internet safety week

Internet Security Week – Edition No. 66

In edition no. 66 of Internet Security Week, banking trojans, old scams on current systems, Stalkerware for Android and much more.


Beware of FluBot: an Android banking trojan that could be on the way

FluBot is a dangerous banking trojan that has affected several Android users in Spain and other European countries and may reach Latin America and the United States.

By Tony Anscombe in We Live Security

Only 41% of Brazilian companies have established security policies

The situation is especially serious among companies that have 10 to 49 employees, which in only 37% of cases have policies of this type — the larger the company, the greater the chances of them existing.

By Felipe Gugelmin on Canaltech

Old-fashioned scams in a current system

Researchers discuss cybercriminals' new tactic of downloading outdated binaries onto modern-day computers and exploiting their vulnerabilities.

By Nikolay Pankov on Kaspersky Daily

Russia admits having suffered a hacker attack on its federal agencies

Foreign hackers compromised Russian federal agencies in a digital espionage campaign that Russian authorities described as “unprecedented” in scope and sophistication.

In Reuters

Control and operation systems are easy targets for hackers

Attackers do not seem interested in causing specific physical results, but rather target whatever is available on the Internet.

In CISO Advisor

Headphone and sound equipment manufacturer is infected by ransomware

The American manufacturer of sound equipment, speakers and headphones, Bose, revealed that data was stolen after a ransomware attack, which hit the company in early March this year.

By Guilherme Petry in The Hack

Is blocking company websites still important in 2021?

The search for tools to block websites in the company has grown, along with the need for protection against cyber attacks and also improvements in the productivity of work teams.

By Kelvin Zimmer on Lumiun Blog

Stalkerware for Android: an increasingly dangerous threat that exposes spies themselves

The ESET Research team reveals that many Android stalkerware apps are riddled with vulnerabilities that further endanger victims and expose the privacy and security of the spies themselves.

By Lukas Stefanko in We Live Security

Ordinary users are the entry point for malware to reach companies

Although most malware targets the corporate world as its main target, criminals do not always organize their attacks by targeting companies directly.

By Felipe Gugelmin on Canaltech

1500 compromised national systems are for sale on the Dark Web

The cost of access to systems charged by cybercriminals varies from US$4 to US$40, depending on the profile of the servers.

In CryptoID


Cybersecurity: data protection and privacy in business operations

  • June 9, 2021, 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
  • Online event via Youtube
  • Free


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