internet safety week

Internet Security Week – Edition No. 152

In edition nº 152 of Internet Security Week , IT planning kit, new attack hidden in SVG files, trojan that steals banking credentials very active in Brazil and much more.


New 'Blank Image' Attack Hides Phishing Scripts in SVG Files

An unusual phishing technique was observed early on, hiding empty SVG files inside HTML attachments.

By Bill Toulas in Bleeping Computer

Trojan that steals banking credentials is very active in Brazil

Qbot overtook Emotet as the most prevalent malware in December, both in the world and in Brazil, with an impact of 16.58%, according to Check Point Research's Global Threat Index.

In CISO Advisor

How to Fight Spam: A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses

Coming in the form of unmissable promotions, miracle medicines, crazy ways to make money and thousands of other misleading promises, spam can arrive in different ways and with different temptations. You've certainly already received content like this.

By Kelvin Zimmer on Lumiun Blog

80% of companies find their recovery measures after attacks insufficient

Four out of every five Brazilian organizations consider their recovery measures after a cyber incident to be insufficient given the expectations of managers and administrators regarding this.

By Felipe Demartini on Canaltech

New Year's Resolutions for a Safe 2023

We here at Kaspersky really hope that 2023 will be calmer, better – and we want to do our part to make that happen. But you can also make yours!

By Stan Kaminsky on Kaspersky Daily

6 Useful Tools for Android Malware Analysis

Although analyzing apps on Android is almost always a complex activity, this time we have put together new tools that can help with malware analysis tasks.

By Sol González in We Live Security

Ransomware hacks Microsoft Exchange servers

Microsoft says Cuban ransomware operators are hacking Exchange servers over a critical server-side request forgery vulnerability.

In CISO Advisor

MailChimp discloses new breach after employees are hacked

Email marketing company MailChimp suffered another breach after hackers accessed an internal customer support and account administration tool, allowing threat actors to access the data of 133 customers.

By Lawrence Abrams in Bleeping Computer

Criminals can use GitHub service to distribute malware

Digital security researchers at Trend Micro demonstrated how a GitHub software development container system can be used as a malware distribution platform.

By Felipe Demartini on Canaltech

How scammers steal cryptocurrencies from Twitter users

How to know if you're facing a scam: We've identified all the red flags in a recent scam that used a fake cryptocurrency transaction.

By John Snow on Kaspersky Daily


[Kit] IT Planning for Companies in 2023

  • Technology is a determining factor in the success of business in any segment. There are practically no companies that do not need any technology system in their daily lives. Therefore, IT planning contributes to improvements at various points in the company's processes.
  • In the Kit you will find materials, guides, ebooks, documents and tests.
  • Free.

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