strong and secure passwords

Recommendations and tips for creating strong and secure passwords

With the constant evolution of technology and the increase in the processing power of computers, equipment capable of carrying out increasingly complex operations appears every day. These resources are also used by hackers to crack passwords. Using software that tests millions of possible combinations every second, it is possible to discover a vulnerable password in just a few minutes.

It is estimated that 90% of passwords are vulnerable and can be discovered easily, and to protect yourself from hackers, it is important not to use the same password for different accounts, because, once a hacker is in possession of the password of one of your accounts, you can have access to all your important profiles and accounts. You should also make sure each password is different from your previous passwords or other existing passwords.

Considering that the password is the main resource for proving a user's authenticity and protecting them from unauthorized access to banking systems, social media profiles, email and many other systems, it is very important to follow some tips and recommendations in creation and management, in order to create strong and secure passwords that are not discovered so easily.

With simple actions it is possible to increase the security of your accounts and ensure that they are not easily discovered by hackers who could misuse this information.

Important concepts and recommendations for creating strong and secure passwords

strong and secure passwords

What is a strong password?

The strength and security of a password depends on the combination and types of characters used, its length, complexity and unpredictability. Therefore, a good password must be long, with at least 8 characters, have a combination of numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters and symbols, however, a long password is useless when the word or phrase used is common and can be easily guessed.

Maintaining strong passwords that really help with security is not an easy task and much less is it being done by most people. Next, we'll look at some tips for creating strong and secure passwords.

  • Create a long password, 8 characters or more. A password with 14 characters is considered very secure.
  • Use alphanumeric characters, upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols. The greater the variety of characters in your password, the better.
  • Do not use real words from any language, avoid words written backwards, with abbreviations or common spelling mistakes.
  • Use characters from the entire keyboard, not just the most frequently used or seen letters and characters. Avoid repetitions and sequences of characters, such as “12345678” or “asdfghjk”.
  • Do not have passwords with your name or those of your acquaintances, important dates, number of documents and similar information.

If you want to start creating more secure passwords that stay out of reach of cybercriminals, you can use this Complete Guide to Creating and Managing Secure User Accounts and Passwords . With this guide you will learn how to prevent passwords from being discovered, as well as some rules and tips for creating stronger and more secure passwords.

Suggestions for managing and using passwords

  • Change your passwords frequently, preferably every 90 days.
  • Avoid sending your passwords via email, SMS, instant messaging messages or in any other way.
  • Do not store passwords in unprotected or easily accessible locations.
  • Use memorization techniques or some password management method or service .

Use a manager to check the strength of your password

There are numerous systems available on the Internet that check password strength, a good option is Microsoft's Password Strength Checker .

The problems generated by the use of weak and vulnerable passwords are so great that World Password Day was created. The date, which this year was May 4th , is set aside to raise awareness about the importance of creating strong and secure passwords, to prevent crimes. virtual .

Furthermore, in Brazil, , in its Internet Security Booklet, reserves chapter 8 – Accounts and Passwords , for complete and advanced information on security and best practices for creating and using passwords and account management. , it is possible to understand a little more about the importance of using strong and secure passwords, which really protect against threats, ransomware attacks and phishing .

And you, have you ever had any negative experiences with passwords or hacking problems? Share your experience with us and keep following our blog!

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