Good practices for cell phone use in schools

For many years, the use of cell phones in schools was seen as something negative and harmful to children's education. However, with the new demands brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, the use of electronic devices during the teaching day has become essential , making it necessary to adopt good practices for using cell phones in schools.

The use of these tools demonstrated that it is possible to reconcile good use of cell phones in schools with quality teaching, using educational tools that help students interact and add even more knowledge and practicality to their routine. For this reason, more and more educational institutions are combining technology with the teaching-learning process to achieve better results and ensure that their students have a complete and effective education.

However, for this to be possible, there needs to be a study on how this process should happen and what are the best ways to deal with the use of these devices in the classroom. In this sense, we have prepared an article on the subject that will help to clarify these issues and understand how the use of cell phones in schools can be combined with education, as long as it is based on good usage practices.

BONUS: Model Cell Phone Use Policy at School will be made available below .

How can the use of cell phones in schools contribute to learning?

Within the educational routine, the cell phone can become a true teaching tool to enhance teaching and help students gain the most diverse knowledge of the world. For this reason, the use of cell phones in schools can bring several advantages, as we will see below:

Increased engagement

The use of mobile devices within the classroom helps to provide an environment of greater engagement among students, increasing contact and interaction with new technologies. Furthermore, some students may also be interested in technological tools and feel stimulated by using this device.

Allows the implementation of active methodologies

The use of mobile devices in the classroom allows active learning, making students stop being just receivers of information and start actively participating in their knowledge process. With the help of a cell phone, students are able to explore the world in a more personal way and allow them to interact with new concepts through autonomous and self-taught processes.

Preparation for Innovation Personalized teaching

We already know that every year smartphones are optimized to incorporate new technologies and features. Using these devices in the classroom allows students to have contact with new technologies and trends in the sector, helping to prepare them more assertively for the job market.

Personalized teaching Use of educational platforms

The use of educational tools will help students to progress at their own pace, allowing them to review content according to their needs and demands . This way, each person’s learning experience will be personalized, meeting their specific needs.

Use of educational platforms

Educational platforms are valuable allies in today's teaching process. These platforms feature audiovisual resources, complementary reading materials, interactive exercises and gamification, providing a new learning experience with more interaction and diversification.

Cell phone use in Brazilian schools: how has this device transformed education?

The use of cell phones in schools has been banned in schools across the country. Only in the State of São Paulo, municipal and state schools prohibit students from accessing streaming applications and social networks and using Wi-Fi for personal connections.

Recently in Rio de Janeiro, Decree 53,918 was published , on February 2nd . In this decree, Mayor Eduardo Paes establishes a ban on the use of cell phones in public and private schools in the State , with the aim of ensuring greater concentration and focus of students on their educational tasks.

We can see that these prohibitions have one main objective in common: to avoid distractions and inconvenience that can be caused by the use of mobile devices during school hours. In this sense, what is expected is that students will have more time to carry out educational tasks.

Another factor to be considered is that the ban on cell phones could also provide greater interpersonal interaction during school breaks, enabling students to interact more effectively with each other. In this way, the socio-emotional capacity of these children and adolescents can be strengthened.

We need to understand that these distractions are mainly caused by the restricted and unsupervised use of devices during school hours. It is necessary to establish forms and protocols that allow these devices to be used for students' academic progress , without the distractions and problems that can be triggered by uncontrolled use.

The impacts on socialization and mental health

As we said previously, the excessive use of mobile devices can harm students' interaction in the school environment , harming their neurodevelopment and their ability to socialize. In this sense, the use of mobile devices during school hours must be monitored and in accordance with the student's needs and the school's demands , preventing excessive use and devices being used for things other than school tasks. .

Social networks, entertainment sites, online games, betting platforms. All of this can be very harmful to the development of children and adolescents. For this reason, controlling internet access is essential within school environments, blocking content that could be considered harmful, and keeping students out of trouble.

Another problem that we must consider in this sense is cyberbullying. The practice of bullying in virtual environments has been a major problem today, bringing serious consequences for children and adolescents.

More assertive control over cell phone use in schools can help reduce this practice and prevent more children from suffering from this virtual harassment that has been causing disastrous consequences for their development and even putting their physical integrity at risk.

Brazil is the second country in the world in cases of cyberbullying, a fact that made it necessary to stipulate a law to include cyberbullying in the list of crimes provided for in the Penal Code, increasing its penalty as a way of minimizing its incidence.

Challenges of using cell phones responsibly within educational institutions

When used intelligently and strategically, cell phones can be a very beneficial tool for learning at school. However, there are some challenges that must be overcome so that this device does not become a problem . Below are the main problems faced when implementing cell phone use in schools:

Reduction in social interaction

As we mentioned previously, students who use their cell phones all the time end up suffering from a reduction in interaction and interaction with their classmates. Excessive use of cell phones impacts the social formation of children and adolescents and harms their interaction with other peers.

