internet security

Internet Security Week – Edition No. 112

In edition #112 of Internet Security Week , ransomware attacks are prioritizing small and medium-sized businesses, 7 government agencies that have already been attacked by hackers, what to do if you suffer a third-party vendor breach and much more.


Ransomware attacks are prioritizing small and medium-sized companies, study indicates

Security firm OpenText has released the BrightCloud 2022 Threat Report, a survey that brings key data and trends that affected small and large companies around the world during 2021, as well as people in the new hybrid and interconnected world — causing threats as ransomware and phishing begin to affect more smaller companies.

By Dácio Castelo Branco on Canaltech

Report points to record zero days in 2021

The latest 2021 Internet Security Report published by WatchGuard brings a warning to network and security managers: the volume of detections in the October/December quarter was the highest in the last three years, with a total that exceeded the total by 39%. previous quarter. Advanced threats increased by 33%, indicating the highest level of zero-day threats on record.

In CISO Advisor

Learn how to reduce losses and losses from data leaks without counting on luck

Today, we aim to demonstrate that, compared to large corporations, small and medium-sized companies have a lot to lose from security incidents. Mainly when data leaks occur.

By Kelvin Zimmer on Lumiun Blog

Where's the security? 7 government agencies that have already been attacked by hackers

Brazilian public bodies at various levels, from municipal to federal, have suffered hardship at the hands of cybercriminals in recent years. The most recent case is the TRF-3 (Federal Regional Court of the 3rd Region), which suffered a hacker attack in the early hours of March 30th and only began testing on the 11th to resume its online services.

By Abinoan Santiago in Uol

What to do if you experience a third-party vendor breach

In today's interconnected business landscape, companies of all sizes outsource many of their operations. This also means giving third-party vendors access to some or all of your data, including application programming interface (API) keys, sensitive customer information, and other sensitive data.

By Carlos Rodrigues in TI Inside

What can we learn from 2021, a year marked by several cases of data leaks

In 2021, Brazil was the 6th country most affected by data leaks according to a survey by the company Surfshark, which operates in the area of ​​online privacy and security tools. In the business sphere it was no different. In the first half of 2021 alone, at least 69 Brazilian institutions were the target of data leak and kidnapping attacks, according to data from Apura Cyber ​​Intelligence.

By Luiz Ricardo de Castilho in Jornal Jurid

Cyberwar and ransomware are a concern for the public sector, but there is a way to protect yourself

In the news around the world we can see cyber attacks and data leaks happening quite frequently, with different targets and proportions. More recently, with the war between Russia and Ukraine, we have a new threat in vogue: that of a cyber war, which worries the public sector and governments around the world with the fear that the conflict will gain global dimensions.

By Bruno Assaf in Security Report

With 5% of the IT budget, cybersecurity challenges companies

In 2020 alone, 38% of Brazilian companies were attacked by ransomware and most of them do not know how to deal with the increasingly advanced actions in the security area. For experts, in addition to more investments, having solutions that protect both the operational and human capital of the business is essential.

In IP News

Spam campaign distributes password-stealing pest to corporate users

A spam campaign is being used to spread META malware across corporate networks, targeting passwords saved in browsers or that give access to cryptocurrency wallets. Mass spreading, however, does not have very bold characteristics, using the already technical technique with attached Excel documents, with criminals posing as business partners and asking for confirmation of financial transfers.

By Felipe Demartini on Canaltech

The response to a ransomware attack

We constantly see companies suffering some type of cyber attack, which often ends up keeping everyone who works in the field of privacy and protection in information technology up at night. A step-by-step guide can help improve the sleep of these professionals.

By Caíque Barqueta in CISO Advisor


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