how to increase productivity

How to increase your team's productivity? Good practices that are simple to apply

One of the biggest challenges faced by managers today is ensuring that their team delivers the expected productivity. This is because there are several obstacles faced daily, such as distractions found on the internet, such as social networks, entertainment websites, e-commerce, among others . Given this, how can you increase the productivity of your employees and bring even better results to your business?

Although the internet has become a fundamental resource in our lives and in the corporate environment, it is a vast environment of diverse content that can drain our productivity on a daily basis.

Productivity in the workplace

But, after all, what is productivity? In a simplified way, we can understand productivity as our ability to carry out a certain number of tasks within a specific period, with quality and efficiency . In this way, productivity can be understood as the quantity of activities carried out or goods produced with the resource that is available, which in this case is working time.

The more intelligently these resources are applied, the greater the productivity of a business . It is important to find optimized ways to make better use of time and resources, in order to bring increasingly better results for the company, such as automating processes, or a corporate internet usage policy that serves as a guide for employees, as we will see Next.

What are the signs of low productivity?

It is important to remember that each person works in a different way , with different flows and methods, delivering results according to the demands and demands received. However, some signs that productivity is not as expected can be observed, such as:

  • Late tasks ;
  • Lack of demand planning
  • Problems between employees;
  • Receiving many complaints ;
  • Indiscriminate use of the internet in the company;
  • Excessive breaks;
  • Excessive fatigue of employees;
  • Between others.

In addition to observing these factors, it is important that managers use consolidated data on worker productivity to be able to determine the ideal results to be achieved. Taking into account the demands delivered, the resources available and the time needed to carry out the activities, it is possible to obtain more realistic information about the productivity of workers. To better understand how this calculation works, take a look at this video on the subject:

Is internet usage policy still important?

Although some things are obvious, it is important that the company informs its employees about the best practices for using the corporate internet . In addition to contributing to greater productivity, an Internet usage policy helps ensure the security of the company's network and computers.

In addition to managers, employees can also contribute to the creation of this guide, so that it is not seen as a merely punitive document. It is important that everyone understands the importance of correctly using the company's resources. By combining management's expectations with employee collaboration, it is possible to establish a fair and balanced policy that considers the needs of all parties, aligns objectives and delivers increasingly better results.

As there is no standard for preparing these documents , it is essential to take into account the reality and needs of the business, in addition to the usage profile of employees. Managers must mainly enter which types of access and use are completely unacceptable for the business.

To facilitate this process, we created a template for an internet usage policy document that you can download whenever you want, it's free.

In this sense, another very efficient option is to use a website blocking . With the possibility of customizing blocks according to the type of use, ensuring that the company's resources are used in a more strategic and intelligent way.

In a simplified way, this type of monitoring continuously checks the rules established by the company , and can even collect realistic data on internet usage. Through these reports, managers will be able to establish more specific protocols and determine a more assertive strategy for increasing productivity .

But, how to increase the company's productivity in practice?

To help you increase worker productivity within your business, we have prepared some valuable tips:

Find the problems

The first step to knowing how to increase the productivity of your employees is to find out where the available time is going . To do this, it is important to know all the processes and demands that are part of the smooth running of your business.

As we saw previously, the internet can bring many benefits to organizations, but it can also end up distracting employees and taking up the time available for organizational tasks . Examples of this type of access are social networks, e-commerce sites, entertainment pages, among others.

It is very important that employees understand how productivity can be impacted by this type of access and know the importance that these good practices have for business continuity and the security of the company's data.

You can calculate the time and resources lost by employees using a calculator we developed.

Pay attention to access and passwords

There are currently countless ways to invade networks, steal data and completely corrupt systems, and this should be a priority for managers who want to know how to increase the company's productivity. This is because this type of problem can cause activities to be interrupted for long periods of time, negatively impacting the profitability of the business.

Just as technology advances every day, so do the ways of entering business networks, and it is essential to prevent points of vulnerability from being created. With so many tools, resources, platforms and applications that are accessed daily, it is necessary to have a policy for creating and using passwords that helps increase the organization's security.

For this reason, passwords created must follow a security standard that makes them difficult to guess, whether manually or through the malicious resources used to do so. Take a look at this guide for creating users and managing passwords that we have available.

Equally important is guidance regarding dangerous links, which can come in the form of fake emails, forms on insecure websites, banners on pages, among others. To avoid this type of problem, internet blocking tools can be extremely useful, preventing users from having easy access to this type of online trap.

If you have this latent concern in your company, carry out an Internet Security Diagnosis for Companies , and find out which aspects deserve more attention.

Count on a plan

There are many activities that are part of the day-to-day running of a business, and a lack of planning can cause many tasks that are not very relevant to be prioritized to the detriment of more important demands. For this reason, it is important that, together with managers, employees establish adequate planning , so that activities are carried out within the stipulated deadline and in accordance with their respective priorities.

Furthermore, planning helps to avoid errors and rework, saving time and increasing employee productivity.

Productivity is the key to profitability

With these tips, it is now easier to discover how to increase productivity within your company , remembering that the greater this productivity, the better the results delivered by employees, which can significantly increase the profitability of the business.

As we saw previously, workers can lose focus and have their activities hampered in the course of their day-to-day activities. To reduce these distractions, you can count on an internet access control tool, reducing inappropriate access and helping you maintain focus on activities that are truly important for business continuity.

Until later!

How to Improve Employee Productivity in the Company
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