benefits of blocking websites

The benefits of blocking websites for your company's productivity and efficiency

How is your business productivity? It is practically impossible to find a company that is capable of stating that the productivity delivered by employees is in line with their expectations and needs. For this reason, we will discuss the benefits of blocking websites on the corporate internet.

But what is the relationship between internet access and productivity? Contrary to what many believe, blocking websites within the company is not carried out just to block and hide pornographic or dangerous content. More and more companies are using this strategy to help increase the productivity of their employees and ensure substantial growth.

In addition to bringing benefits to workers' productivity and focus, blocking websites helps increase information security within the business. This is because there are countless traps and threats in the digital environment that hide on websites of all types. Blocking certain categories and resources will help your business keep your employees away from these dangers.

Internet x Productivity Relationship

Over the years, the number of people using at least one social network has increased considerably. We currently have several interaction platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok, Kawaii, among others. Improper access to this type of platform during working hours can completely undermine your employees' productivity.

When it comes to access to social networks, Brazilians occupy a prominent position. According to an article published by Forbes magazine about a survey carried out by Comscore, Brazil ranks third among the largest consumers of social networks , being first in Latin America.

The research demonstrated that social networks have priority access compared to other types of content, delivering 46 hours of connection per month. And this excess connectivity opens the door to other problems. See this article on the subject:

Knowing that the public is highly connected on this type of platform, brands use social networks to promote products and services and increase their profitability. And consequently, scammers and cybercriminals also use these platforms to spread digital threats .

For these reasons, we need to understand the benefits of blocking websites within companies. In addition to other tools, social networks, when released, can be a real loss for the business . With so many hours of monthly access to this type of content, how much of that time is used in the workplace?

Imagining that your employees do not use their working hours to carry out this type of access is naive on the part of managers. No matter how good your team is, it's natural for workers to take breaks while carrying out important tasks to access content on social media. The problem lies in the amount of time that is used for these purposes.

While the internet provides solutions and tools aimed at increasing productivity, such as time management and tracking applications, it is also the biggest trap for focus and productivity . While many work-related tasks require the internet to be carried out, it is essential that managers implement strategies to ensure the intelligent use of this valuable resource.

How is worker productivity?

The Fundação Getúlio Vargas carried out a survey in 2022 about the productivity of Brazilian workers. Taking into account the Gross Domestic Product, the number of active workers and the total number of hours actually worked, the researchers were able to conclude that there was a major decline in productivity.

Continuing a downward trend that had been showing signs in 2021 with a drop of 7.9%, 2022 delivered a reduction in productivity of 4.5%. These numbers may highlight how Brazilians are displaying behavior that is incompatible with market needs .

This does not mean that Brazilian workers do not know or do not want to carry out their activities. The truth is that there are countless factors that can impact productivity and cause a drop in results , and one of these factors is the distractions present in the online world .

We are sure that, at least once during your workday, you usually take a break to clear your mind and stay focused . The big problem is the duration of this break and the effects it can have on your tasks.

Blocking websites may be the best solution

We know that blocking certain pages and tools is a practice that has been carried out for many years, and the popularity of this measure has been growing as companies realize the benefits of blocking websites. However, we need to understand that this blockade needs to be effective so that the company can guarantee the advantages.

There are different ways to block websites that can deliver better or worse results . With the advancement of technology and the dissemination of information on the internet, many people have learned to bypass these blocks to maintain access to tools and pages that were previously blocked. For this reason, it is necessary to have efficient and specific tools for this type of control.

We also know that most companies have a Internet Usage Policy that provides all the rules regarding the use of this resource. However, no matter how good and well-constructed this policy is, it is impossible to know whether all employees are following the guidelines and delivering the expected behavior.

It is very important that all members of the company know the importance of correct behavior in the digital environment and the consequences of improper access . It is necessary for workers to understand that blocking websites is not just focused on increasing productivity. There are numerous threats in the digital environment that can have very serious consequences for the company, and blocking pages helps maintain business security.

In addition to this, it is also necessary to have a practical and efficient tool for assertive access control within the business. Even though there are cheap or free ways to carry out this type of blocking, the company is not always able to see good results with these measures.

Access control must be done through intelligent and efficient resources that help maintain control over access carried out in the corporate environment.

How to block websites effectively?

As we said above, blocking websites can be done in different ways and through numerous tools. It is important that the company knows what its objectives are and determines the correct tool for this type of blockade. The benefits of blocking websites within the workplace are many, but for them to be obtained it is essential to find the best way.

Manual blocking is possible but is not the best solution. This is because, in addition to being necessary to lock tools individually on each of the company's machines, it is also very difficult to obtain reports on the activities carried out . Another very common problem with manual locking is that it can be easily bypassed.

Before determining which tool will be used to control access within your company, you need to know what should be blocked. But how do managers get this information? It is necessary to know the access patterns and the type of content that causes the most damage to your business.

Using the right tool (as is the case with Lumiun solutions, such as Lumiun Box and Lumiun DNS ), it is possible to obtain realistic reports on the types of access performed and the time wasted in each of these tools . Based on this information, managers will be able to establish a more efficient and assertive Control Policy for the needs of their business.

Ensuring the benefits of blocking websites within your company is directly related to choosing the right tool. Although there are numerous solutions on the market aimed at this type of control, it is very important that your company knows exactly what it needs to increase productivity .

Blocking through browsers, editing hosts, using extensions, among other measures, are alternatives that can also block some resources within your company. But these alternatives are easily circumvented and are not practical, especially among medium to large companies.

Find the right solution for your company's needs and significantly increase your workers' productivity. The objective of every company, regardless of the size of the sector in which it operates, is to achieve growth. And this will only be possible through intelligent and strategic management of your resources, as is the case with the internet.

Until later!

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