Drop in school performance

The impact on academic performance is another problem to be faced due to the use of cell phones during class time. The indiscriminate use of this device inside and outside school can harm the student's performance and learning, making it necessary to stipulate more efficient control of screen time.

Anxiety problems

Frequent contact with social networks causes children and adolescents to constantly view content from ideal lives that are outside of reality, causing great insecurity about their own lives. This exposure, in addition to being extremely harmful, triggers a process of insecurity and anxiety in these children that can cause serious problems.


As we already know, the internet is an environment full of distractions, such as social networks, entertainment websites, games, betting pages, streaming platforms, and much more. These distractions greatly hinder student performance and make mobile devices one of the biggest traps in the school environment.

Good practices in cell phone use in schools

If your objective is to use mobile devices for the benefit of education, it is essential to implement good practices that help in the adaptation process and help everyone involved understand the need for these processes. To help you, we have separated five fundamental tips for this adaptation process:

Cell phone always on silent

Even though there is control over the applications and resources that can be used in the school environment, there are notifications that can disrupt the routine. For this reason, it is important that there is a rule about the cell phone always being on silent, preventing notifications from disturbing not only the student's performance but also that of their colleagues.

Suspension of use during important tasks

The cell phone should be used as a learning tool and only for that purpose. For this reason, the device must be stored when carrying out tasks that do not require this tool , as a way of avoiding distractions and preventing the student from having their learning impaired.

Cell phone usage policy

For everyone to understand what the rules are and how cell phones should be used in the school environment, it is necessary to establish a cell phone use policy within the school environment. This policy must be clear and objective and must be available for all students to consult and obtain information whenever necessary.

Model Cell Phone Use Policy at School

In addition to following state and municipal laws, the cell phone use policy at school is an essential instrument for creating an educational environment conducive to learning. By establishing clear and justifiable guidelines, the aim is not only to promote a focused and productive environment during classes, but also to protect the physical, intellectual and moral integrity of students . Furthermore, by encouraging the responsible use of technology, the school prepares students to deal consciously and ethically with the challenges of the constantly evolving digital world.

The shared responsibility between students, parents and guardians , outlined in this policy, is fundamental to the success of its implementation. By guiding students on the appropriate use of networks and mobile devices, and by establishing clear consequences for non-compliance with the rules, the institution reinforces values ​​such as respect, ethics and responsibility.

Therefore, to help school managers promote a safe school environment and greater learning, a “Cell Phone Use Policy at School” to increase digital security in schools, and inform parents and students about the measure adopted by the school. . Click here and download the free template!

Cell phone use policy at school

Training against cyberbullying and digital security

In addition to the distractions that are present in the virtual environment, students need to understand the importance of adopting a respectful attitude online . Cyberbullying is a very serious problem and it is important that students understand the importance of avoiding this practice. Furthermore, certain tools within the digital environment can represent a great risk for these students, and some digital security that are fundamental today must be part of their training.

Internet access control

Internet access control will help the school monitor and control which content can be accessed through the school network. This way, it is possible to prevent students from accessing dangerous and harmful websites that could cause distractions to their routine or even harm their integrity.

Technology combined with education

The use of technological tools to optimize the educational process has proven to be a very efficient strategy for several reasons. In addition to adding a lot of value to the school routine, the use of technology in the learning process can contribute to improving students' understanding and comprehension.

Combining the use of technology with learning involves not only an adaptation process but also a very sensitive approach from educators .
It is important that students understand what the educational objectives of this process are and why the stipulated rules must be obeyed.

Constant monitoring in this case is essential to ensure that the process is happening as expected and for students to understand the importance of adopting a respectful stance regarding digital behavior and the tools that are used in the school environment.

The importance of parental partnership with the school

The partnership between parents and the school is one of the key elements in the process of children's early development. The closer this relationship is, the better the results obtained at the end of the period and the more complete the academic development will be.

It is necessary to understand that education is not the exclusive responsibility of parents or the school, and it is essential to establish a process of constant information exchange and collaboration so that all objectives are achieved. In addition to contact with the family, it is essential that there is constant socialization with classmates and teachers so that the student is fully prepared for life in society.

An efficient partnership allows for an increase in academic performance, provides greater family involvement and guarantees constant efficient monitoring of the child . The result of this process is complete cognitive and social development, allowing this student to have all the necessary preparation for their adult life.

How to block harmful websites on the school internet

As we have seen throughout this article, there are several contents that can not only harm your child's academic performance but also pose a huge risk. Although the internet is essential, there are several websites and content that can harm self-esteem, cause trauma, expose violent situations and even put children's lives at risk.

For this reason, blocking certain content is extremely necessary.
For this to be possible, it is necessary to have a specific control and monitoring tool for educational institutions , to protect students against inappropriate websites, increasing the focus and performance of students and educators and ensuring compliance with privacy laws

With the help of this tool, the school will be able to establish assertive control over the type of access carried out on its network and ensure that students are not exposed to content considered malicious or unnecessary. This control is essential given the immense dangers that can be found in the digital world.


Lumiun Education

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