DNS Firewall

DNS firewall for what?

To begin with, before clarifying the function and importance of a firewall and a DNS filter for companies and organizations , we need to define what a firewall is and what a DNS filter is .

What is firewall?

What is firewall?

A firewall is hardware and/or software that monitors and controls the flow of data and internet access on a network , in accordance with each company's security policy.

Above all, a firewall makes it possible to filter incoming and outgoing traffic and grant or prevent specific and malicious access , in accordance with a set of legal and/or previously defined rules.

Namely, the origin of the term firewall explains its concept well. In summary, the word emerged in the 17th century to identify a type of wall that prevented the spread of fire and increased the safety of buildings .

By analogy, when configured correctly , the firewall works as an additional layer of protection against external malicious attacks and increases the security of the network, equipment, systems and information.

Certainly, the firewall is one of the main defenses at the perimeter of a private network and an essential component in protecting against unwanted traffic and intrusion attempts .

Learn more about this valuable security tool:

What are DNS and DNS filter?

What are DNS and DNS filter?

The acronym DNS, which comes from the English Domain Name System. It is a system that “translates” domain names (hosts) into IP addresses .

In practice, DNS makes using the Internet easier . Above all, because it is a service that allows you to just type a name in the browser's address bar to access the desired websitewww.lumiun.com , for example.

In our example, it is not necessary to enter an IP number (, a numerical combination that is difficult to remember. At the end of the day, knowing or not knowing about DNS does not require or affect the day-to-day activities of companies.

The DNS filter is a solution for managing access rules based on DNS queries, about which some basic notions are indeed necessary.

After all, in any and all access and flow of data and information , from simple home networks to large corporate networks and the internet itself, there are IP addresses involved .

Therefore, a minimum understanding of DNS filtering is important when defining and prioritizing rules, controls and risks over data . Since, on the internet, it is very difficult, but super important, to determine, monitor and control the flow and traffic of access .

In fact, a need that aims to provide security for flows and traffic , from origin to destination, only at interesting and useful addresses and not harmful and malicious ones.

And DNS firewall, what is it?

And DNS firewall, what is it?

In fact, the most correct and usual thing is to talk about DNS firewall . Because, as we have just seen, firewall and DNS filter exist distinctly and separately.

So, DNS firewall or DNS firewall is a step forward in the evolution of processes that guarantee security, control and monitoring of network data and internet access flows .

Unlike a traditional firewall, the DNS firewall , in addition to blocking and redirecting users to prevent access to malicious websites, also acts more broadly, at different layers and phases of the DNS, preventing the loss, blocking or compromise of data .

In principle, this technology allows an advantage that provides more data on threats , helps to isolate compromised devices and keeps information about malicious attacks visible and updated , through an automated threat feed , even with end-to-end encryption .

Why is a DNS firewall solution important?

Why is a DNS firewall solution important?

In addition to preventing identity theft, protecting against the installation of malware and monitoring the blocking or loss of data and information, optimizing tax burden and increasing productivity, a DNS firewall solution also increases security by :

GUIDE THE END USER – The possibility of being able to demonstrate and explain to the end user the avoided risks is pedagogical. In this sense, the objective is to inform to raise awareness to prevent virtual risks and dangers.

SAFEGUARD THE TEAM – A DNS firewall minimizes risks and also greater difficulties and inconvenience if the network is compromised. A relief for companies and teams, which can focus on resolving other equally urgent issues.

GENERATE INSIGHTS AND PROACTIVITY – The greater the transparency and the better the management of communication, the greater the agility in decision-making and intervention and, consequently, the fewer the risks and moments of crisis.

BE SIMPLE TO INSTALL AND MAINTAIN – Once configured, the DNS firewall protects the network and devices from malicious attacks. Continuous updating is another factor that allows you to do without constant upgrades.

PROTECT BRANDS – The impact of leaks and security breaches can ruin a business and reputation. Investing in security preserves the value of brands and companies.

CHEAPER THE PRICE OF CYBER RISK INSURANCE – The price and costs arising from insurance are normally neither predicted nor planned. However, a DNS firewall is a technology that guarantees discounts and reduced insurance costs against cyber risks.

What is Lumiun?

What is Lumiun?

Lumiun Internet Security is a company that delivers effective internet management and security solutions for your company, your provider or your family: Lumiun Box , Lumiun DNS and Lumiun ISP .

Every day since 2016, the Brazilian startup has undeniably helped thousands of users by developing and improving solutions based on DNS filtering. It not only improves the security and control of internet access, as well as the productivity of its customers and partners .

Just to illustrate, Lumiun Internet Security is responsible for controlling and monitoring more than 508 million accesses per day! As a result, it fulfills its mission and purpose by blocking more than 95 million harmful requests .

Lumiun DNS

Lumiun Lumiun DNS is a new security and protection platform for internet access, being a practical and complete tool without the need for hardware. At an affordable cost, this tool allows you to add an extra layer of protection to your company's networks in different environments, in addition to applying web content filters and access monitoring through artificial intelligence.

This solution offers specialized customer support, direct contact with analysts located in Brazil and rapid deployment, without network interruptions. Lumiun Lumiun DNS has a low latency infrastructure with Anycast technology, in addition to optimized website filtering.

