rural internet

Rural Internet: how to monitor and improve speed?

For those who live and work in urban areas, the internet is an easily accessible resource that can be available quite easily, but for those who live and work in rural areas, the internet can still be difficult to access. Although data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) shows that the number of people with internet access in rural areas rose from 32% to 78% (data from 2023), there is still great concern about internet access in the regions more remote.

However, this means that a part of the rural population still does not have access to the virtual world. What happens is that access to the internet is not a question of values ​​or options: there is a technical issue that often hinders access to this resource.

For you to better understand how internet access happens in rural areas, we have prepared this article with everything you need to know about rural internet , and ways to monitor and improve the speed of this very important resource for everyone.

Rural internet in Brazil in 2024

The growth of technological advancement has made Rural internet reach a prominent level. The development of new technologies also allowed the development of resources and tools that allowed the internet to reach more remote places, such as rural areas, allowing farmers and industries from different segments to gain access to quality internet.

The rural internet guaranteed a space for expansion of connectivity with a quality and efficient telecommunications infrastructure . This way, even the most remote locations can now have access to the internet to carry out routine activities and maintain continuity of activities. This way, the distance from urban centers is no longer an obstacle.

Telecommunications operators and several internet service providers have invested a lot in recent years in infrastructure and new technologies to ensure greater speed and connection stability in the most remote areas, ensuring that rural areas can access quality internet. An example of this is that in the first half of 2023 alone there was an investment of R$15.9 billion in the Brazilian telecommunications sector. This means that Rural internet can now be implemented through optical fiber, radio frequency, satellite, mobile network, and other technologies.

Thanks to these innovations and new resources, the rural internet can evolve and transform the lives and routines of those who depend on this valuable tool. In this way, agribusiness can implement new technologies and use industry 4.0 resources that were developed to provide more efficiency and practicality to the routine.

Rural Internet: impact of technological advances

For many years, the only way to get internet in these rural regions was through radio frequency . However, with low-quality technology, radio frequency was for a long time an inefficient resource, presenting connection failures and constant intermittences.

Over the years, new resources were developed that allowed the Rural internet to benefit from new technologies. This means that homes, businesses and industries located in rural regions could now benefit from solutions such as satellite internet, fiber optics, mobile networks, etc.

Understand the differences between radio internet and fiber optics:

With the development of new technologies to facilitate increasingly accelerated internet access, the rural internet has made significant advances in recent years. This means that companies in the agroindustry and even the industrial sector that are located in rural areas can benefit from increasingly efficient quality internet.

What are the technology options to improve rural internet connectivity?

For rural communities to make the most of the internet and carry out activities and tasks that require connectivity, there are several technologies and solutions that can help. In the current market, the most used solutions are:

Internet via radio

Internet via radio was the first option for rural areas, and for a long time it was a low-quality and highly unstable alternative. Unlike broadband, radio internet has a wireless connection, that is, without the need to install cables.

This alternative uses a wireless network card and allows connection without using a modem. Technological advancement has allowed the improvement of this technology, delivering more availability and connection stability.

ADSL satellite internet

Satellite internet is a technology that does not require cables and works through an antenna. Through it, it is possible to make wireless connections with efficient speed, even in remote areas.

Although it gained popularity in 2016, satellite internet in Brazil is currently experiencing a boom. This advancement has allowed the emergence of several options for fixed and mobile consumers, such as Starlink , which uses low Earth orbit satellites and is able to deliver unlimited access, high speeds and an affordable price.


The emergence of the internet was marked by dial-up connections, that is, dial-up connection. This means that to connect to the internet the computer needed a modem and a telephone line . At the end of the 1980s, ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) technology emerged as an alternative to dial-up connections, allowing the use of fixed telephone infrastructure without occupying the line.

In a simplified way, this technology allows the separation of the telephony resource from the part that was actually used for internet connection .

Internet via fiber optics

Fiber optic internet is the most commonly used form of connectivity in large centers and is increasingly present in rural areas. Its speed is the highlight , as data transmission occurs close to the speed of light. The cables are made up of glass beams, as thin as a human hair, covered in reflective and insulating plastic. With the help of converters integrated into the transmitters, the entire data signal is transformed into light, which will be transmitted through reflections along the entire cable, without any interference. Thus, the sum of all these factors guarantees optical fiber speed, stability and quality.

