internet safety week

Internet Security Week – Edition No. 68

In edition no. 68 of Internet Security Week JBS pays ransom of $11 million, biggest password leak of all time, BH city hall is hacked and much more.


JBS paid ransom of 11 million dollars

JBS, the world's largest beef producer, confirmed it paid an $11 million ransom after the REvil ransomware operation initially demanded $22.5 million.

By Lawrence Abrams in Bleeping Computer

High volume of cyber attacks has led teams to emotional overload

With cyber attacks becoming more frequent, information security professionals have become emotionally overwhelmed. This is what a Trend Micro study shows.

By Roseli Andrion on FreeGameGuide

Federal Police arrest suspects of hacker attack on the STF system

In total, there are three temporary arrest warrants and five search and seizure warrants in the cities of Itumbiara (GO), Bragança Paulista (SP), Belém do São Francisco (PE), Jaboatão dos Guararapes (PE) and Olinda (PE). Two arrests have already been made, according to the PF.

In Gazeta do Povo

Biggest password leak of all time contains more than 8.4 billion pieces of data

A user on a hacker forum posted a 100 GB TXT file that contains 8.4 billion passwords, which were combined from old leaks and breaches.

By Edvardas Mikalauskas in Cybernews

Cybercriminal is ordered to return R$648,000 stolen from two different victims

Cybercriminal arrested by the Civil Police of the Federal District, is ordered to return R$648 thousand, which were stolen from two different Banco do Brasil accounts, in addition to having to serve 5 years and 6 months in prison.

By Guilherme Petry in The Hack

BH city hall inspection system is hacked

The Digital Inspection System (SIF) of Belo Horizonte City Hall was hacked in the early afternoon of this Wednesday, 9th. Upon entering the system, the servers found a message that directly attacks Mayor Alexandre Kalil (PSD) because of the restrictions imposed on commerce during the pandemic.

In CISO Advisor

Employees fear being blamed for company data breaches

Workers in small and medium-sized organizations, especially, do not consider themselves attractive targets for digital criminals, do not understand the full extent of cyber threats and are unlikely to report incidents for fear of being blamed.

By Kelvin Zimmer on Lumiun Blog

Audi and Volkswagen data breach affects 3.3 million customers

According to data breach notifications filed with the California and Maine Attorney General's offices, VWGoA disclosed that a vendor left unsecured data exposed on the internet between August 2019 and May 2021.

By Lawrence Abrams in Bleeping Computer

Old malware returns in new version to steal logins and passwords

Agent Tesla is now part of a new campaign that uses contaminated Excel spreadsheets to install itself on victims' computers, being able to steal passwords saved in the browser, access credentials to corporate systems and even cryptocurrency wallets, whose funds are returned to criminals.

By Felipe Demartini on Canaltech


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