So that companies can discover how this tool can transform the security of their networks, data and devices, Lumiun offers a free trial period . If the company chooses to continue using it, it is possible to choose to subscribe to a paid plan or continue with a free plan with limited features.

Lumiun Box

Lumiun Box is a cloud-based service that uses the DNS system to provide security and  access control to the internet .

At the same time, it makes the network more secure and the team more productive by filtering the domains that can or cannot be accessed.

Lumiun Box 's Business VPN is a solution that brings external collaborators together and brings everyone together on a single network. Likewise, this process contributes to increasing safety and productivity.

The acronym VPN , which stands for Virtual Private Network, is a technology that uses the internet to connect a group of computers and, above all, maintain the security of data traveling across the network .

Furthermore, the pandemic has made this technology even more relevant. Especially due to remote work, working from home .

Click here and find out more details about HOW THE LUMIUN BOX WORKS and the benefits and advantages of controlling internet access in corporate environments.

Lumiun ISP

Lumiun ISP is a DNS filter in SVA for internet providers. Without a doubt, an innovative service that generates value for providers and subscribers.

Lumiun Lumiun ISP , which works by filtering DNS queries, is useful and safe for the subscriber , but also fair, hassle-free and profitable for the ISP provider.

Mainly because the SVA (Value Added Service) encompasses any and all provision of auxiliary services to the telecommunications activity. Offering subscribers security, protection and control benefits when using the internet.

Why is a DNS Firewall solution important?

The firewall is a resource that allows monitoring and controlling the flow of access to data and virtual resources on the network . This tool works based on the security policy implemented and determined by each company, applying its criteria in accordance with the established rules.

With this, the firewall allows the filtering of incoming and outgoing traffic, controlling access in accordance with previously implemented security layers . This functionality makes the firewall one of the main layers of protection in a company's private network, being essential for blocking possible invasion attempts and malicious access.

All these features make this tool one of the main security resources for a business . The DNS firewall is the evolution of this solution, allowing access and flow monitoring in a company's digital environment and network with even more efficiency.

What differentiates the DNS firewall from the traditional solution is that, in addition to ensuring the blocking and redirection of access to prevent malicious access. It also ensures data protection, preventing leaks, losses and compromise of information.

6 benefits of DNS firewall

As we have seen, the DNS firewall is a highly versatile solution that can help your company ensure even greater security for access and information traffic within the network. The main benefits of this tool are:

1. Ensures more control over the company’s internet

There are numerous pages and websites that can compromise the security of your devices and the confidentiality of the information that is stored. The DNS firewall allows protection against harmful websites, internet monitoring

2. Increases your company's internet security

With countless ways to penetrate systems and steal information, cybercriminals are implementing malicious actions every day. For this reason, having extra security features will help your company avoid cyber attacks and keep your information safe. The DNS firewall:

  • Blocks malicious links;
  • Prevents access to harmful websites;
  • Blocks malicious ads;
  • Prevents theft of company data and information;
  • Prevents the installation of malicious software;
  • Blocks the adult content page;
  • Among other resources.

3. Increases your team's productivity

By blocking pages and websites that are not essential to your company's activity, the DNS firewall will help increase your team's productivity . Much of the time available for work is wasted on social networks, entertainment websites, streaming platforms, gaming and betting websites, etc. Locking these pages will help your team stay focused on what's really important.

4. Compliance with LGPD

The LGPD brought several paradigms and protocols that must be followed by companies to guarantee data protection and the confidentiality of information stored by organizations. Data leaks can result in numerous losses for the company and can harm its image in the market.

The DNS firewall will help your company follow security principles and prevent confidential information from leaking . This way, it can help your business remain in accordance with LGPD specifications.

5. Device and network protection

The DNS firewall has security filters and access blocking systems that can help keep your network and your company's devices protected. Contamination by viruses and malware can seriously harm your devices. In addition to impacting the productivity of your employees , as these devices will be unavailable for an indefinite period of time.

6. Helps educate and train your team

Having a Safe Internet Use Policy is essential, but it is not the only solution that must be implemented by the business. Security training can also be complex depending on the number of employees and the level of familiarity they have with technological tools.

With the DNS firewall, your company no longer needs to worry about training and security training for these employees. The control will now be carried out automatically and efficiently.

DNS Firewall for what?

DNS Firewall for what?

definitely needs the protection of a DNS firewall .

Unless there is no equipment, or unless they and their systems and networks are permanently free from vulnerabilities (both old and undiscovered), or if the data and information in circulation are totally irrelevant, only in this situation, you You can do without a DNS firewall .

It is the responsibility of managers and IT professionals to adopt, maintain and review actions aimed at protecting business information . Protecting the perimeter of the company's network is an important action for the security of the network itself and the information that travels through it.

To implement a new DNS firewall, accurately and effectively, with less inconvenience and complications, try to understand which solution is most suitable for the size and profile of your company .

Features such as predefined configuration policies, DNS firewall rule templates, management via cloud panel and permanent technical support are good internet security practices .

In fact, they make all the difference in deploying and operating a secure and reliable DNS firewall solution .

As a suggestion for continuing this reading, the page What is DNS Firewall and 7 reasons to use it in your company is a good continuation of reading this text. You can also download the content from this page and share it with those who also need this content.

Lumiun DNS Mikrotik
Lumiun DNS integration with pfsense software
Lumiun DNS Free Trial
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