internet safety week

Internet Security Week – Edition No. 67

In edition no. 67 of Internet Security Week, JBS suffers cyber attack, new malware campaign, Florida hospitals return to using pen and paper and much more.


Florida hospitals return to pen and paper after cyber attack

UF Health Central Florida suffered a ransomware attack that forced two hospitals to shut down parts of their IT network and return to using pen and paper for their processes and records.

By Lawrence Abrams in Bleeping Computer

Irish healthcare system: €100 million loss

It's an initial forecast, but it could increase, says head of the UK's Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

In CISO Advisor

JBS, the world's largest meat processor paralyzed by cyber attack

JBS Australia CEO Brent Eastwood confirmed the cyber attack and the immediate impact on the company's Australian operations at Beef Central this morning. He was unable to say how long the Australian shutdown might last.

By Jon Condon on BEEF Central

Company that sells ransomware backup systems pays ransom to restore systems

A specialist in backup solutions was hit by Conti ransomware, where cyber criminals were said to be downloading employee and customer data, confidential contracts and source code.

By Valéry Marchive in Computer Weekly

Reopening offices is the focus of new malware campaign

In the same way that criminals have widely used the pandemic as bait for attacks, the end of restrictions and the return of employees to offices has also become a vector.

By Felipe Demartini on Canaltech

Cybercriminals are sending unsubscribe emails that validate addresses for more spam and phishing

Cybercriminals are sending fake emails confirming the “unsubscription” of an email advertising service as a way of validating addresses and emails for future phishing and spam campaigns.

By Guilherme Petry in The Hack

Massachusetts' Largest Ferry Service Hit by Ransomware Attack

The Steamship Authority, Massachusetts' largest ferry service, was hit by a ransomware attack that led to disruptions in ticketing and reservations.

By Sergiu Gatlan in Bleeping Computer

Number of 'broken' records rises 224% per year

The volume of records reported as compromised in January of this year alone was higher than in all of 2017.

In CISO Advisor

57% of Brazilian companies are frequent targets of attacks and digital fraud

A survey carried out in partnership between Mastercard and the Datafolha Institute shows that 57% of Brazilian companies are targets of attacks and digital fraud with medium and high frequency.

By Felipe Gugelmin on Canaltech


Data Protection on the Internet

  • June 9, 2021, 11am – 1pm
  • Videoconferencing via Sympla Streaming
  • Free

LGPD and cybersecurity webinar

  • June 7, 2021, 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
  • Online event via Youtube
  • Free

Seminar “Personal Data Protection and COVID-19: diagnoses and perspectives”

  • June 8, 2021, 7pm – 9pm
  • Online event via Youtube
  • Free


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