IR declaration and internet problems

How to avoid internet problems when declaring IR

During the Income Tax declaration period, accounting firms are faced with a challenge: ensuring the security of their data in a virtual environment full of threats. The risks are numerous and the consequences are potentially devastating. Given the sensitive flow of information that circulates in these environments, it is essential to ensure that data exchange and storage is carried out securely through digital accounting.

There are numerous benefits of digital accounting, in proportion to the high number of cyber threats, and avoiding internet problems becomes a priority, especially during this period of income tax declaration. Through effective cybersecurity strategies, you can protect yourself against these threats and ensure a safe and reliable online environment throughout the process. With this in mind, we have prepared fundamental strategies, offering valuable insights on how to avoid internet problems and maintain data integrity during IR declaration and protect your accounting office from potential attacks and vulnerabilities.

What is digital accounting?

In a simplified way, digital accounting refers to accounting offices that use technological resources to facilitate and optimize their services. As in other sectors of the economy, the use of the internet and technological systems to carry out activities is growing rapidly.

In this sense, accounting offices started to use digital tools to guarantee more quality and efficiency in their routine, optimizing work processes such as the IR Declaration. In this case, technology works in favor of carrying out accounting services, providing a more technological and intelligent dynamic .

Thanks to these tools, and technological resources such as artificial intelligence and automation, it is possible to analyze data more precisely and perform tasks, eliminating or reducing the incidence of errors and human errors.

Thus, the main objective of digital accounting is to make accounting services more dynamic and secure. This means that the famous pouches that were used in recent decades have become obsolete, allowing for a faster and safer response . In addition, digital accounting also allows:

  • Add value to the customer experience;
  • Reduce service delivery time;
  • Reduce the need for rework;
  • Increase employee productivity;
  • Provide greater adherence to current legislation;
  • And much more.

More than just providing online services, digital accounting focuses on optimizing your resources and services with the help of technology. This concept works broadly, ensuring fluidity and efficiency in processes through automation.

Security in accounting offices: What are the main risks of breach?

We know that technological advances have also allowed cybercriminals to develop tools aimed at diverting information and damaging devices and networks. For this reason, concerns about digital security , that is, internet protection, are becoming increasingly present within companies.

In the case of accounting offices, this applies in the same way. For this reason, it was necessary to pay attention to the main risks of violation that could harm the data and information stored in accounting offices.

Below are the main risks associated with a lack of internet security within accounting offices:

Unauthorized access

Considering that an accounting office deals with confidential information on an ongoing basis, it is essential to pay attention to access to this data. Unauthorized access can considerably harm your company, ranging from fines imposed by legislation to damaging the image of your business in the market.

Unauthorized access by cybercriminals can encourage the application of numerous cyber scams. In possession of confidential data such as financial information from the IR declaration, these cybercriminals can carry out scams, financial fraud or even sell this information to other companies.


Phishing implemented to steal information through the installation of malicious software or even the collection of access data. Cybercriminals often use this tool to collect confidential data and encourage the application of other, even more harmful threats , making it a problem that companies must combat on an ongoing basis.

Unsuspecting users may end up providing confidential data on suspicious pages and allow these criminals to gain access to financial data from your company's collaborators and suppliers. An example of this was a cyber incident that occurred in Colatina/ES. A client received an email from his accounting office with a link to information on supposed payment notification documents.


Malware is designed to cause countless types of problems for your company. Through them, cybercriminals can gain access to all information stored on your network, control financial transactions, monitor the digital behavior of your employees ( Spyware ), collect confidential data, and much more.

In addition to these problems, malware can also harm the integrity of your devices, causing your company to need to invest in maintenance and replacement of equipment. All of these problems can harm the profitability and productivity of the business, and exposing your customers' confidential financial information can cause irreparable damage to the accounting firms responsible for declaring IR.

Identity theft

Financial data, personal data and other confidential information can be used to carry out scams and fraud. Using information of this type, cybercriminals can carry out financial scams, carry out illegal transactions, and much more.

This data can also be used for even larger schemes, using financial information and personal data for money laundering, for example. 

Loss of customer trust

Companies that experience cyber attacks or suffer data breaches of any type can have their image considerably damaged in the market. This will cause your customers to lose trust in your company and stop doing business with you.

One of the characteristics most sought after by clients looking for accounting firms is the reliability of transactions. The way your company handles confidential data is a priority factor in the process of choosing a company that provides accounting services.

Sanctions applied by the LGPD

The LGPD (General Data Protection Law) brought paradigms for companies to follow to ensure the protection of stored information. The main focus of this law is to ensure that consumer data is protected above all else , preventing leakage and improper access to this information.

Security violations can cause your company to suffer fines and sanctions to be applied by the LGPD regulatory agency, causing immense losses and impacting your organization's image in the market.


Information hijacking known as ransomware is one of the main dangers in the digital environment. With the help of malicious software and even using difficult strategies, cybercriminals hijack information and demand the payment of a ransom amount.

