internet safety week

Internet Security Week – Edition No. 75

In edition no. 75 of Internet Security Week , a fake public servant website is reported, a new data leak involving 227 million Brazilians, the cost of data leaks for companies rises and much more.


These are the big dangers for company cloud security in 2021

At a time when the corporate use of cloud applications is growing — much of it encouraged by the great transition to working from home that began in 2020 — the associated risks are also increasing.

By Felipe Gugelmin on Canaltech

Hackers discover 'exotic' languages ​​to create malware

According to security researchers, malware developers are using languages ​​that can avoid detection by protection tools.

In CISO Advisor

Another fake website that collects data from public servants is reported

The Ministry of Economy requested the suspension of yet another false website, registered abroad, which is stealing data from public servants of the Federal Government. This is the second time that the agency has requested the suspension of a fake website for these purposes.

By Guilherme Petry in The Hack

New leaks: 13 thousand photos of ID, CPF and personal data of 227 million Brazilians

Due to the latest leaks, now that information about Brazilians is abundantly available on the surface, deep and dark web, criminals are now targeting what is missing for committing fraud: photos of documents and signatures.

In Syhunt

Cyber ​​attacks could provoke 'real war', warns Biden

Cyberattacks against US companies, government agencies and infrastructure, allegedly sponsored by foreign nations, could lead to “real war” if they continue to happen. The warning was given by American President Joe Biden this Tuesday (27).

By André Luiz Dias Gonçalves in Tecmundo

One in ten cybersecurity incidents in companies is serious

According to a Kaspersky survey, sophisticated attacks are common and affected almost 30% of companies.

On Kaspersky Blog

4 symptoms that your company needs to establish an internet access policy

Throughout the text, you will see some signs that your company needs to define an internet usage policy in the workplace.

By Kelvin Zimmer on Lumiun Blog

Babuk ransomware suffers ransomware attack, does not pay and has forum flooded with GIFs of gay orgies

The forum of the cybercriminal group Babuk, responsible for the ransomware of the same name that infected the Washington Police Department in April this year, as well as many other companies, was flooded with GIFs of gay orgies.

By Guilherme Petry in The Hack

Time to fix faults increases from 194 to 246 days

The remediation rate for severe vulnerabilities is declining, while the average time to fix is ​​increasing.

In CISO Advisor

Data leaks have never cost companies so much

Leaks of internal information, customer information or industrial secrets cost, on average, US$4.24 million for affected companies.

By Felipe Demartini on Canaltech


Internet of Things and Information Security today

  • September 1, 2021, 7pm – 8pm
  • Online event via Youtube
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