In 2015, '123456' remained the most used password on the Internet

Every year SplashData gathers a list of millions of passwords that were discovered and made public throughout the year, then groups and classifies all passwords with the aim of discovering the most popular and most used passwords on the internet. In 2015, more than 2 million passwords that were leaked online were classified. Once again, the passwords '123456' and 'password' were among the most used on the global internet, see the list of the 25 most used passwords in 2015:

  • 1. 123456 (unchanged)
  • 2. password (unchanged)
  • 3. 12345678 (+ 1)
  • 4. qwerty (+ 1)
  • 5. 12345 (- 2)
  • 6. 123456789 (unchanged)
  • 7. football (+ 3)
  • 8. 1234 (- 1)
  • 9. 1234567 (+ 2)
  • 10. baseball (- 2)
  • 11. welcome (not on the previous list)
  • 12. 1234567890 (not on the previous list)
  • 13. abc123 (+ 1)
  • 14. 111111 (+ 1)
  • 15. 1qaz2wsx (not on the previous list)
  • 16. dragon (- 7)
  • 17. master (+ 2)
  • 18. monkey (- 6)
  • 19. letmein (- 6)
  • 20. login (not in the previous list)
  • 21. princess (not on the previous list)
  • 22. qwertyuiop (not on the previous list)
  • 23. solo (not on the previous list)
  • 24. passw0rd (not on the previous list)
  • 25. starwars (not on the previous list)

See the list of the most used passwords in 2014 and 2013 .

Taking into account that the password is the first and main resource to prove the authenticity of a user in different systems on the network, we can see that Internet users still use passwords without responsibility and concern, given the many security problems that the internet offers. By following simple rules, it is possible to increase the security of passwords and ensure that they cannot be easily broken or discovered by hackers who could misuse this information.

See this article with tips on how to create strong passwords and prevent them from being discovered .

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