Charged in cryptocurrencies, this ransom value can be quite high and does not always guarantee the recovery of the information that was collected. Learn more about this cyber threat:

Data leak

Information leakage is a real threat to accounting offices. Because this type of business deals with financial data and confidential information, it needs to be even more concerned about information leaks.

Making confidential data available on the internet, even due to cyber attacks, can harm your company's image in the market and consumers.

To understand the impact of data breaches, we can cite the data collected by the study “ The Cost of Data Breach 2023”, carried out by IBM . According to research, the average cost of a data leak is around R$6.2 million. And, when it comes to the IR declaration period, data leaks, in addition to causing economic losses, can lead to serious moral and ethical damages, as they are sensitive and confidential data of individuals and legal entities.

Impacts of lack of security in accounting offices

As we saw previously, a lack of cybersecurity within the accounting office can be extremely harmful. In the case of the LGPD, there are sanctions and penalties that can be applied when organizations do not comply with the requirements set out in the law, ranging from warnings to fines that reach up to 2% of your company's revenue.

In addition to warnings and fines, the LGPD regulatory agency may also request the publicization of the infraction committed, deletion of data related to the infraction committed and the blocking of information. The National Data Protection Authority is the agency responsible for investigating and applying the fines and sanctions imposed by law, so it is essential to ensure that your business complies with the specifications brought by the legislation.

Thinking from the consumer's point of view, the lack of concern and attention to data security is one of the most important factors in the process of choosing an accounting firm. For this reason, it is the responsibility of companies to ensure that all their resources and tools used are in accordance with the specifications of the Law.

Considering that technology is used to carry out various tasks within an accounting office, including submitting Income Tax returns, it is essential to ensure greater security for these processes.

Furthermore, when using technological tools to carry out activities involving sensitive data, it is essential to choose applications and platforms that have all the necessary security features to maintain the protection of information.

The risk of exposing financial information in the IR Declaration

Based on recent court cases, the Superior Court of Justice understands that banks are responsible for fraud committed through information leaks . In this sense, accounting firms may also be liable to the courts due to the leakage of confidential information, and it is essential to adopt security solutions that help avoid this type of problem.

According to article 44 of the General Data Protection Law , data processing is considered irregular when the security expected by the information holder is not provided. In this context, the company needs to consider the risks of the result of the data processing that was implemented within the organization.

In this sense, we can understand how the protection of Income Tax information is a priority. When dealing with financial data from various clients, it is the accounting firm's responsibility to ensure all necessary security features to maintain the confidentiality of this information.

How to avoid internet problems while declaring income tax: eight essential security measures

As the key is to protect yourself, the accounting company needs to pay attention to some precautions that can avoid internet problems and help increase the protection of your and your clients' information during income tax declaration. With this in mind, we have selected seven measures that can be implemented to help avoid internet problems and increase data security:

1. Encryption

When it comes to storing and transferring confidential information, encryption plays a prominent role. Developed to increase the integrity and authenticity of information, encryption helps ensure that data is only accessed by authorized people.

We know that when dealing with the delivery of income tax returns from various people and companies, we collect extremely sensitive data, which can be used in scams and financial fraud . For this reason, encryption can be a valuable ally in protecting this information. By relying on systems and tools that contain this type of key, your accounting office will be able to increase the protection of data that is stored and used in Income Tax returns.

2. Access and Compliance Policies

A key point to prevent improper access to confidential information is the definition of well-structured access policies . It is the manager's responsibility to develop an access policy that understands all the characteristics of your company and the level of confidentiality of each type of information.

This policy must be directed and developed based on concern for information security, encouraging employees to establish safer measures and maintain a digital security culture focused on data confidentiality. It is also essential that the company encourages adherence to this policy as a way to avoid security incidents.

Compliance will ensure that your company complies with current legislation, ensuring that all digital tools comply with the provisions of the law . If necessary, it is possible to hire a digital auditor to check the tools and resources used by your company, as well as their compliance with the law.

3. Creating more complex passwords

It may seem repetitive, but creating more complex passwords is a factor that can help considerably in protecting information. Although we know that memorizing countless access passwords can be very difficult for some people, making it easier to create a password encourages unauthorized access by Cyber ​​criminals to the organization's networks and devices.

According to a survey carried out by NordPass (Password Management Service), names such as Lucas, Gabriel, Pedro, Felipe and Matheus are among the most frequently encountered in data leak incidents. The first places are occupied by the following passwords:

  • admin (204,846 incidents)
  • 123456 (137,551 incidents)
  • 12345678 (46,666 incidents)
  • 102030 (28,034 incidents)
  • 123456789 (24,834 incidents)
  • 12345 (22,426 incidents)
  • gvt12345 (10,684 incidents)
  • 12345678910 (9,710 incidents)
  • password (8,687 incidents)
  • 111111 (8,432 incidents)

If necessary, it is possible to use a password manager to provide more ease in everyday life, encrypting these passwords and ensuring that users are able to increase protection when accessing the resources and tools used.

