SVA for provider

Lumiun ISP is an SVA for Strategic Value Provider

Lumiun ISP is much more than just a synonym for Value Added Services (VAS) for internet providers. In fact, the concept of SVA alone does not account for the advantages, usefulness and innovation that Lumiun ISP delivers to ISPs and their users.

Along with Lumiun Box , Lumiun ISP is one of the useful internet management and security solutions for companies and providers offered by Lumiun Internet Security .

Thus, since 2016, the Brazilian startup has been developing and improving solutions that have already helped thousands of users to improve internet security and productivity in small, medium and large companies.

As a result, Lumiun ISP is an SVA (Value Added Service) that works through DNS filtering and promises to increase internet security for subscribers and great tax savings for providers.

In principle, to really understand the dimension, differential and value of Lumiun ISP for internet providers , we first need to define this SVA .

Lumiun ISP : an SVA for strategic value provider

Lumiun ISP is an SVA for internet providers that generates more profit, security and control over the subscriber's internet.

However, Lumiun ISP is not only useful and safe for the subscriber . Above all, it is fair, hassle-free and profitable for ISPs (ISP is short for Internet Service Provider and refers to the provision of internet access by an internet provider).

Mainly because the SVA format , which comprises any and all provision of auxiliary services to telecommunications activities, offers the benefits of security, protection and control over the subscriber's use of the internet .

Without a doubt, a new and innovative service that generates more value for ISP providers and their subscribers. That is why Lumiun ISP is a necessity, an important asset and a strategic and differentiating value for the internet providers business model.

How did Lumiun ISP , the SVA for internet providers, come about?

As the demand for high-speed internet for studying and working from home exploded during the pandemic, internet providers looked for alternatives to offer new VASs to users.

To meet this demand, Lumiun ISP . Lumiun Internet Security launched this new value-added service solution with even more qualities and advantages .

Lumiun ISP quickly became a competitive advantage over the competition . Not only does it deliver a super intuitive and fully customizable interface, it also provides security and a completely hassle-free and truly useful experience for ISP providers and subscribers.

How does SVA work for Lumiun ISP provider?

Lumiun ISP is a DNS filter in SVA format for internet providers that filters DNS queries originating on the customer's network.

In this way, users' navigation requests are forwarded to a special DNS server deployed in the provider's infrastructure , which classifies and filters access, ensuring high performance and low latency in DNS resolutions.

Without a doubt, Lumiun ISP makes internet use safer and more productive for families and businesses. In fact, this constitutes a major differentiator and competitive advantage for internet providers.

With this innovative solution, subscribers can activate protection against harmful websites, filters against adult content and pornography, block social media websites and applications, advertisements, games and many others, as desired.

Lumiun ISP control panel is simple, intuitive and works on any browser or cell phone .

What are the advantages of SVA Lumiun ISP for internet providers?

Certainly, tax optimization and thus generating more profit for internet providers is the main advantage of Lumiun ISP .

Certainly, by offering an SVA for a provider that is useful and innovative, such as Lumiun ISP to its users, the provider differentiates itself from the competition, adding value to the SCM (Multimedia Communication Service).

In such a way that, by diversifying the portfolio of value-added products and services, Lumiun Lumiun ISP is a powerful tool to diversify and enhance sales and marketing actions to retain loyalty and attract new subscribers.

However, in addition to the advantages, Lumiun ISP also offers benefits in security and in the operation and management of internet providers .

After all, it is an SVA for a provider that considerably reduces harmful traffic improves network performance by reducing the number of support calls related to problems with malware, phishing and other cyber attacks.

Lumiun ISP is an SVA for a provider with exclusive differences

In addition to all the advantages and benefits, Lumiun ISP is an SVA for a provider that has more important differences .

The first major difference is exclusive: Lumiun ISP is a completely White Label solution .

In other words, from the control panel, it is completely customizable . It can be customized with the logo, colors, images and information to be perceived by subscribers as a resource of the provider itself.

The second difference is the possibility of integrating the service with the provider's ERP , without the need to carry out new registrations or migration of information.

Thus, the implementation process becomes simple, agile and uncomplicated. Which certainly makes subscribers use the SVA for Lumiun ISP provider even more.

Furthermore, unlike other SVAs, Lumiun ISP solution has no setup fees for deployment and configuration.