Currently, rural areas have been the target of investments in infrastructure to support the implementation of fiber optic networks. However, challenges posed by distance, climatic conditions and natural environments still persist. The vulnerability of these networks to events such as falling trees and branches is a concern, considering the greater exposure of these areas to such incidents. Despite these obstacles, fiber optic internet remains one of the most viable and effective options.

How does the internet help in rural work?

As we have observed throughout this article, the internet has become fundamental within rural areas, helping producers to achieve more efficiency when carrying out their tasks. Agribusinesses present in rural areas can benefit greatly from quality rural internet . In addition to providing a more efficient exchange of information, it is possible to:

  • Carry out continuous monitoring of production growth;
  • Calculate and check the planting area;
  • Identify the presence and incidence of pests;
  • Study soil characteristics and needs for planting;
  • Carry out the calculation and application of pesticides according to production needs, in order to reduce expenses and use inputs more intelligently;
  • Control stocks;
  • Improving energy efficiency;
  • Productivity increase;
  • Implement an intelligent irrigation process, ensuring more sustainability.

With the help of the internet, it is also possible to automate various tasks within the farm, such as drones used to irrigate pesticides, the property's camera security system, and much more .

In the case of agribusiness, technology together with a quality internet connection allows the producer to monitor stock through the use of sensors in silos and warehouses, monitoring humidity, temperature, time and quantity of inputs. Having access to this type of information makes all the difference in the results of avoiding losses and ensuring superior results.

Importance of fast and stable connection in rural areas?

We live in a reality where the quick and efficient exchange of information is essential to maintain the continuity and connectivity of agribusiness. And they manage to adapt to today's technological reality, they manage to remain competitive in the market and stand out from the competition , guaranteeing superior results and delivering more quality and efficiency for agribusiness.

For this reason, having quality internet is much more than just a luxury: it is a growth strategy that should be a priority. In this sense, it is essential to find resources that allow quality access to the internet so that resources are used more intelligently and efficiently, ensuring that your agribusiness stands out and grows even more.

Access to quality internet can allow the use of technologies that considerably facilitate the performance of numerous tasks within agribusiness. Through it, producers in rural areas are able to deliver better productive performance and guarantee a better quality of life, carrying out tasks with more intelligence and efficiency.

Quality rural internet reduces the time needed to carry out tasks, guarantees waste control and helps producers have access to all information relating to their processes carried out within agribusiness, such as production control, input stock, automation of equipment, etc.

And to ensure that the internet connection meets your needs, it is essential to periodically measure internet speed.

How do I measure my internet speed?

To periodically measure the speed of your internet connection , you can use several tools that perform tests quickly and accurately. This way, it is possible to identify any performance problems and take measures to optimize your connection, whether through adjustments to the router configuration or considering changing providers, if necessary.

Therefore, before opting for another company or internet provider, you need to find out if your internet speed is in line with what was contracted. For this, there are tools available to perform this calculation, check out:   

1 – is one of the most used services by those who need to test their download speed quickly and conveniently. Developed by Netflix, just access the page and your internet will automatically be evaluated and the result will quickly be displayed on the screen.

2 – Speed ​​test

Developed by the company Ookla, is the world leader in broadband testing, being the best known and most used service for monitoring internet speed around the world. This feature presents a simple and intuitive interface, presenting complete results, such as download speed, upload, ping and the name of the operator that provides the internet . This service is also available on the web and in apps for IOS and Android.

3 – Simet

With the help of the Internet Traffic Measurement System (SIMET) from the Ponto BR Information and Coordination Center (, it is possible to measure the speed of your internet connection and determine the quality of your connection. This test can also be carried out on mobile devices, being available for IOS and Android.

4 – Brazil Broadband

Brasil Banda Larga was developed by the Quality Assurance Entity (created to comply with an Anatel resolution) with the aim of measuring the quality indicators of telecommunications networks that support fixed and mobile broadband internet access in Brazil. The test allows you to measure internet speed without the need to install any features or plugins.

According to Brazilian law ( resolutions 574/2011 and 575/2011 ), providers are obligated on average to 80% of what you contracted, and should never reach less than 40% , but this only applies in the case of technical problems, which means that the customer must enjoy full speed most of the time. If your test does not show that the low internet quality is related to a failure in your operator's service provision, you will need to take some measures to improve the connection.

