lumiun dns

Lumiun launches cybersecurity tool with DNS filter

The Lumiun DNS solution offers intelligent browsing filtering for companies of all sizes; The premise is to increase the efficiency of cybersecurity.

Lumiun, a Brazilian cybersecurity solutions company, announced the launch of Lumiun DNS , its new security and protection platform for internet access. The product was created with the aim of meeting the needs of IT professionals and companies looking for a tool to apply web content filters and increase the security of the organization's data and network.

Press Release Lumiun DNS

A survey conducted by Cisco between August and September 2022 showed that almost 60% of companies had some type of recent cybersecurity incident. This is an alarming number that draws the attention of managers and IT professionals to improve organizations' cybersecurity.

“The Brazilian market needs more functional and accessible cybersecurity solutions. We want to simplify IT processes related to internet access security in organizations”, says Heini Geib, CEO of the company.

The tool seeks to protect browsing at the DNS layer, cutting potentially harmful traffic to the company's network in the bud and preventing access to phishing, malware and unwanted websites in the organizational environment, such as, for example, websites with adult content. Content classification is automatic, based on multiple sources and artificial intelligence.

The Lumiun DNS solution offers customer support, direct contact with analysts located in Brazil, seamless deployment on the network, low latency infrastructure with Anycast technology, website filtering optimized for the Brazilian scenario and billing in reais.

Additionally, there is a free trial period, allowing users to try out web browsing filtering before deciding to purchase. After the trial, you can choose to subscribe to a paid plan or continue with a free plan with limited features.

The plans, with monthly and annual subscriptions, can adapt to all sizes and segments of companies. There is also a specific plan for schools and other educational institutions, with a different price.

“We are very excited to launch Lumiun DNS firsthand for the Brazilian market”, says Aléx de Oliveira, CTO at Lumiun. “Our goal is to offer companies an internet access protection and management tool based on the latest trends in DNS technologies, such as DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH), DNS-over-TLS (DoT) and DNS Security Extensions.”

The Lumiun DNS is now available for free testing and contracting. More information can be found at

See some publications of the official launch article on major portals such as Terra , Valor Econômico and O Globo .

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