The third big difference is the DNS with very low latency. DNS filtering optimization ensures very low latency. As a result, it provides subscribers with an excellent experience when using the internet .

But, after all, what is an SVA for a provider?

You probably already understand that Lumiun ISP is an SVA for a provider that generates benefits for its customers and competitive advantages .

When an internet or telephone service is contracted, a set of services is normally offered that entitles you to email accounts, data storage, browsing protection, unlimited social networks, among many others.

In short, these additional services are called Value Added Service (VAS) .

According to Anatel , SVA is any and all provision of auxiliary services to telecommunications activities. In turn, telecommunications companies include fixed telephony , fixed internet , telephony and mobile internet .

Lumiun ISP is an SVA for a provider that serves to generate differentiators and for different strategies in telecommunications companies and internet providers, as it does not “fit” as an SCM (Multimedia Communication Service) in the General Telecommunications Law ( No. 9,472/ 1997 ).

In this sense, Lumiun ISP is an experience that goes far beyond voice or internet service. In addition to enabling various differentiation strategies such as an SVA for providers, it provides the opportunity to create new service packages , special offers , churn reduction , among other differentiators.

Tax incidence on SVA for Lumiun ISP provider

One of the major factors driving demand for Lumiun ISP solution is due to the small tax burden on the SVA for the provider.

In fact, the difference between SVA and SCM is that SVA taxation for Lumiun ISP is governed only by the federal agency. That is, it does not respond to state tax rules. Therefore, there is no incidence of ICMS .

In other words, the amounts of taxes paid by the SVA to the Lumiun ISP are considerably lower than those paid by SCMs.

Undeniably, the SVA for Lumiun ISP ISP is a way to reduce the tax burden and increase the profitability of internet providers.

What is the difference between SVA and SCM?

Certainly, the discussion about the difference between SVA (Value Added Service) and SCM (Multimedia Communication Service) is a reality among many internet provider managers .

Probably because, in 2017, the separation of services (SVA x SCM) caused an uproar. According to Anatel, the tax burden on services is different. However, at that time, it was still not possible to define exactly which services could be considered an SVA for a provider.

Currently, there is no longer that feeling of legal uncertainty. Now, Multimedia Communication Service (SCM) is understood as a set of activities that facilitate the provision of transmission , emission or reception of information .

In any case, only the SCM is regulated and supervised by Anatel and is subject to ICMS (Tax on the Circulation of Goods and Services), in accordance with the tax rules of each state.

On the other hand, SVA for Lumiun ISP , defined in article 61 of the LGT , is the activity that adds to a telecommunications service that supports it, new utilities related to access, storage, presentation, movement or retrieval of information .

So, Lumiun ISP is an SVA for a provider and not a telecommunications service. Therefore, it is considered an SCM support service .

Anyway, the big difference between the SVA for a Lumiun ISP and an SCM is that Lumiun ISP has a much lower tax burden than that of a Multimedia Communication Service. That's why it's so attractive and used by Internet Service Providers (ISP).

Lumiun ISP : an SVA for a provider that generates competitive advantage, differentiators and benefits for its customers

Lumiun ISP is an SVA (Value Added Service) that, undeniably, generates competitive advantage, differences and benefits for internet providers and their customers.

In conclusion, the SVA for Lumiun ISP provider is a solution and innovation that delivers high quality and great benefits. After all, it was developed to generate competitive advantages and strategic differences:

  • Tax optimization.
  • Innovation and competitive advantage.
  • Increased profitability.
  • Portfolio diversification.
  • Reduction of harmful traffic.
  • Less demand for support.

Main features of SVA for Lumiun ISP provider

  • Low latency DNS.
  • Integration with ERP.
  • White Label (fully customizable).
  • Responsive Control Panel.
  • Dedicated server or provider VM.
  • DNSSEC support.
  • IPv6 support.

Talk to a consultant and request a demonstration.

Soon, we will make new articles available about the SVA for the Lumiun ISP provider and on subjects and topics of the highest interest to internet providers and their managers. Such as:

  • Why do providers look for SVAs?
  • What are the benefits of having an SVA?
  • How to choose a tax audit for SVA
  • Billing strategy with SVA packages
  • Useful SVAs tips for internet service providers (ISP)
  • The importance of tax planning for providers (ISP)
  • Marketing tips for internet providers

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