dns cyber threats

How to prevent cyber threats using the DNS layer?

Cyber ​​threats have gained increasing prominence in recent years mainly due to their ability to cause losses to companies. Because of these threats, a cybersecurity strategy using the DNS layer, for example, is one of the most important aspects within modern companies.

Cyberattacks are increasingly complex and efficient, and it is the responsibility of the IT sector to ensure the correct tools are in place to block these threats and avoid problems caused by cybercriminals. To help you better understand how dangerous these threats can be, here we have separated the main cybersecurity threats and the role of DNS filtering in the digital security of your business.

What is DNS filtering?

DNS Filter is a security tool based on the DNS domain name system. This system works as a digital address converter on the internet, that is: it transforms IP addresses into domain names. Thanks to this system, it is not necessary to memorize and type the IP address to access a website or web page.

The DNS filter works as an extra layer of security between users and the threats that permeate the internet, helping to block harmful websites and protecting the information stored by the organization. This filtering works based on pre-defined policies, helping the company to stay safe and block threats that can cause any type of damage to the business.

With increasingly sophisticated cyber threats, the DNS filtering system has proven to be an efficient and complete strategy for predictively avoiding malicious pages or those that could cause some type of problem for the business.

Want to learn more about how DNS works? Discover more here:

Today's main cyber threats

As we said previously, there are countless cyber threats surrounding the internet, each with different objectives and immeasurable losses. Blocking this type of threat is essential for companies that want to remain competitive in the market and ensure that stored data remains confidential.

With the emergence of the General Data Protection Law, relying on security tools has become part of a company's strategy. It is essential to adopt complete solutions that help keep users out of trouble and predictively block possible access considered dangerous to the business.

Below are the main cybersecurity threats that could cause problems for your company:

Phishing attack 

Phishing attacks are one of the oldest threats on the internet and still claim victims in a variety of ways. As a rule, this type of attack is usually carried out using fake emails disguised as legitimate companies and contacts.

Through these emails, cybercriminals are able to collect confidential data, access information or banking details to facilitate the application of other scams. It is very common that in phishing scams, the cybercriminal redirects the user to fake websites or encourages the download of malicious files, which can favor the second cyber threat on this list.

Virus and malware contamination

Malware is malicious software that can cause all types of damage to companies. Among the programs used by criminals we can mention those used to monitor behavior on the internet ( spyware ), compromise devices or programs aimed at stealing data.

Although antiviruses are essential tools to prevent this type of contamination, your strategy must include more specific security features that help block this type of application before it can cause problems on your device. In addition to leading to data loss, malware contamination can also cause unavailability and loss of profitability for your business.

Man in the middle attack

In the Man in the Middle attack , cybercriminals are able to intercept communications between two people or devices. The main objective of this strategy is to be able to collect confidential data or gain unauthorized access to corporate systems and devices.

This type of attack is widely used among cybercriminals who carry out corporate and industrial espionage. Blocking this type of interception is essential to keep data always protected and confidential.

Zero-day vulnerability

After the launch of applications and software, it is natural that some errors are discovered as users begin to use the tool , requiring a viable amount of time to discover and resolve the problem. In this case, cybercriminals seek to exploit vulnerabilities between the time between discovery and resolution of the problem in software or hardware.

Although this process can happen in a very short time, cybercriminals can still gain advantages by taking advantage of this momentary lack of preparation . To do this, these hackers monitor the release of tools and exploit them to take advantage of their possible zero-day vulnerabilities .

How DNS Filtering Can Prevent Cyber ​​Threats

As we saw above, a DNS Firewall can act predictively in your company's cybersecurity strategy. This way, DNS can mitigate threats even before they cause real problems for your organization.

Faced with a scenario where cyber threats are causing increasing problems for companies, having the ideal security tool is essential to keep your company active and competitive in the market . Although there are countless security tools available on the market, it is essential to find the one that best meets your business needs and can deliver all the functionality your company needs.

DNS filtering is a highly efficient tool that can deliver excellent benefits for your organization. Adopting a complete solution can add even more protection to your company's networks and devices, avoiding the main problems arising from cyber attacks.


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