online security

How Schools Can Improve Online Safety: A Guide for Educators

The digital world is already part of almost everyone's reality. In the school environment, information technology was seen as content to be learned during the main school years and this reality has changed with the advancement of technology, making online security an issue to be debated urgently.

Currently, children are already inserted into the digital environment in such a way that it is no longer necessary to teach them what the internet is and how it should be used. The vast majority of the population between 3 and 17 years old (99%, according to the report) are already regular users of the internet and all the facilities and resources it can provide.

However, although this insertion and basic knowledge of the digital world already exist, it is very important to establish a guidance protocol in order to explain and ensure online safety. This is because, although it is a tool that presents very interesting resources for the teaching and training process of young people, the internet also has its dark side.

It is common to find young users who are experiencing difficulties in carrying out their tasks, aggressive behavior and lack of interest in the school environment and the content presented due to excessive and indiscriminate use of the internet.

Digital security is a very important issue that should be discussed in both family and school environments.

What is the role of the school?

It is very important that the school environment is prepared to receive questions raised by students and knows how to deal with online security issues that may arise. To help professionals in this sector, we have prepared a complete guide with everything you need to know to establish a more intelligent and focused use of this tool that is so important today.

The importance of online safety in the school environment

Although school managers are extremely concerned about the physical integrity of the children under their care, it is also very important that online safety is a primary aspect of the school's strategy.

Considering these factors, there are many aspects that must be considered, for example:

The school is responsible for storing an immense database of information related to its students that must be protected at all costs, in order to provide greater security and confidentiality for this data. The loss of this type of information can not only present financial and legal risks for the institution, but also a great risk for its holders .

Furthermore, the internet is full of content that can be dangerous for children and teenagers, so effective control can be a valuable strategy for increasing online safety.

Since the early days of the internet, when it was not yet a popular resource among people, we have been guided by the need to protect our personal data and the information that is stored. And this warning has not fallen into disuse, on the contrary: nowadays, it is even more important to establish safer behavior in the digital environment.

Every day, cybercriminals find more efficient ways to steal data and personal information, making it necessary to find equally advanced resources to bring more protection to this type of sensitive content .

These criminals also plant harmful and dangerous content, which can harm the proper development of children, such as violent, pornographic content or attempted scams.

We often hear news about so-called Trends, which can cause children to commit dangerous acts , putting the safety of peers and family members, as well as their own, at risk.

What should be done to increase internet security within the school environment?

There are several resources and strategies that can be applied to increase online safety in the school environment. Here are some essential tips that we have put together for you:

Training of educators

It is very important that teachers are prepared to deal transparently with security issues in the online environment . This new generation of individuals grew up exposed to a large volume of information and resources, and it is important that managers and teachers know how to clarify doubts and guide them regarding the correct and safe use of the internet.

This tool, although it has risks, is not an enemy, but a potential ally to provide increasingly better results . For this reason, it is essential that teachers are prepared to understand the difficulties students present, to clarify their doubts and to stipulate a code of conduct for using the internet in a smarter and safer way.

Professionals in the school environment need to be able to understand these issues and align themselves with new technologies on the market.

Data exposure must be discussed

Social networks are used massively, and for this reason it is important that not only students but also professionals understand the risks that these platforms and tools can present.

There are thousands of cybercriminals and people with bad intentions who look for loopholes in children and young people to collect confidential information and carry out scams. It is important for everyone to know that not everything that seems interesting can actually be published on the internet.

Some criminals use Social Engineering to attract children to gaming platforms by offering schemes and strategies to guarantee benefits in the most popular games. In fact, this type of content aims to collect confidential data and carry out various scams.

Only in the period from August 10th to 14th last year, Mantis (ISH Tech's national Digital Risk Protection platform) managed to identify 645 videos on the YouTube platform with tutorials and explanations about games that offer these advantages to children , demonstrating the size of the risk that this strategy offers to users.

Personal information, data about family, assets and places frequented are dangerous content that can be used fraudulently.

