employees’ online behavior

How to monitor what employees are accessing on the internet

No matter how better and more prepared your team is, managers know that a large part of the time available to carry out activities relevant to the company is wasted with undue access to the internet. Many employees end up losing productivity when accessing content that is irrelevant to the business , such as social networks, personal emails, e-commerce sites, sports websites, and even pornography. This type of behavior makes it necessary to monitor employees’ online behavior.

The internet is full of tools that help optimize our routine and make activities even more practical. However, it also has several distractions that hinder the smooth running of a business . Due to its benefits and its large presence in the market, the internet is an indispensable resource.

According to a report made available by Raclaim.ai in 2021, only 12% of workers are fully productive at work. This data highlights the need to have strategies and resources that increase the focus on the company's productivity .

For this reason, many managers are looking for ways to continue using their tools in the environment, but without harming employee productivity and business security. To this end, several tools have emerged aimed at monitoring and controlling internet access in companies , such as Lumiun solutions.

But how can this control be carried out without creating friction with employees and causing some kind of discomfort in the work environment?

Bad behavior on the internet can be “fatal”

Since the rise in popularity of the internet, we have been surrounded by threats and traps that can harm the security of our devices and even encourage the application of financial scams.

It is important that we keep in mind that the internet is a tool that must be used intelligently and assertively within working hours. This means that improper access is dangerous and can bring countless losses to the company.

To better exemplify this situation, let's mention a cyber scam that is widely used today: the phishing scam . Through phishing, cybercriminals disguise themselves as trusted senders such as stores, financial institutions and other companies (in some cases even known senders from their contact list) to deceive the victim. With this scam, the criminal is able to disguise traps in the form of attachments and links.

These attachments may contain malware that impair the proper functioning of devices and create points of vulnerability on company machines. Through these loopholes, cybercriminals are able to access stored information, steal data and carry out even more damaging scams, such as extortion attempts and ransomware.

These emails may also be accompanied by links that redirect to fake pages created specifically for malicious purposes . These sites are built so that they are very similar or even identical to the pages of well-known and trusted companies. In this way, he manages to mislead his victim and make him provide confidential information , personal data, credit card information, among others.

Thinking about the corporate scenario, this type of behavior can cause countless losses for the company, ranging from the leakage of confidential information, such as customer, supplier and partner data, and even extortion through scams such as Ransomware. Understand how this cyber threat works:

Internet access x Productivity

Depending on the activity carried out by the company, the internet may be essential for business continuity. This means that it is impossible to completely block employees’ internet access to avoid loss of productivity. But what is the relationship between the internet and employee productivity?

Within a company, employees have a set amount of time to carry out all the tasks necessary for business continuity. These employees are hired according to the number of tasks to be performed, taking into account the working day, be it 4, 6 or 8 hours.

However, when an employee fails to execute their demand to access unnecessary content on the company's internet, these tasks remain pending , which can overload other employees and even lead to delays in delivery.

If just one employee who behaves like this in the workplace can cause this damage, imagine if all employees spend hours of their day on entertainment websites, online stores, social networks, among other tools.

Many of the resources used to carry out tasks are online, and it is important that the company establishes an access control protocol that helps employees stay focused on what is really important for the business strategy.

Internet access control helps bring more intelligent management of resources and available labor to the company's tasks . In addition, it can also add several benefits to the company, such as:

Availability of access reports

Through an efficient internet access control tool, managers will be able to count on complete reports on the internet usage scenario within the company. These reports can inform what type of access is being carried out and how much time is being wasted on activities that are not related to the business.

Calculate team time wastage

With the help of these reports, managers can determine how their employees' online behavior is being, and based on this, have a greater perception of how much time is wasted within the company . Knowing the causes of this waste, managers can carry out more specific and optimized access management , which can meet the company's needs.

Identify contaminated devices

As we saw previously, improper access can cause several losses for the company, one of which is the risk to digital security. Having an access control tool will also help managers identify devices that are contaminated by a malicious application or file, and also prevent this type of contamination from happening.

Better network performance

Since resources are being directed only to tasks related to the company's activity , network performance will be optimized. Improper access, in addition to harming employee productivity, also uses business resources for unnecessary tasks. Some viruses and malware are intended only to harm the performance of machines, often turning them into zombie computers (machines that are remotely controlled to carry out cyber attacks).

Tips to help improve results

For a company to achieve success and expected growth, it must be productive and deliver increasingly better results. To increase productivity in the workplace , it is important to adopt some measures and strategies that help employees achieve the performance expected by the organization.

To do this, we have come up with some tips that can help you increase productivity within your company and bring increasingly better results:

Establish a time management protocol

Time management is essential for employees to be able to organize themselves and deliver the expected performance. With so many tasks to be performed on a daily basis, it is essential to have measures that help to provide more organization and optimize the time available for work . Time management is essential for anyone looking to organize their routine and work smarter.

Invest in the work environment

In addition to providing all the necessary structure so that employees can carry out their tasks, the company also needs to worry about the organizational climate. Keeping your employees out of trouble and motivated is much more than just imposing behavioral rules and protocols: it is necessary for the company to listen to its employees and know how to deal with situations that occur on a daily basis to prevent small problems from escalating. become major challenges, harming productivity during working hours.

Value employee training

The workforce within a company is its most important asset. Investing in your employees is investing in your business and in the results you want to achieve. A training process helps these employees evolve and add even more value and quality to the tasks they perform on a daily basis. The better prepared your team is, the better the productivity will be, and consequently, the results obtained.

Have an Internet Usage Policy

The Internet Use Policy will provide rules and good habits for the online behavior of your company's employees. With the help of this document, managers will be able to instruct the team about the risks and security rules that must be followed to avoid the main threats in the digital world. Lumiun has a complete template for creating an Internet usage policy .

Avoid internet traps

Although essential, the internet is full of traps and threats that can affect employee productivity. To avoid this type of problem, you need to have an access control system that helps managers block threats and bring more efficiency to their routine.

Internet access control is simpler than it seems

Internet access control is a very intelligent and efficient strategy, which allows the company to monitor the online behavior of employees and, through more assertive management, increase its profitability and team productivity .

Carrying out this control manually can be a real challenge, as in addition to having to block resources on each device, managers have not been able to determine which sites and resources are undermining their productivity .

For this reason, it is necessary to have an intelligent access control system, such as Lumiun solutions. With the help of our products, you can monitor your employees' online behavior and more efficiently control internet use within the company . In addition to having an internet usage policy, using this type of tool can bring many benefits to companies that want to improve their results and positioning in the market.

Do you already know Lumiun's solutions? Get in touch and discover everything our tools can do for your business productivity!

Until later!

lumiun dns - web content filter
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