internet safety week

Internet Security Week – Edition No. 71

In edition no. 71 of Internet Security Week, Linkedin records for sale on the dark web, new internet frauds are on the rise, a company condemned for leaking customer data and much more.


General public knowledge about cyberattacks is still low, survey confirms

According to a survey conducted by the security company Armys among 2,000 professionals in the United States, a considerable number of them still do not have much knowledge about the risks and consequences that virtual attacks can bring.

By Felipe Gugelmin on Canaltech

Microsoft approved a Windows driver blocked with rootkit malware

Microsoft admitted on Friday that it signed malicious third-party driver code submitted for certification through its Windows Hardware Compatibility Program.

By Thomas Claburn in The Register

700 million “Linkedin” records for sale on the dark web

A user of a forum frequented by cybercriminals is advertising for sale a file containing 700 million people's records, which he says belong to Linkedin.

By Paulo Brito in CISO Advisor

During the pandemic, new frauds are growing on the internet and affecting Brazilians

Let's face it: no one was prepared for what 2020 brought us. The new coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) pandemic, in addition to changing the lives of millions of people around the world, also caused a series of structural and cultural changes in society.

By Ramon de Souza in The Hack

Company is found guilty of leaking customer data after online sales

The leakage of consumer data on a website intended for online shopping, even for a short period, reveals a “security failure” and generates compensable moral damage. The conclusion is from the 26th Chamber of Private Law of the São Paulo Court of Justice (TJ-SP), which ordered the company Sodimac to compensate a client with R$2,000. The panel applied the General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD) – Law No. 13,709/2018 to the case.

By Eduardo Velozo Fuccia in Vade News

How the pandemic is dramatically changing cybersecurity in companies

Cybersecurity efforts need to be updated to prevent a second crisis from emerging: on organizations' vital digital devices and networks.

By Carlos Rodrigues in Administrators

How to identify and prevent receiving spam

Unlike what most internet users believe, there are different types of spam strategies, and even though it is a term considered “old”, it is still widely used by digital criminals in an attempt to extort, steal, damage or hijack information and devices. , mainly from companies and professionals.

By Kelvin Zimmer on Lumiun Blog

REvil threatens to publish 450 GB of Grupo Fleury data

The operators of the REvil (or Sodinokibi) ransomware published Friday (25), at 1 pm on their dark web leak site, six images that they claim were downloaded when they gained access to the Grupo Fleury diagnostic medicine network. The images are of two personal documents, two exam requests and two invoices. However, cybercriminals claim they have 450 GB of data in their possession, stolen from company servers.

In CISO Advisor

Number of scams with fake company emails almost doubles between April and May

One of the easiest ways to protect yourself on the internet is to be aware of receiving emails with suspicious addresses and report them as soon as they reach your inbox. However, this has not stopped the growth of scams based on fake messages, which are now able to disguise themselves with legitimate addresses and the visual identity and language used by well-known companies.

By Felipe Gugelmin on Canaltech

For the first time in history, G7 cites cybercrime as a global threat

Between June 11th and 13th, the leaders of seven countries considered the greatest powers in the world — Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States — met in Cornwall (England) for the 47th summit meeting of the G7.

By Ramon de Souza in The Hack

UK Government spending on cyber security training increases by 500% in one year

The Cabinet Office spent almost €300,000 on cyber security-related training for its staff last year – a staggering increase of almost 500% on the previous year.

By Tim Richardson in The Register



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