How to monitor and improve rural internet speed?

Depending on the type of technology used on your agribusiness's internet, it may be necessary to adopt strategies that help monitor and improve the speed of your connection. These measures can also contribute to increasing the productivity of your employees and, consequently, your results. To help you, we have put together some tips and strategies that can improve your connection speed and make your routine and task execution easier:

Check the position of your router

In cases where the router is located indoors and needs to serve a specific area, such as offices, the position of your equipment can make all the difference in the quality of your internet connection. This is because, depending on how it is located within the property, it is possible that your internet speed may be affected.

Depending on the positioning of the walls around the router and the presence of very massive objects, it is possible that the internet signal will be negatively impacted. To prevent objects and walls from impairing the good performance of your internet, it is necessary to position the router in a central space within the environment or property where it is located. It is also necessary to avoid placing it too close to microwave or radio equipment, which could affect its operation and generate interference.

Monitor application usage

There are some applications that constantly transfer data, compromising the availability of your internet. When we deal with computers that are used in agribusiness, it is necessary to check which programs are being used and which of them are running in the background. Video and social media applications, such as YouTube, Instagram and TikTok, for example, are champions of internet bandwidth consumption, harming the distribution of bandwidth for essential activities.

To prevent access from becoming too slow, check which applications are used and determine which are essential for the progress of activities and which can be dispensed with to avoid unnecessary consumption of rural internet bandwidth.

Use mesh routers

The signal repeater is a piece of equipment that will help amplify the internet signal within the property. Widely used in large areas, this equipment helps to improve range and stabilize the signal , avoiding failures and constant drops.

If you suffer from a lot of drops and range problems, repeaters can be an efficient solution . Position this equipment according to the demand and connectivity needs within your farm or property.

Check out the best internet provider for your location

All the changes we mentioned previously have made it possible to currently find more than one company that provides internet in rural areas . For this reason, before hiring rural internet for your agribusiness, check the signal availability of these providers to hire the one that delivers the highest bandwidth speed and better download and upload capacity.

This way, you guarantee that your agribusiness will have access to the best network in the region and will not have availability problems. This means that the exchange of information while carrying out activities will be much faster and more constant.

Internet access control

Internet access control can help monitor and efficiently block certain content on your agribusiness's internet. This way, there will be no wasted time on unnecessary websites and there will also be no consumption of available internet bandwidth with activities that are unrelated to essential tasks.

DNS Firewall is a technology that can help block these tools and monitor internet use with more efficiency and quality. With its help, it is possible to guarantee better quality of access by improving internet speed and blocking unnecessary access, in addition to keeping your network more protected.

Rural Internet with DNS Firewall: benefits for your property

As explored throughout this article, the rural internet has advanced a lot over the last few years. Currently we can count on technological solutions that help to provide greater quality and efficiency to the network.

However, in some regions it is still not possible to deliver an agile and stable internet, and it is necessary to use resources that help maintain the quality of this network and avoid its fluctuations. For this reason, internet access control and network monitoring can be fundamental to ensuring more efficiency and superior results within your agribusiness.

The DNS Firewall is one of the most complete resources today, allowing the monitoring and control of access flow within a network. With its help, it is possible to filter incoming and outgoing traffic and prevent specific or malicious access, keeping the network protected and avoiding cyber attacks that cause very serious problems for companies in all segments.

According to the biannual report by Apura Cyber ​​Intelligence S/A, agribusiness receives around 10% of cyber attacks carried out every year , highlighting the importance of adopting solutions aimed at cyber security. The growth of cybercrime has been occurring exponentially, so companies in all segments must adopt security solutions that help keep their information and networks more protected .

Lumiun Lumiun Box is a robust tool, based on DNS, with corporate VPN and managed in the cloud. With the help of this resource, your agribusiness will be able to provide more security and control over internet access, also increasing productivity.

In addition to all these benefits, Lumiun Box also allows you to limit internet speed for a group of devices within your agribusiness. This way, it avoids excessive bandwidth consumption and maintains a minimum viable internet connection for activities that really need a quality connection.

In addition to being a complete tool, Lumiun Box will guarantee access flow control and efficient monitoring, adding a more complete and efficient layer of security to your agribusiness's internet network. This means that data will be safer and more protected, through strategic and assertive control of the internet.

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