internet safety week

Internet Security Week – Edition No. 42

In edition 42 of Internet Security Week , security breach on the Caixa website, cyber scams at the end of the year, global cost of cybercrime in 2020 and much more.


Wave of attacks threatens reputation of the Brazilian State: review the cases

The Brazilian population saw the State and the institutions under its administration suffer at least four security incidents during the month of November.

By Guilherme M. Petry in The Hack

Security breach on the Caixa website allowed access to internal documents

A security breach on Caixa's website could deliver exactly what is needed for hackers to carry out phishing and social engineering attacks against employees and partner companies of the institution.

By Felipe Demartini on Canaltech

End of year requires care against cyber scams

The festive period draws the attention of fraudsters, who use this type of period to carry out scams against internet users.

In Diário do Nordeste

10 Netskope information security predictions for 2021

The company gathered predictions from a team of security experts to help CISOs have some predictability.

By João Monteiro in IP News

Cyberattack on Pfizer and BioNTech violates Covid-19 vaccine documents

A cyber attack targeting Pfizer and BioNTech gave a hacker group illegal access to documents on the vaccine the companies are developing against Covid-19.

By Rafael Arbulu in Olhar Digital

Hackers x Companies: What are the most common cyber attacks?

In this article, you will see why companies are recurring targets of cyber attacks, and which attacks are most common.

By Kelvin Zimmer on Lumiun Blog

Cybersecurity company linked to the US government suffers hacker attack

FireEye, one of the world's leading cybersecurity companies with several contracts with the United States government, is the latest victim of a large-scale hacker attack.

By Felipe Demartini on Canaltech

Travel agency data leaks during hackathon

Passports, credit card numbers, usernames and passwords of the Australian company's customers were accidentally left in a data set that was provided to event attendees.

By Ry Crozier in Itnews

If you are hacked once, you will probably be attacked again within a year

Companies may think that if they are targeted by cybercriminals once, it won't happen again, but incident analysis shows that more often than not, attackers come back for more.

By Danny Palmer on ZD Net

Global cost of cybercrime approaches $1 trillion in 2020

In the report “The Hidden Costs of Cybercrime”, available online by the security company McAfee, monetary losses from hacker attacks have grown 80% since 2018 and have more than tripled in the last seven years.


Opportunistic ransomware has already attacked more than 83 thousand MySQL servers

Malware exploits weak login credentials and uses double extortion tactics to pressure victims into paying ransom.

At Ciso Advisor

Brazil is champion of spam and telephone fraud for the third time in a row

Brazil is once again considered the country with the highest number of fraudulent calls and telephone spam in the world.

By Guilherme M. Petry in The Hack


VLSM: Network Security Training – Good Operational Practices

  • December 2, 2020, 1:45 pm – December 31, 2020, 1:30 pm
  • Online event via YouTube

Cybersecurity in remote work | How communities help the ecosystem

  • December 16, 2020, 7pm – 8pm
  • Online event via YouTube

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