information security

Information Security Week – Edition No. 36

In edition 36 of Information Security Week, tips for protecting your data, identifying WhatsApp cloning, legacy firewalls, busy IT and much more.


3 information security tips to protect your data

We have listed some valuable information security tips so that you can protect your data and preserve the integrity of employees and customers.

By Rafaela Ricardo in Privacy Tech

How to identify WhatsApp theft and cloning?

WhatsApp is the most used messenger in Brazil and, as a result, it has also become a common target for scams of all types. Between phishing attempts that involve sharing fraudulent links to contacts and using the application to spread fake news, cloning is perhaps the most dangerous form of attack, after all, it puts not only the victims' own data at risk, but also also money from close contacts.

By Felipe Demartini on Canal Tech

Companies eliminate legacy firewalls due to high costs and inability to prevent cyberattacks

According to the Ponemon Institute, companies believe that firewalls are ineffective in preventing attacks against applications, data centers and data in the cloud


Security awareness: do you really know how to protect yourself in the office?

With the exception of critical activities that need to be performed in person, remote work continues to be a standard for the majority of Brazilian professionals. Offices remain closed due to the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) pandemic and will likely remain so until a vaccine against COVID-19 is disseminated. But what then? What will really happen within the new normal?

By Ramon de Souza in The Hack

Busy IT: more team productivity with less effort

In this article, we will address the main difficulties faced by “lonely” IT professionals in companies and some ways to improve the productivity of both the team and IT itself in a simple and applicable way in almost all areas.

By Kelvin Zimmer on Lumiun Blog

Pix will not have dedicated security and BC will not be responsible for hacks

The Central Bank of Brazil will launch PIX in a few days and the big question is: is it safe?

By Neto Guaraci on Cointimes

Is banning the solution? Social networks pose cyber risks to companies

As noted, the list of brands most exploited by criminals to carry out phishing scams against end users is paradoxically inverse to the order of services whose access is usually blocked within the corporate environment.

By Ramon De Souza on Canal Tech



IGF 2020

Main international space for discussion on Internet governance From 11/06 to 11/17  

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