
How to improve the low productivity of professionals in Brazil

You may have already read or heard about the low productivity of professionals in Brazil. It is common for articles pointing out the difference in productivity between Brazilians and Americans and studies that show rates and productive growth in different countries .

This definition of productivity is calculated based on how much each professional contributes to the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in each country. Therefore, we are not surprised that Brazil is far from the countries with the highest productivity, ranking 75th in the world .

Check out the graph below where each country stands in terms of productivity for each worker:

Professional productivity by country

Worse than this position is the fact that Brazil has not evolved in relation to the productivity of its professionals. In relation to Americans, the gap has been increasing more and more and approaching 1950 levels, as shown in this infographic from the Conference Board , an American organization that analyzes data from thousands of companies in more than 60 countries.

The graph also shows that Brazilian workers are still more productive than Chinese and Indian workers.

Comparison of worker productivity

According to experts, low productivity rates in Brazil are due to three factors, mainly:

  • Low educational level and lack of technical qualifications of Brazilian professionals
  • Low level of resources in relation to equipment and machinery and support structures
  • Economic inefficiency and infrastructure bottlenecks in the country
  • Lack of interest among professionals in seeking better results

The low level of education in Brazil is clearly one of the limitations to improving the production of wealth in the country. Brazilians study on average 7 years, while in the USA they study on average 12 years, including higher education, in addition to the difference in the quality of education. It is no coincidence that South Korea is at the top of the list of the most productive countries, as it is one of the nations that invests the most in education in the world.

Likewise, investments in infrastructure, both by the private market and by the government, are still very low. Most companies do not invest in machines and equipment and do not value the creation of a good working environment for their employees, which directly and negatively influences the productivity of the team and the company in general.

The lack of interest on the part of professionals in seeking better results is also a determining factor for Brazil's low levels of productivity, as Brazilian professionals seem complacent and lack the willpower to improve and increase their results in their activities.

Analyzing the four factors separately, we can see that the first two are directly linked to company management practices and that it is possible to overcome this low productivity with an attitude focused on employee qualification and adequate investment in machines/equipment and work environment. adapting.

Therefore, it is up to companies to reverse the low average productivity of professionals in Brazil, through training and qualification practices for employees and investment in equipment and a work environment favorable to production and high performance of professionals.

However, professionals need to demonstrate an interest in increasing productivity and their performance in relation to the proposed activities. Only in this way, resulting from a union of companies and professionals, can this Brazilian position be improved.

Now, bringing this analysis to the practice of strategy and management in companies, it is clear that it is possible to reach productivity levels in countries like the United States and South Korea. To achieve this, it is essential, first, to attract professionals with a good level of training and invest permanent qualification of the team.

In another comparison, in the USA professionals receive an average of 120 hours of training per year, while in Brazil the average is just 30 hours .

Furthermore, it is essential to use management practices to increase team productivity , some important practices are:

  • Setting goals by team and collaborators
  • Valuing collective work and internal communication
  • Explore IT resources such as modern systems and equipment
  • Task management and results monitoring
  • Benefits and bonuses for employees based on results presented

Each of these measures aims to maximize the professionals' capabilities and allow them to perform their tasks in the best way possible.

It is also important to highlight that each company and team has peculiar characteristics and it is up to managers to identify which are the most relevant points that should receive more attention regarding investment in the company's human capital.

In addition to investment in human capital, it is also necessary to invest in infrastructure equipment, in which case priorities must be in line with the profile of each company, for example industries, which require modern machines, quality support equipment and very well-defined processes. .

As for office environments, investment involves comfortable facilities and quality technology resources, such as high-performance equipment, modern management tools and good quality internet.

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In conclusion, the most important thing is that companies and managers take responsibility for continually seeking to enhance their productivity and that, for this to happen, it is essential to invest in human capital and infrastructure.

In fact, this investment strategy is common in the fastest growing and developing companies in the country, since in an increasingly competitive market, the difference often becomes the company's efficiency in relation to its competitors.

Did you like this content? Share with us your experience or vision on this topic, how you perceive your company to view this issue of professional productivity and what else can be done to reach the countries that are at the top of the list of the most productive in the world!

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