Cyberbullying is a reality and must be discussed

The new generation grew up surrounded by technology, so that their communication largely takes place over the internet. Although this facilitated exchange of information is positive, this digital communication can also be a risk and a weapon when used inappropriately, favoring cyberbullying .

The internet is not a land without law and must be used in accordance with rules of good coexistence and based on appropriate behavior.

Use a secure search method

As we saw previously, the internet is full of traps that can be planted in the most unexpected environments. Therefore, it is important that students and professionals understand the importance of using safe and reliable research methods.

There are several fake websites out there or those that do not present reliable information, making it necessary to find safe tools that help you avoid this type of threat. Both professionals and students must have the correct tools to help avoid falling into scams and traps.

What are the main digital traps that can appear in the school environment?

We know that the Internet brings many benefits to our routine, but it can also be extremely dangerous. In the school environment there are some scams and traps that deserve attention and should be avoided to keep everyone safe.

Phishing Scams

phishing scam is one of the oldest traps on the internet and has been applied for many years. Using channels such as email, cybercriminals can make users provide sensitive information or install malicious files on their device.


This type of cyber attack aims to inflict a substantial financial blow on its victims. This is done through the hijacking of information: the cybercriminal, through vulnerabilities found in the system or even a phishing scam, is able to collect data fraudulently.

From there, he demands the payment of a ransom to restore access to this improperly collected data, making ransomware a major threat.

Pornography and violent content

Contrary to what many think, this type of content is not only found on specific websites, and does not require very thorough research. Many malicious users hide violent and pornographic content on common websites , causing children to end up having access to media of this type, even with the control of education professionals and family members.

A safe internet usage policy is essential

Although young people and children know how technology works, they often have little guidance on how to use this resource in a smarter and safer way . To help them in this step, the school can implement a safe use policy that guides them and helps them understand the importance of safe behavior in the online environment. See some tips below:

  • Share content with caution: everything shared must be carefully thought out and evaluated. It is important to take into account who this information will be shared with and the nature of this data, i.e. data such as home address, information about other people or location, must be kept secret.
  • Beware of traps: several scams can be carried out over the internet, so it is important to remain alert to detect possible scam attempts, such as phishing. Any suspicious activity must be reported.
  • Protect your confidential and secret data: for this information to be stored safely, it is essential to create strong passwords that cannot be easily guessed by criminals.
  • Prioritize kindness: cyberBullying is a reality and can often be committed accidentally, with some inappropriate jokes and postures. For this reason, always use positive messages, avoiding harmful or aggressive behaviors towards your colleagues.
  • You are not alone: ​​whenever you have any doubts about inappropriate or dangerous behavior on the internet, seek help from someone or an adult you trust to report this type of activity.

Count on all the help you can!

So that these rules are followed and understood by students, the school can implement interesting activities that help students understand their importance. We’ve put together some essential tools and materials for you:

Be Awesome on the Internet Program

Google has a program called Be Awesome on the Internet, which aims to teach children the most important skills for safe and intelligent behavior on the internet.

This program is based on 5 basic principles:

  1. Intelligent
  2. Attentive
  3. Strong
  4. Kind
  5. Brave

online security

Through these principles, the program helps managers and education professionals to establish playful and efficient activities to understand their role in a safer internet .

It provides teachers and educators with important tips and tools for teaching these concepts , facilitating the learning and understanding process for children and adolescents. Here are some useful tools for educators and parents:

Interland game

Through this gamified platform , students will have more practical contact with the concepts of the topic, learning in a simplified way how the basic principles of online security work.

interland game

The game helps students become safe and confident explorers in the online world. In the form of a game, the teachings become lighter and facilitate learning, as it is a relaxed way of learning.

Be Amazing on the Internet CV

Aimed at parents and educators, this is a training “manual” to help children and teenagers with the basic concepts of online safety. With tools and methods, free of course, adults will be able to acquire the necessary knowledge on the topic, further strengthening the aim of the “Be Amazing on the Internet” program.

online security

The training is free and separated into stages, with an overview of the lesson, activities, themes, and goals for students, see:

  • Educator's Guide
  • Lesson 1: Share with care
  • Lesson 2: Don't fall into traps
  • Lesson 3: Protect your secrets
  • Lesson 4: It's cool to be kind
  • Lesson 5: When in doubt, talk to someone

In a didactic way, it is much easier to understand how to protect yourself on the internet.