4. Qualification and training

There is no point using security resources and protection tools if your team is not prepared to deal with it. For this reason, it is also important to train your employees so that they understand the importance of cybersecurity and how it is possible to adopt a more preventive stance in the face of today's cyber threats.

Your employees deal daily with the tools used to perform their tasks, so the more prepared and educated they are, the easier it will be to maximize information security . A very relevant training for this sector is anti-phishing training , which can help your employees identify signs in malicious emails.

5. Tools Update

For security tools to deliver the features and protection you expect, it is essential that they are updated as necessary. These updates are developed so that they are always up to date with new strategies and tools used by cybercriminals.

For this reason, talk to the team responsible for managing and maintaining these tools to ensure that all updates are made as necessary , as is the case with cash flow management tools, financial management platforms, accounting systems, which are essential for optimizing the IR declaration.

6. Backup

We know that even with all the security resources implemented and an organizational culture focused on protecting information, it is still possible to suffer from cyber attacks. Cybercriminals develop strategies every day to divert information and access systems improperly.

In the case of data related to the IR declaration, the loss of this information can be extremely harmful. Delays in submitting the declaration harm your client and have a huge negative impact on the image of your accounting firm in the market.

For this reason, it is essential to include backups in your company's routine to protect yourself in the event of information loss. This way, if data is lost, your company can guarantee continuity of services.

7. Monitoring 8. Blocking websites outside the scope of work

A monitoring tool can make all the difference in the security management of your accounting company . Through continuous monitoring, it is possible to identify possible inappropriate behavior and ensure that device networks are always protected. It is also possible to count on an MSP to carry out this monitoring and ensure more complete protection.

Tools such as DNS Firewall can be valuable allies in the process of monitoring digital resources, helping to identify possible flaws and prevent unauthorized access by malicious users.

8. Blocking websites outside the scope of work

To maintain employees' focus and productivity on high-value deliveries such as Income Tax returns, it is essential to implement measures that strengthen digital security and reduce distractions. An effective practice in this regard is blocking websites outside the scope of work.

By restricting access to websites unrelated to professional activities, the company not only protects its employees from possible cyber threats, but also promotes a more productive environment focused on the tasks that really matter. By blocking undue access and avoiding online distractions, the company can ensure that deadlines are met more quickly and accurately, contributing to customer satisfaction and the reputation of the accounting firm.

Therefore, blocking websites outside the scope of work not only strengthens digital security, but also increases operational effectiveness and quality of deliveries, aligning with the company's strategic objectives.

How can DNS Firewall increase data security during Income Tax declaration?

The DNS Firewall or DNS firewall is a security tool aimed at blocking and redirecting users to prevent access to malicious websites, and can also be used to monitor devices, update managers about malicious attacks, among other resources. With the help of this tool, your accounting office will be able to prevent identity theft, monitor the loss or blocking of information, increase protection against the installation of malware, among other features.

This valuable tool helps you increase productivity in day-to-day tasks, protect the network against harmful websites, improve the quality of your internet and monitor internet usage more efficiently. In this way, it minimizes the incidence of problems related to viruses and malware , blocking information leakage and malicious behavior during activities related to IR declaration.

As an easy-to-use and understandable tool, the DNS Firewall allows assertive control of your company's security resources, avoiding the creation of points of vulnerability through insecure behavior in the digital environment. Blocking certain pages and resources can make all the difference in your accounting firm's security control , helping to keep your employees out of trouble. Blocking gaming and betting websites and personal emails can help your office avoid major cyber attacks aimed at stealing information.

Customized Lumiun solutions for accounting offices

Lumiun Lumiun Box works differently from existing solutions on the market, identifying the need for a solution that is easy to implement and manage as a development pillar.

It is known that currently one of the biggest problems for companies is low productivity and lack of internet security , therefore, it is in this segment that Lumiun operates, simplified to small and medium-sized companies, such as accounting offices. .

See some of the main features and advantages of Lumiun Box for accounting offices:

  • Fast and simplified installation and configuration
  • No need to purchase new equipment or servers;
  • No need for equipment maintenance or software updates;
  • No cost for specialized professionals for maintenance and support;
  • Management through an intuitive panel;
  • Fully usable for professionals and teams working from home.

Furthermore, another solution is Lumiun DNS that can help your accounting office increase protection. Simply put, Lumiun DNS adds an extra layer of protection to your company's devices and networks, and allows continuous monitoring to be implemented with the help of artificial intelligence.

The main advantages of Lumiun DNS for accounting offices are:

  • Blocking malicious websites
  • Blocking access to harmful phishing sites
  • Prevents the opening of unknown links coming via email
  • Blocks access to malicious ads
  • Blocks adult content that typically contains harmful links
  • Prevents the installation of software that contains viruses and malware
  • Prevents identity and company data theft

In both cases, the great benefit of these solutions is that you will have access to specialized support with trained analysts in Brazil, ensuring that your company will have the protection it needs whenever necessary.

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