Information Security Week – Edition Nº8

In this eighth edition of Information Security Week, Zoom's downgrade by Credit Suisse and new hiring to reinforce security, a wave of hiring of IT professionals, internet access control and more videos, material and events.


Privacy issues and invasions mark Zoom's downgrade by Credit Suisse

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, the company's shares jumped 135%, but privacy is a problem.

By Pablo Santana in InfoMoney

Zoom hires former Facebook security chief to strengthen privacy and security

Video conferencing service Zoom has hired former Facebook security chief Alex Stamos as a technical consultant and created an advisory board to improve the privacy and security of the fast-growing video conferencing app amid a global backlash.

In ComputerWorld

Covid-19 causes a wave of hiring of technology professionals; see trending positions

Companies are looking for executives to accelerate infrastructure projects, strengthen data security and expand technical support.

In G1

In times of quarantine, isolation is also a solution for sensitive data

Cybersecurity threats grow during a period of social distancing, but it is possible to adopt measures to reduce risks

By Mauricio Cataneo in ComputerWorld

Internet access control in companies: what to block and what to release?

Internet access control is a common practice in companies. How to define an internet usage policy? Follow the article!

By Cledison Eduardo Fritzen on Lumiun Blog


THREATS ON THE WEB – How not to fall into online traps while working from home

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IT: Information Security: Characteristics of the Trojan

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BDO Webinar Series – Home Office, information security and data protection

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The Year is 2020! Time to Modernize your Internet Presence

IX Regional Forum – Special Online Edition March 2020, São Paulo, SP


[TECH TALK] Internet, VPN and Security in the Home Office

  • April 23, 2020, 7pm-8pm
  • Online event

LGPD Training – Workshop on LGPD Adaptation Plan – Online

  • April 24, 2020, 9am-5pm
  • Online event

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