internet safety week

Internet Security Week – Edition No. 74

In edition no. 74 of Internet Security Week , hacker steals LinkedIn data for fun, new loopholes discovered in Windows and Linux, malware spreads in paid ads and much more.


Hackers: 'I stole the data of 700 million LinkedIn users for fun'

Hacker compiled a database of 700 million LinkedIn users around the world and sells it for around US$5,000.

By Joe Tidy in BBC News

New loopholes discovered that allow you to control Windows and Linux

The last few days have not been very positive for users of Linux and Windows operating systems, thanks to the discovery of new security holes that could expose confidential data.

By Felipe Gugelmin on Canaltech

FBI warns about cyberattacks on Olympic Games

The FBI is not currently aware of any specific cyber threats against these Olympics, but encourages partners to remain vigilant and maintain best practices in their networks and digital environments.

By Sergiu Gatlan Bleepingcomputer

Pegasus: Snowden calls for global spyware ban

The former spy for the US National Security Agency (NSA) warns that, if the ban on trade in spy programs does not happen, no cell phone will be protected against state-sponsored hackers.

By Aléxis Cerqueira Góis in Tecmundo

11 internet security tips for small and medium-sized businesses

In the article, we list 11 practical prevention measures to keep your company protected from the risks of attacks and information security incidents.

By Kelvin Zimmer on Lumiun Blog

Mespinoza ransomware has already leaked data from at least 7 large Brazilian companies

The Mespinoza, or PYSA, ransomware, discovered in early 2020, has already stolen and encrypted data from more than 2,124 machines, according to data from ID Ransomware. Of these victims, at least 7 are large Brazilian companies, which had their data published on the group's page, on the dark web.

By Guilherme Petry in The Hack

Malware uses 90,000 domains to attack Windows and MacOS

Of these 90,000 domains, approximately 88,000 belong to legitimate sites to which the malware sends malicious traffic to trick researchers.

In CISO Advisor

Cruzeiro: official website is invaded by hackers

Criminals left “hail” and messages about internet security for almost the entire morning and then the site was down.

In Itatiaia

Cybersecurity: why is it still an underestimated challenge for companies?

Every year, experts warn that it's time to take cybersecurity more seriously. Most of the time, organizations heed these warnings. Despite the increasing focus, many companies are still underestimating the size of the challenge.

By Emily Heath in Correio Braziliense

Malware that steals Windows passwords spreads through paid search engine ads

Discovered by the security company BitDefender, the threat is capable of stealing Windows passwords, installing cryptocurrency miners (cryptojacking) and opening the door for Trojans and other threats to enter a machine.

By Felipe Gugelmin on Canaltech


Data security in companies

  • August 7, 2021, 9am – 11am
  • Online event via Youtube
  • Free


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