Information Security Week – Edition Nº3

In this third edition of Information Security Week , data management policy, risks of other viruses with the home office, 40% of Brazilian companies without cybersecurity policies, attacks aimed at mobile devices, failure of the “Galo na Veia” website, advantages of VPN for companies and manual for safe use on the internet.


Why is it so important to create a data management policy?

LGPD will not only impact the technology area of ​​companies. In an increasingly interconnected world, personal data is increasingly exposed.

By Maximiliano de Carvalho Jácomo in CIO

Home working brings the risk of other viruses to companies. Know how to protect yourself

Basic measures can be adopted by employees to strengthen the digital security of the company's systems.

By Allan Gavioli in InfoMoney

Around 40% of Brazilian companies do not have established cybersecurity policies

Research also reveals risks that companies and employees are exposed to by not adequately implementing protection measures against online scams.


How attacks targeting mobile devices work

Eset América Latina explains how threats work on smartphones and tablets, from the most common distribution methods to the mechanisms that are implemented to avoid detection.


'Galo na Veia' website fails and leaks data from system users

The tool, launched on Tuesday, March 10, presented flaws, which were reported by a fan, who even received support from Alexandre Kalil.

In land

Cyberattacks: race against time

This report shows that the pace and sophistication of cyber attacks is growing, while Brazilian companies are a priority target for hackers. The threatening scenario and proximity to the LGPD increase demands on suppliers, who also see business opportunities.

By Marcelo Gimenez Vieira on INFOR CHANNEL

Advantages of Virtual Private Network (VPN) for companies

In this article, you will learn what a virtual private network (VPN) is, how it works and the advantages and benefits of VPN for companies.

By Aléx de Oliveira on Lumiun Blog


Manual for safe use of the internet for professionals and companies – Version 2

The material covers the main ways of using the internet and how to protect yourself in each case. It also shows what types of connections exist and how to identify threats on the network.


Indispensable Concepts of Information Security

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Information Security for Competitions: Prof. Jósis Alves

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