hybrid work

Learn how to make hybrid work safe and productive

Since the Covid-19 virus took hold around the world, companies have decided that the best method for work is hybrid work, that is, work within one's own home. After more than a year of the pandemic, owners began to realize that many employees can work the required hours from home. However, for the method to work, it is necessary to maintain safety and productivity in hybrid work.

However, for home office employees to be productive and safe, it is extremely important that daily goals are set, an organized location and that personal information and confidential company files are not exposed on the internet. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the importance of these two points, as this way the service will be more productive and data security will be guaranteed.  

How to offer structure and provide working conditions in the home office

Regardless of the employee who will carry out the work from home, large companies must provide the entire structure, from equipment to remote teaching on how to protect information.

See the following lines for some tips for offering working conditions that provide sufficient productivity for employees working from home.

Focus on work to make the day more productive

Of course, working from home has its positives and negatives. One of the positive points is that employees will be able to work from the comfort of their home and not worry about commuting. On the other hand, it is possible that in some cases, employees may lose focus or time with distractions, such as conversations with friends on cell phone applications, television, music, family or even external noise. Furthermore, internet speed can also have an impact, if it is slow, it is possible for systems and access to crash and harm employee productivity.

How to ensure security with company data in hybrid work

Since working from home became essential, cyber attacks have become more common. Mainly due to the use of more terminals than normal, so the work had an increase in devices, be they cell phones, desktops, notebooks and tablets.

According to Exame , companies had to combat phishing viruses sent via email five times more often. This number symbolizes 600% more than normal.

As a result, servers need to be aware that, with remote work, devices have become more vulnerable. This makes it easier for “hackers” to break into a device connected to the business terminal.

Furthermore, according to the magazine, the ease of the attack is greater, given that 90% of violations are caused by human error.

What is Phishing?

Phishing private data, such as the username, password and even access to the banking application. This method is used, most of the time, to hide the identity of the responsible user and gain access to the device.

Beware of Phishing attacks

In the world of technology, it is possible to suffer thousands of powerful attacks. Those who have suffered most in recent years are companies. In 2017, for example, a virtual attack occurred in which more than 300,000 computers were infected in 150 countries. Two giant companies suffered attacks, including Telefônica, from Spain, and Petrobras. At the time, not even the hospitals in the English health system were free from hackers.

And, unfortunately, you don't need much to suffer this type of attack. Because viruses are sent by criminals via SMS to the potential victim's cell phone. In most cases, these attackers pose as companies or people nearby.

When contacting you, these hackers send messages with links, application downloads and even personal data. Therefore, the focus is one: Having all the victim's information to obtain several advantages, mainly access to the bank account to be able to have possession of the available amount.

However, hackers know that to achieve the attack they need to look for lay users, who do not have as much knowledge in the area. Because, if they attack knowledgeable and experienced people in the area, such as computer technicians, for example, the invasion will hardly be successful.

Brazil is the 2nd country that suffered most from the new wave of Hackers

According to information from Netscout, a provider of application and network performance management products, Brazil, in 2021, is the second country in the world that has suffered most from cyber attacks .

In recent months, Cyrela (Cyre3), a renowned property construction company in the state of São Paulo, suffered a powerful ransomware – an extortion software that can lock a computer and then demand a ransom to unlock it – which affected 439,000 devices Throughout the national territory.

How to be safe on the internet?

For the work device to be safe and with minimal risk of invasion, certain criteria must be followed. This way, hackers will have more difficulty accessing company files.

See below, five tips so that devices do not become vulnerable in the business environment.

Establish connection limits

To keep the machine safe from intruders , it is important that it is used exclusively for work. Contrary to this, if the device is being used for leisure or research purposes, such as social media, videos, among others, internet security may be at risk.

Another important point is that if an online meeting is taking place or confidential files are being checked, the user needs to check that no one else has access.


Performing a backup is very important, especially in networks that are vulnerable to possible attacks.

It is completely relevant to choose the option to save all data and choose to always update systems and software, as updates usually receive security improvements.

Also, back up in more than one important place. In some cases it may be that one of the devices on which the file is stored fails or becomes corrupted, so with this second backup base no data will be lost.

Business VPN

Another form of online protection during remote access is the use of VPNs (Virtual Private Network, in English). This technology aims to protect connections with two or more devices connected to the same network. This way, this connection is secure and encrypted.

With the VPN, it is possible to access the computer, even from another location, providing remote access to company data for employees working from home.

Access is via authentication, facilitating access control and also serving as a form of protection.

How to use Business VPN in 5 steps

Using the VPN through the company's connection is very simple. To do this, just follow five easy steps to activate the encrypted technology.

The first step is to hire a protection tool from a preferred company. After this, the contracting equipment will be sent to the company so that the installation can be carried out and the VPN can be active and protect the entire network.

In short, installing and starting use is very simple, in fact, it is so easy that you do not need to have technical knowledge to activate it. Of course, most large companies have a support team, but if they don't, just follow these steps and the installation will be completed.

When installing, the corporate VPN must be active in the control panel of the previously contracted tool, informing who is authorized to access the information through the VPN.

You will then need to download the VPN software, so the installation of the tool must be included on all devices that will be used in a home office or in any other location outside the business environment.

Generally, to connect, the user must enter the login and password registered at the time of installation. Once that's done, that's it! With a business VPN, protection is guaranteed.


Aiming to protect the internal perimeter of the company's network from possible threats, the firewall selects the data packets that will be received and sent. Thus, he will check whether the circulation of information will be accepted.

In addition to blocking attacks, the firewall aims to control access and monitor the connection between the computer and the internet. It is essential for companies, as it guarantees control to optimize results and safety.

In conclusion, it also blocks any movement of dangerous attacks. Thus, he prohibits any manifestation of the virus, so that it does not spread. The firewall can be configured according to the user's wishes, offering more security on the internet.

Which Business VPN to use?

Of course, regardless of the company that already uses a VPN, it has a preference for a certain tool. Still, in most cases of smaller companies, the network does not even have this protection.

Therefore, one of the best tools that guarantee protection is Lumiun's Business VPN . Ideal for bringing together employees who are outside the company's office, unifying all these devices connected to the network and ensuring greater security and productivity.

Finally, we can conclude that creating goals, formulating a monthly plan, carrying out backups, always updating systems and having a VPN connection on the company's networks is essential for employees to have increased productivity and more security for the company's data.

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