Management and control of internet use: more security and productivity for your company!

Nowadays, most professionals use the internet during their workday to carry out their tasks, this is the reality in the working environment of companies today, both in large companies and in small and medium-sized ones.

In the same way that technology, systems and high connectivity contribute to the execution of activities in companies, the misuse of technology and the internet can generate numerous problems and even losses for companies, especially in relation to information security failures. , which may lead to data loss. Waste of time, lack of focus on work and low team productivity are also problems that are increasingly present in the workplace.

Research shows that the time spent on the internet by employees for personal activities can reach 30% during the workday. Expenses for information security failures increased by 35% in the last year in companies, according to research by PwC. Not to mention the growing risk of Ransomware attacks, which caught worldwide attention on May 12th, and have been intensifying more and more.

The main gateway to security incidents such as Ransomware attacks are users, who end up clicking on fake or harmful email links, which causes viruses to install themselves.

Regarding the lack of focus and low productivity of employees, there are many forms of distraction on the internet during work, with access to social networks, use of smartphones, access to personal email, instant communication systems such as WhatsApp, sites for shopping, gaming, entertainment and more.

In a survey that we developed here at Lumiun Tecnologia, where approximately 280 million internet access records from 2,000 professionals distributed across 50 companies in all regions of Brazil were analyzed throughout 2016, it was found that Facebook alone represents 14, 5% of internet accesses in companies, communication services such as Skype and WhatsApp represent 10% of accesses and content sites such as and UOL 7.3%. The survey also showed that 2% of all accesses occur to potentially harmful websites, which shows how vulnerable companies are to incidents involving information security failures and data loss. The complete survey is available for download .

In this context, it is essential that IT directors and managers monitor the productivity of their team and employees and seek to implement a policy of safe and productive use of the internet in their company. First, guiding professionals about security and productivity risks and also using solutions that allow them to monitor what is being accessed and define access rules, when necessary.

The benefits generated by good management of internet use in companies are many:

  • Security and protection against internet threats
  • Lower risk of information loss and virus problems
  • Reduction in wasted time on the internet by staff
  • Increased productivity, quality and focus on tasks
  • Reduction of equipment maintenance expenses
  • [Reports with information and data on internet use
  • Improved network performance, systems and technology resources

There are numerous services available on the market for security and control of internet use in companies, such as proxy/squid solutions with Linux servers, pfSense , and appliance solutions such as Sonic Wall , Fortinet FortiGate and many others. However, most solutions require high investment, high involvement of specialized technical professionals and require constant maintenance, updates and support. This makes these solutions expensive and often unfeasible, especially for small and medium-sized companies.

Considering this scenario and the need that SMEs also have to optimize team productivity on the internet and keep network use safe, Lumiun Tecnologia is an affordable and simplified internet usage management solution aimed at small and medium-sized companies. The service is entirely cloud-based and has a strong difference in terms of ease of implementation and management of the service.

We list some of the main features and advantages of Lumiun:

  • Quick and simplified installation and configuration
  • No need to purchase equipment or servers
  • No need for equipment maintenance or software updates
  • No need to install and configure network equipment
  • No cost for specialized professionals for maintenance and support
  • Cloud management, accessible via the internet from anywhere or on any device

Together with ease of management, the service has features that allow complete and flexible management of internet access in companies, allowing efficient management of internet use, in a very simple, practical and very accessible way.

With the service it is possible to implement different internet access policies, for example, to block inappropriate content such as pornography, social networks or games, simply select the “Block access” button for the desired category. The rules can be flexible, depending on users, equipment and times. Furthermore, the system generates detailed and analytical reports on network use, allowing managers to make assertive decisions with the aim of making internet use safer and more productive in their company.

We also list some of the main features of the solution:

  • Access rules for content categories and specific sites
  • Access rules by user groups or equipment
  • Defining release times by content category and specific sites
  • Traffic speed control by groups and users
  • Protection against access to harmful websites and threats on the internet
  • Internet access with user authentication
  • Wi-Fi capability, with management integrated into the control panel
  • Integrated management of multiple networks or units
Lumiun Tecnologia control panel dashboard

The implementation and configuration of the service is quite simple and can even be carried out by users without technical IT knowledge. And all management is done through the cloud control panel, which has a very simple and intuitive interface, and can be accessed from any location or device. The service is offered in different plans and forms of contracting, to meet the different needs of managers and companies in Brazil.

More information and details about benefits and features are available on the Lumiun website. It is possible to request an online demonstration to learn all the details of the solution. For testing and hiring, contact Lumiun consultants .

Here on our blog we provide content for company directors and IT managers who are looking to have more protection against internet threats, optimize IT governance and also improve employee productivity.

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