ISP ), this is the reality.

Certainly, an SVA for ISP is a useful and profitable management and digital security solution   for internet providers of all sizes (small, medium and large). That simple.

Even so, it seems like a mistake and does not correspond to reality. Therefore, I invite you to take a quick test . A Google search to see what the internet search service finds about disadvantages of an SVA.

Well, I confess: I was really surprised by the result . While writing this article, I repeated this search a few times… Even in incognito mode.

Is there any “disadvantage of an SVA for ISP”?

Initially, because I write about the benefits of owning an SVA for ISP, I was curious about the opposite. I asked myself, without being able to answer, what the possible “ disadvantages of an SVA ” would be.

So I went searching on Google. Even so, with some variations of keywords and syntax, no results for these searches: “disadvantages of value-added services”, “disadvantage of value-added service” and “disadvantage of an SVA for ISP”.

Although the searches were carried out using the terms “in quotation marks”, the searches continued without results. Even when I decided to do a search with the same terms, but in English, the unfailing Google message continued to appear: “no results found for…”

Anyway, I thought it would be interesting to share this “behind the scenes” of this article with you. After all, we have already published some content on the topic and, really, we only have competitive advantages and strategic differentiators related to SVA solutions for internet providers .

In fact, it is the great benefits of an SVA solution for ISP that explain why ISPs seek out SVAs .

SVA for ISP: trends to grow and develop the business model

Before we continue on the benefits of having an SVA for an ISP, it is interesting to watch this short video about trends in the internet provider market .

Infra News Telecom

In it, the editor of Infra News Telecom , Simone Rodrigues, quickly contextualizes the scenario and context of transformation of the internet providers' business model . Watch the video and see the relevance of an SVA for ISP.

SVA for ISP: evolution and transformation of the business model

In principle, SVA solutions for ISPs are the internet provider sector's bet to grow, transform and evolve the business model.

In this sense, the path envisioned to leverage the growth of the internet access provision business involves maximizing the benefits of having an SVA for an ISP.

In other words, in addition to the many advantages of an SVA for an internet provider in the day-to-day business and in the relationship with subscribers, SVA solutions for ISPs have the potential to transform the business model .

Above all, the focus on value-added services, VAS for providers, is what should guarantee the survival of internet providers and transform them into technology companies .

In other words, this is what the CEOs of Um Telecom (Rui Gomes), Megatelecom (Carlos Eduardo Sedeh), Vogel (Daniel Cardoso), Watch Brasil (Maurício Almeida) and Você Telecom (Fábio Renato) the passionate by dogs and journalist Lúcia Berbert . You can follow the full article at Ponto ISP .

In short, the idea is that, after all the heavy investments in infrastructure for the distribution of broadband internet access via fiber optics, SVA solutions for ISPs have the necessary potential to generate demand for connectivity and new business opportunities .

Which, in fact, will mean that internet connection and access will only be support activities for the provision of value-added services (VASs) . In summary, the future of the internet provider sector is strongly linked to VAS for ISPs .

Discover the benefits of having an SVA for ISP

We have already seen some of the reasons that lead internet providers to seek SVA solutions for ISPs in a previous article .

Now, we intend to expand this list of advantages. This way, we can have a better idea of ​​the “whole”. That is, the real dimension of the benefits of having an SVA for ISP.

However, at this time, we will not differentiate or categorize them by type of benefit (commercial, tax, tax, sales or marketing), by beneficiaries (internet providers or users) or by any other classification method.

Of course, we will do so later, in other articles, when we will deal more specifically and in depth with one or another important benefit of having an SVA for an ISP.

Without further ado, let's go. If you happen to be a manager or work for an ISP, this article is special for you.

Continue reading and discover the benefits of having an SVA for ISP for the internet provider's “range” of services.

  • Improve subscriber experience and, consequently, increase revenue for internet providers.
  • Provide tax savings. Unlike SCM (Multimedia Communication Service), SVA solutions for ISPs have a reduced tax burden . ICMS state tax is not levied on them .
  • Offer control and protection of data and content on the subscriber's internet. internet access control through DNS filtering .
  • Increase the level of security and control on the subscriber's internet.
  • Facilitate and expand the results of the internet plan sales process. A good strategy to create more attractive and personalized promotions.
  • Diversify and enhance sales and marketing actions.
  • Optimize migration between plans created by the internet provider. This creates opportunities to increase the average ticket, via an upselling strategy.
  • Increase the service portfolio. It directly influences the increase in profitability, profitability and sales.
  • Increase the level of user satisfaction.
  • Retain and retain subscribers. An important feature of SVA solutions for ISP.
  • Generate a competitive advantage in relation to competitors.
  • Reduce problems and failures in the subscriber's network.
  • SVA solutions for ISP allow you to optimize the administration and management of internet providers.
  • In fact, they are essential to make the business model of providing internet access viable.
  • Increase LTV (Lifetime Value).
  • Reduce CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost).
  • Generate value for ISP providers and their subscribers.
  • Improve network performance.
  • Reduce harmful traffic.
  • Consequently, reducing the number of support calls related to problems with malware, phishing and other cyber attacks.
  • Enable the integration of SVA for ISP with the provider's ERP.
  • Create utilities and new services related to access, storage, presentation, movement or retrieval of information.
  • Opportunity to expand and remodel the internet provider business model based on SVA solutions for ISPs.

The moment internet providers offer really useful and innovative VASs to subscribers , they win the loyalty of their customers.

Since they help to obtain indicators and valuable metrics for managing businesses with recurring sales .

The benefits, undeniably, are countless. On the one hand, market data indicates that the vast majority of internet providers are unaware of the advantages and benefits of SVA solutions for ISPs.

On the other hand, they confirm that those who offer more and better value-added services have an advantage.

Surprisingly, SVA solutions for internet providers are still not very widespread. However, they are of great relevance to the internal environment and business model of ISPs .

And, without a doubt, an SVA for an ISP makes a difference when a consumer decides to choose one or another internet provider .

A good SVA solution for ISP

Lumiun ISP is an SVA that offers competitive advantages , differentiators and benefits for ISPs and their customers.

The DNS filter in SVA format for Lumiun ISP was developed to offer more security and control over the subscriber's internet and increase the profitability of ISP providers.

Lumiun ISP ’s competitive advantages and strategic differentiators :

  • Tax optimization. 
  • Increased profitability. 
  • Innovation and competitive advantage. 
  • Portfolio diversification. 
  • Reduction of harmful traffic. 
  • Less demand for support.

Lumiun ISP : main features 

  • Low latency DNS. 
  • Integration with ERP. 
  • White Label (fully customizable). 
  • Responsive Control Panel. 
  • Dedicated server or provider VM. 
  • DNSSEC support. 
  • IPv6 support.

Talk to a consultant and request a demonstration.

Stay tuned for upcoming content on SVA solutions:

  • How to choose a tax audit for SVA
  • Billing strategy with SVA packages
  • Useful SVAs tips for internet service providers (ISP)
  • The importance of tax planning for providers (ISP)
  • Marketing tips for internet providers

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