internet safety week

Internet Security Week – Edition No. 157

In edition no. 157 of Internet Security Week , Brazil is one of the hardest hit by technical support fraud, GoDaddy has been under attack for three years, the financial sector is the main target of DDoS and much more.


Brazil is one of the hardest hit by technical support fraud and adware

Brazil appears to be among the countries most affected by two of the main types of cyber attacks recorded in the last quarter of 2022. Our country is second in the flow of fake technical support scams, in addition to sharing the top ranking with India in volume of contamination by viruses that display fraudulent advertisements.

By Felipe Demartini on Canaltech

A malicious (and fake) ChatGPT client for Windows

Cybercriminals are distributing a Trojan posing as a ChatGPT desktop client for Windows. We bring you the details and ways to protect yourself.

By Daria Ivanova in Kaspersky Daily

Hyundai fixes vulnerability that allows car theft with USB cable

Automakers Hyundai and Kia released a security update after a challenge on TikTok showed how to bypass the security system of several vehicle models using a USB cable.

By Juan Manuel Harán in We Live Security

More than 700 malicious open source packages discovered

Security researchers have discovered a considerable volume of malicious packages in the open source registries npm (Node Package Manager) and PyPI (Python Package Index), which can cause problems if unintentionally downloaded by developers.

In CISO Advisor

GoDaddy has been under attack for three years

In short, the concern of web hosting and domain name company GoDaddy is greater than expected. In a statement, the company disclosed a new attack on its infrastructure and concluded that it is one of a series of incidents since 2020.

By Brandon Vigliarolo in The Register

Financial sector is the main target of DDoS attacks

Attacks grow 150% in 2022 and are expected to increase even more this year both in volume and complexity, diversification of vectors, duration and frequency.

By Daniel Suzumura in Jornal Dia Dia

Correios reveals exposure of CPFs and telephone numbers of registered users

Users registered in Correios systems were informed this Sunday (19) about an exposure of data on the company's platforms. According to the official statement, CPFs and telephone numbers may have been compromised after improper access that reached around 5% of the user base of digital services.

By Felipe Demartini on Canaltech

Time taken to deploy ransomware drops from 60 to 4 days

Threat operators have significantly accelerated the deployment of ransomware in recent years, reducing the time spent on an attack from more than 60 days on average in 2019 to less than four days in 2021, according to an IBM report.

In CISO Advisor

Can ChatGPT be used to write malware?

As surprising as ChatGPT and its responses are, can we expect this chatbot to be used to create sophisticated malware?

By Cameron Camp in We Live Security


Cybersecurity study track in 2023 – YouTube – Daniel Donda

  • 📖 Study track
  • 👨‍💻Careers in the field of cybersecurity
  • 💻Frameworks and best practices
  • 📚 Recommended books to start
  • 📚 Books for research and understanding
  • 🇺🇸 English is required
  • 🎓Certifications
  • 📣Soft skills
  • 🗺 Events in Brazil
  • 🇺🇸 Trainings
  • 🎥 Channels on Youtube Brazil
  • 🎥 Channels on Youtube US
  • 💎Awesome Github – Repositories for cybersecurity
  • Free

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