internet ethics manual

Step by step: how to create a manual on ethics and good use of the internet at work

How can we prevent the Internet from harming the productivity of employees and teams without having to deprive them of access to the Internet, which is so important for keeping up with news? Is an internet ethics manual sufficient? This is a dilemma that most organizations and team and IT managers face today.

It is natural for employees connected to the internet to browse websites that have no relation to their professional activity. In addition to representing financial losses for the company, due to the waste of time and use of technology and Internet resources, the bandwidth consumed can compromise Internet speed and the activities of the rest of the team, which ends up resulting in double losses for the employer.

But how to treat this situation? Preventing Internet browsing is not a recommended practice, as it is practically impossible for a company and its employees to remain disconnected. On the other hand, granting unlimited access to any website or online service can bring risks, generate problems or compromise team performance and the company's information security .

Therefore, a good alternative is to develop rules for using the Internet in the company, through a Manual . This document will help adapt the behaviors, practices and actions of all employees, protecting the company against possible setbacks.

The big challenge, however, is finding the balance between defending the company's interests and respecting employees' privacy. To prevent abuses from occurring on both sides, the ideal is for the manual to be prepared by a committee made up of representatives from different areas of the company. Thus, it is possible to have a document of collective authorship and with the participation of Internet users themselves.

The work of preparing and applying the manual on ethics and good use of the internet at work must be carried out in stages , which may be:

Step 1: Definition of the responsible team/committee

Participation must be encouraged by the company's management, with suggestions and needs sent by employees from all areas and sectors. Those responsible must be from different areas of the company, and the participation of managers from the Human Resources and Information Technology sector is essential. This way, errors in rules and possible blockages in areas that require free access to carry out their work, for example, are avoided.

Step 2: Defining rules and access policy

Those responsible for preparing the manual, following the guidance of the HR and IT manager, must define what the Internet access rules will be, what types of content and websites can be accessed and which will be blocked. The suggestion is to maintain balance and flexibility between the needs of the company and employees.

For example, setting times for accessing certain websites, such as social networks , messaging and personal email It is also recommended to create user groups, with rules according to their needs and activity profile, for example, the press, communication and marketing sectors can have broader access to social networks and the administrative sector to technical content about the accounting and administrative area.

Step 3: Preparation of the manual

The document must present the following points in an explanatory and clear manner:

  • Permitted uses for the internet and corporate email;
  • Prohibited practices and access rules, detailing what cannot be accessed;
  • Alerts you to the possibility of monitoring employee navigation;
  • Appropriate ways to mention or publish photos of the company on social networks and websites;
  • Employee rights regarding privacy;
  • Sanctions and penalties for those who fail to comply with the rules established in the manual;
  • Types of devices that can be used on company premises;

Step 4: Preparation of a document with the company's technology use policy

When implementing a policy for managing internet access and the use of technology resources, it is necessary for the company to formalize this procedure and inform employees. To achieve this, it is important to create a document that details the rules and conditions for using the internet and technology equipment, informs the penalties in case of non-compliance with the rules and formalizes the professional's knowledge in relation to company policy.

You can use this internet usage policy document template for companies . It is important that employees sign this document proving their awareness, thus protecting the company in the event of any arguments or problems with invasion of privacy.

Step 5: Defining a control and monitoring tool

For the good Internet use policy to be implemented and function correctly, it is essential to use a service to control and monitor Internet access. Through this tool, the access rules defined in the manual must be implemented and it is also possible to monitor the navigation of your employees.

Through access and navigation reports and graphs, it is possible to check whether the rules are being followed by employees and use this information to prove misuse and justify the sanctions and penalties provided for in the manual.

There are numerous alternative tools and services for managing Internet access, from local servers with Linux and Proxy/Firewall services, customized solutions such as SonicWall , Fortinet Fortigate and several others, control programs to be installed on computers, to more sophisticated solutions. modern cloud-based platforms like Open DNS and Lumiun .

You can see more information on the topic in the Internet Access Control Guide for Companies .

Step 6: Dissemination of the manual

All employees must receive a copy of the manual. If possible, the company should organize an activity in which the document will be presented, defining the date on which the policy described in the manual comes into force. This moment could be the beginning of the awareness campaign about the responsible use of the Internet in the corporate environment. The company will create the conditions for the manual to be available at any time via the internet, on bulletin boards or in the Human Resources department.

Step 7: Orientation and Training

The document with the Internet use policy must be part of the material received by all new employees, along with the appropriate guidelines regarding the conditions and rules for using the Internet and technology resources in the company. It is up to the Human Resources sector to highlight the importance of complying with the standards established in the manual.

The application of the manual must be the target of permanent campaigns by the company. The HR sector plays a fundamental role in disseminating the culture of responsible use of the company's technology resources, not just the Internet. Topics such as downloading pirated material, disseminating pornographic content or crimes related to the digital environment must be part of seminars, courses and training activities for employees.

Step 8: Sanctions and Penalties

The objective of implementing a good Internet use policy should not be to punish employees , but to create a culture of responsible use of technology. Therefore, it is not advisable to apply sanctions abruptly. During an adaptation period, it is recommended to inform employees if they are not complying with the rules set out in the manual. If the practice of misuse proves to be recurring, the company must then apply the prescribed sanctions and penalties.

Extra tip: Employees working from home

The changes brought about by the pandemic across the world were great. In companies, the main one was the adoption of remote teams, working from home to avoid the spread of the virus.

Many companies have identified improvements in results and have adopted this type of work permanently for part or all of the team. However, this favorable scenario was not seen by everyone. Many still have problems with productivity and security of business data due to the lack of control over employees' access to their home office . That's why it's interesting to bring policies for conscious and safe use of the internet to employees' home environments as well.

Access control and secure remote access tools for companies can play an important role in ensuring that the company's internet usage policy is maintained.

To finish

Company and employees have responsibilities and rights when it comes to the use of the internet and technology. Clarifying everyone's roles and promoting the good use of technology generates benefits for all parties. The appropriate development of an Internet use policy and a manual for its documentation must aim to form a corporate culture, in order to benefit everyone involved, employees becoming more productive and the company improving its results.

If your company has problems related to inappropriate use of the internet by employees, I hope this article has helped you in some way.

To the next!

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