18 posts
Internet access control in companies: what to block and what to release?
Controlling internet access is a common practice in companies and increasingly important…
October 7, 2024
Social networks at work: productivity or distraction?
Brazilians currently rank second in the world in terms of number of hours on social media. There are few…
August 1, 2024
DNS Blocking and Filtering: How to Protect Users Without Becoming an Abusive Watchman
Companies from different sectors are increasingly concerned about security when browsing the internet. Because it is…
June 25, 2024
Do you want a system to control internet access? Meet Lumiun!
The internet is a fundamental part of the workday of the vast majority of professionals in companies. It seems cliché…
October 10, 2023
Betting and gambling sites at work. What is the impact?
Gambling has always been popular in Brazil, even if not regulated by the country's legislation. Us…
July 5, 2023
Advantages and disadvantages of blocking access to social networks in companies
A question that affects most business owners, managers and IT professionals is whether or not to block…
June 22, 2021
Does controlling internet access in companies improve team productivity?
Maybe you've already been in the situation of assigning projects to employees with a specific deadline, but...
June 2, 2021
Step by step: how to create a manual on ethics and good use of the internet at work
How to prevent the Internet from harming the productivity of employees and teams without having to deprive them of…
March 10, 2021
How to deal with Internet misuse in the workplace
Accessing the internet daily has become a reality for most Brazilians and the digital universe has…
September 11, 2020
Cybercrimes: How to act in case of invasion and data theft?
Cybercrime, a subject that needs to be present and debated in everyday life, but which is still little…
August 21, 2020