Pledge to Be Awesome on the Internet

With the basic principles of the program and the main teachings in a summarized form, listed in writing, the Oath to Be Awesome on the Internet demonstrates to students and educators the importance and seriousness of protecting data and information that travels on the internet.

online security

This PDF document can be used in all school environments and can serve as a kind of “closing” of the teaching and learning cycle of the Be Incredible on the Internet program.

It should be used without contraindications by educators and parents who seek to protect students and children from online dangers.

Classroom activities

Distributed into topics, with personalized presentations and documents, this is yet another tool to become truly incredible on the internet.

Based on the basic concepts of the program, it suggests interesting activities, see:

  • Be smart online, share carefully
    • Lesson [in presentation form]
    • Instructor's Guide [in document form]
    • Clippings [in document form]
    • Table [in document form]
  • Be careful on the internet, don't fall into traps
    • Lesson [in presentation form]
    • Instructor's Guide [in document form]
    • Real vs fake signals [in document form]
  • Be strong on the internet, protect your secrets
    • Lesson [in presentation form]
    • Instructor's Guide [in document form]
    • Clippings [in document form]
  • Be kind on the internet, it's cool
    • Lesson [in presentation form]
    • Instructor's Guide [in document form]
    • Clippings [in document form]
    • Table [in document form]
  • Be brave on the internet, when in doubt, talk to someone
    • Lesson [in presentation form]
    • Instructor's Guide [in document form]
    • Spreadsheet [in document form]

Turma da Mônica Magazine

Created by cartoonist Maurício de Souza, the Turma da Mônica characters were included in several Special Magazines aiming to present highly important topics, such as the protection of personal data and behavior on the internet.

Turma da Mônica Magazine

With teachings to students applied to different contexts, magazines can be allies for educators and parents concerned about the topic.

This edition and many others can be found on the Turma da Mônica website , available free of charge.

Lumiun can also accompany you on this journey!

With several benefits and extremely simple to install and use, Lumiun has been a strong ally for schools and educators against internet problems with students and children.

In addition to digital scams as we saw above, the diversion of attention and loss of focus on school activities mean that the internet is no longer a booster of results in some school moments.

Lumiun , in general, has a set of solutions aimed at controlling internet access (blocking sites and categories) and internet security (Firewall and VPN). In school environments it has generated good results , giving managers (educators and principals) the power to block websites considered harmful or outside the school scope. But, don't be alarmed, blocks can be made in certain groups and also at specific times , leaving the school's internet productive and safe when and for whoever it really should be.

With Lumiun it is possible, within the school environment:

  • Block social networks, games, music and video at specific times;
  • Block websites considered harmful , such as digital scams and malware ;
  • pornography and violence websites ;
  • Filter Google and YouTube search results
  • Determine which groups of students will have access allowed or blocked ;
  • View reports on the school’s general internet usage;
  • Block ads ;
  • Manage the entire school network remotely;
  • A lot more.

See the opinion of director Gustavo Malschitzky, director of Colégio CEAP (Lumiun client since March 2017), about one of our solutions, the Lumiun Box :

“With Lumiun Box , we are able to restrict internet access to unauthorized people, being able to direct internet bandwidth exclusively to students, teachers and administrative sectors. But the main thing is that we are able to prevent access to websites that are not of interest to the institution, blocking websites related to pornography, games and even social networks.

We noticed improvements mainly on the part of students, limiting distractions and inappropriate use of the internet, leaving them focused on school activities.

When informing students' parents at the time of implementing the Lumiun Box , we generally had positive reactions, understanding the school's motivation to obtain better results from students.

Finally, with the help of the Lumiun support team, the implementation of Lumiun Box was very simple and required no technical knowledge, in addition to the clear agility in meeting our needs at all stages.” 

If you are an educator, director or school administrator, and are looking for more protection for student access , take no-obligation demonstration request a quote from one of our consultants.

Until later!

Lumiun Education
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