Internet speed ranking places Brazil below 70th position

The company Speedtest , known for its internet speed assessment service for computers and mobile devices, maintains the world ranking of fixed and mobile internet speeds, called Speedtest Global Index .

Updated monthly, the ranking evaluates billions of network speed tests carried out by users around the world, both on computers and smartphones.

Internet in Brazil

The results for Brazil are disappointing, which is already expected due to the lack of infrastructure and the lack of incentive from governments and institutions to improve the internet across the country.

Considering the July 2017 ranking, for fixed internet Brazil occupies 72nd place, with an average download of 16.42 MBs , behind countries such as Puerto Rico (46), Uruguay (58), Mongolia (59) and Armenia (68 ). On the fixed internet the result is even worse, where we occupy 76th place, with an average download of 14.91 MBs , behind Ecuador (64), Peru (71) and Iran (74).

Average fixed and mobile internet speed in Brazil (July 2017).

Mobile Internet

The countries with the best mobile internet connection are: Norway with an average download speed of 52.49 MBs, the Netherlands with 46.94 MBs and Hungary with 46.24 MBs.

Ranking of countries with the best mobile internet speed (July 2017)

Fixed Internet

For fixed internet, other countries stand out, firstly Singapore with an average connection speed of 154.38 MBs, secondly South Korea with 125.69 MBs and thirdly Hong Kong with 117.21 MBs.

Ranking of countries with the best fixed internet speed (July 2017)


As the ranking data shows, unfortunately we still have a long way to go in terms of internet quality in Brazil. First investing in better communications infrastructure and networks and then in incentives for companies and providers to invest in offering better connectivity services for companies and homes.

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