hot spot

Hotspot with unprotected Wi-Fi: headache and losses for companies

Anyone who creates a hotspot and offers free Wi-Fi needs to take into account prevention and protection against data security vulnerabilities and cyber attacks. Otherwise, a hotspot with unprotected Wi-Fi can turn into a huge headache and losses.

Imagine that you and your team worked hard. As a result, his company grew. More than naturally, the investment in the digitalization of processes boosted the business and growth was even greater .

So, by expanding and “surfing” this good moment, you start offering Wi-Fi signal to customers and consumers in your own hotspot . Certainly, an imposition generated by competition in more competitive niches and market sectors.

However, the convenience of free internet access should only generate advantages and benefits for everyone. In fact, a differentiator and a competitive advantage.

However, without solutions and services for managing and controlling internet access , the problems and risks of providing a hotspot with open Wi-Fi are many.

Be careful when offering hotspots with unprotected Wi-Fi

Therefore, it is worth warning about the risks and dangers of providing Wi-Fi with an open signal. Instead of attracting more customers and increasing business, a public hotspot with a free signal without any type of protection can become a big trap for companies .

Among the possible problems, the main one has to do with the lack of security and data vulnerability . Therefore, as a result of this circumstance, companies can be held responsible.

In other words, free internet access it becomes co-responsible for possible damages and losses from cyber attacks occurring in its own hotspot with a free Wi-Fi signal.

Because, without solutions and services for managing and controlling internet access and other data protection precautions, companies can suffer inspection, sanctions and even penalties.

So, here's the first alert: attention to the LGPD (General Personal Data Protection Law) is necessary. Your company must comply with the LGPD. However, be aware that complying with the LGPD does not mean absolute protection .

That's why it's super important, among other adjustments, to prove that the hotspot has compliance processes against  virtual fraud, malicious codes, data leaks and other security incidents .

So, is it bad to offer a free public Wi-Fi hotspot?

Without a doubt, this is not the issue we intend to bring to the debate in this article. The difference between a good idea and a bad idea often lies in its execution.

In practice, what determines the return and impact (positive or negative) of this interesting initiative, which can indeed boost many businesses and companies, is the level of knowledge, information and experience .

That is, the more your company is able to establish and effectively manage controls that allow security for the free Wi-Fi hotspot , the better the results will be and the lower the risks.

So, offering a hotspot with free public Wi-Fi can cause losses and headaches, as well as generate benefits and advantages. The difference is the form and management and control of internet access.

Therefore, it is worth remembering the tip from the article Hotspot: learn about the dangers of free and public Wi-Fi ), about the safety of internet access in free and public hotspots.

After all, is it possible to access the internet safely in a hotspot with free public Wi-Fi?

The answer, paradoxically, can be both yes and no!

Yes , if you have data security solutions and technologies on your devices. And, in addition, take all care and precautions when choosing a safe hotspot for internet access.

No , when you do not have information, knowledge or services that guarantee protection against security incidents.

Lack of information and data on the problems of offering unsecured Wi-Fi

When companies don't take the necessary precautions, public hotspots can be a source of problems for everyone: companies and users alike .

Certainly, an open door to all types of security incidents . It is interesting to highlight the idea of ​​the open door. After all, you can enter and exit through a door. That is, in the case of a free, public hotspot, cybercriminals can even invade the corporate network.

Surprisingly, what explains (but does not justify) a company putting itself at risk is undoubtedly the lack of information and prevention . And it's no surprise that this is the case.

Well, all it takes is a quick search on the internet to reveal that there is almost no content about the risk of offering unprotected Wi-Fi in a free, public hotspot . In contrast, it is very easy to find materials about the series of risks and dangers of using free Wi-Fi.

Basically, the warning and tip is that the risks and dangers of offering free Wi-Fi in a public hotspot can certainly be avoided and minimized with management and control of internet access .

What are the most common risks of offering a free public hotspot?

See some of the few results found on the risks of offering a hotspot with unprotected Wi-Fi, with information available on the following websites: , , and .

Problems with regulatory authority and Justice

Imagine that a cybercrime is committed on your hotspot and your company has not stored the data documenting access to free Wi-Fi . Did you know that the owner of the network (the company) is responsible for the infraction? This is what Law No. 12,965 , of April 23, 2014, the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet, .

The only way to protect is to store the data of people who connect to Wi-Fi . Therefore, with the connection via the hotspot system, the access documentation is stored. An advantage that makes it easier to take legal action against the person responsible. In fact, a way to free the company from accusations and fines from the authorities .

Proliferation of fake networks

It is normal for the public to believe in the reliability of a network with the name of a well-known company. However, cybercriminals provide another malicious network with the same name as their hotspot to access data from unsuspecting users. Losses can undermine a company's image and finances, turning customers and you into victims of cybercrime.

Cyberattacks and unauthorized access to the company network

When connecting to the same hotspot with unprotected Wi-Fi, it is not difficult to access information on your computer. The attacker can access folders and documents, change or delete company files. And what's worse: it can even steal business secrets .

Data interception

Security flaws allow you to spy on online activities on an unsecured Wi-Fi hotspot. Therefore, it is essential to keep complete records accessible. Through these records it is possible to identify the devices that have connected, the user registration by CPF, date and time and usage tracking, for example.

Update configuration issues

Keeping software and hardware connected to the hotspot up to date ensures greater security for companies and users. Certainly, periodic updates help to avoid configuration problems and thus minimize the risks and dangers of an unsecured Wi-Fi hotspot.

Service navigation attacks

This type of security incident, also called DoS (Denial of Service) , is a common attempt to circumvent the security of an unsecured Wi-Fi hotspot. Cybercriminals overload the network to cause service interruption.

Prevent security incidents

Information and prevention are keywords against security incidents . So, to avoid losses and protect their reputation, companies need to do their part.

A process that does not need to be difficult or complex. Since the market offers simple, useful and affordable solutions.

Without a doubt, preventing security incidents is more efficient when the management and control of internet access go hand in hand with information security and compliance processes against security incidents .

In practice, in addition to prevention , the best solutions available on the market include technologies that contribute to improving productivity and profitability indicators . Just search and compare.

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Certainly, it is the solution that offers differences and effective facilities against security incidents.

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