How to improve employee productivity through management?

The search for greater productivity is a common objective of managers in Brazilian companies. In Brazil, the cost of human resources and infrastructure is very high compared to other markets, in addition to this, the productivity of professionals is also well below that of other countries. According to a survey carried out at a global level by the Conference Board , released in 2015, more than three workers are needed in Brazil to produce the same amount of results generated by one professional in the United States.

The problems that explain this low performance of professionals are cultural and structural. According to the report, Brazilian companies as a whole suffer from management problems and inadequate infrastructure, with few investments in equipment and infrastructure to improve the productivity index of teams and their professionals.

Increasing productivity is the best way to optimize results and position yourself in a competitive and differentiated manner in the Brazilian and international markets, this need is latent in Brazilian companies. Therefore, managers need to seek qualifications and actions that allow for continuous improvement in company management, following market changes and the evolution of technology.

Often, simple and practical actions can contribute to increasing the productivity of professionals in the workplace, here are some:

Setting goals is important

Without a defined direction, it is impossible to focus on results, measure performance and improve productivity. Small businesses should carry out a review of the company's previous results and, based on this, a detailed definition of objectives and goals. It is necessary to document the goals and monitor the results periodically to find out if there is a need to change direction. It is also important to offer additional benefits to professionals who reach their goals periodically.

For this constant monitoring, Excel spreadsheets, Google Drive or management systems for companies such as ContaAzul , where the most important thing is to always have updated data and analyze the results with the aim of understanding the strengths and weaknesses in each one of the company's sectors.

A good alternative for setting goals is the OKR (Objectives and Key Results) methodology, where general company objectives, objectives by sector and which key results will be measured are defined to assess whether the objectives were achieved.

The manager's role is to incorporate the search for productivity into the company's culture, making the process natural and automatic.

Collective work generates efficiency and quality

It is necessary to understand that professionals and teams need to work together to achieve results and improve productivity in the corporate environment. The simple act of convening employees from different sectors and asking for advice can help improve processes.

Take some time and approach employees with the following questions: what can be done in your area to improve your productivity? What should be done in another sector to improve productivity in yours? What can the company in general do to produce more? The secret to improving processes may lie in gathering information and simple, practical actions.

Improve communication in your company

The exchange of information between employees is very important for sharing knowledge and experiences. There are different IT service options that can facilitate this communication, Slack Skype and other software programs can also be used. exchange of messages. Institutional communication is also important, keeping employees informed and updated. This communication can be via internal email or through an institutional company blog.

Invest in your team and delegate responsibilities

If your employees need authorization for any decision related to their daily lives, they are likely to produce less than they could. It is important to be aware that it is necessary to trust those who have already presented positive results and increase the autonomy of these professionals.

It is worth remembering that, before anything else, the company is made up of the people who work for it. Material goods, offices and machines would be nothing without people. Encouraging ongoing employee training is something that all companies, whether large or small, should do frequently.

Use the resources that technology offers

There are thousands of technologies and tools that can contribute to your company's productivity, always try to be up to date, replacing manual processes with automated systems. See Endeavor article for list of technology tools that can help you manage your company.

Two points that should be considered more carefully are task management and employee focus and productivity:

Task management systems help a lot

There are several methodologies and systems that can contribute to the organization of processes/tasks in companies. With the standardization of processes, it is possible to organize tasks by team, define the workflow between employees and obtain relevant information about the development of activities. Three good task management system options are , Trello and Basecamp .

Manage Internet access to avoid wasting time and increase focus on work

In most companies, most of the team uses computers for their tasks, remaining connected to the Internet most of their working time. As various research points out, it is possible that your employees are wasting up to 30% of their working time on personal activities unrelated to the company. To resolve this problem, it is important to implement an internet usage policy and use a service that allows monitoring and control of Internet access. Alternatives for managing internet access are to look for specialized IT companies, or ready-made server solutions such as Dell SonicWall , Fortinet FortGate or more modern cloud-based solutions such as Lumiun Tecnologia or OpenDNS .

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