DNS blocking and filtering

DNS Blocking and Filtering: How to Protect Users Without Becoming an Abusive Watchman

Companies from different sectors are increasingly concerned about security when browsing the internet. As it is a functional environment, but full of threats, it is important to adopt effective strategies to protect users. One such strategy is DNS Blocking and Filtering .

In the field of cybersecurity, DNS Blocking and Filtering are powerful tools for blocking digital threats and controlling access to inappropriate content , without abusing excessive monitoring. In other words, implementing these solutions can make all the difference in your company's security strategy, as will be discussed later.

In this article, we will cover the following topics:

  1. The need for security when browsing the internet
  2. Introduction to the concept of DNS Blocking and Filtering
  3. Understanding DNS Filtering
  4. Definition and basic functioning of DNS
  5. Data protection and privacy
  6. Respect for users' privacy
  7. Protection against online threats
  8. Implementation of DNS Filtering in companies
  9. Addressing concerns about abusive surveillance
  10. Communication and Transparency
  11. Conclusion

The need for security when browsing the internet

The 2023 ICT Companies Survey , carried out by the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br), reveals that 99% of companies consider the internet essential for their daily operations. Furthermore, the study indicates that 53% of companies have a digital security policy implemented, highlighting the growing concern about protection against cyber threats in the corporate environment.

Currently, several threats, such as DNS attacks , can compromise business activities and facilitate cyber scams. Digital Security Barometer” survey by Mastercard and Instituto Datafolha, fraud and digital attacks are frequently faced by 64% of national companies , resulting in significant losses such as data leaks and hijacking of company information.

Therefore, the security strategy must ensure safe browsing, using the correct tools to protect employees and corporate data is crucial.

Brief overview of the importance of digital security in companies

Digital transformation has boosted productivity and brought countless benefits to companies. However, exposure to cyber risks has also increased. Trend Micro's report reveals that 161 billion threats will be blocked in 2023 .

To protect sensitive information, ensure operational continuity and maintain business reputation, digital security has become a priority. In response to the increase and sophistication of attacks, organizations have adopted more robust preventative measures. CrowdStrike's Global Threat Report for 2024 highlights a 75% increase in cloud intrusions and a rise in identity-based threats , carried out through techniques such as phishing, social engineering and API key .

In other words, cybercriminals employ advanced strategies to access confidential information and divert financial data. This has resulted in the implementation of regulations such as the General Data Protection Law , which requires robust security protocols. Therefore, failure to comply with these laws can result in severe penalties, such as fines and negative exposure for the company.

Introduction to the concept of DNS Blocking and Filtering

DNS Blocking and Filtering controls access to content and services on the internet, preventing access to dangerous or malicious websites and also protecting company data and networks against cyber threats .

Simply put, these methods work as extra layers of protection, blocking domains known to host harmful content. DNS Filtering prevents the resolution of domain names associated with inappropriate content, preventing access even before a connection is established. This method is more efficient and less invasive than other security strategies .

By implementing these tools, your company can maintain a safer digital environment and reduce cyber risks. In addition, it reinforces internal internet use policies , helping to promote preventive and responsible practices among employees. So that they understand the need to adopt more preventive practices and use the company's resources more responsibly.

Understanding DNS Filtering

Nowadays, with all the tools available to protect browsing and devices, DNS Filtering stands out as a crucial feature. Therefore, many companies adopt it to block specific content on the network, and its popularity is growing due to the benefits and effectiveness it provides.

What is DNS Filtering?

DNS Filtering is a vital security strategy that restricts access to specific domains on the internet , following policies defined by managers. In this sense, this approach guarantees the blocking of harmful or undesirable content for the company.

In addition to protecting against malware , pornography , violence, gaming and betting sites and others, this tool is multifaceted, promoting data and device security while increasing employee productivity .

Managers can also use this tool to monitor network traffic and help identify suspicious patterns, enabling early detection of threats. With this, it is possible to combine preventive blocking and continuous monitoring to optimize the company's security strategy.

Definition and basic functioning of DNS

By analogy, the DNS (domain name system) works like a digital phonebook. When an address is typed into the browser, DNS converts that name into an IP address, allowing internet servers to understand navigation.

Based on this, DNS Filtering intervenes in this process, blocking domains present on the restriction list . Therefore, the browser is unable to access previously blocked websites, ensuring safer browsing.

How DNS Filtering contributes to internet security

DNS Filtering acts as a first line of cyber defense, preventing access to inappropriate or malicious websites and blocking malware, phishing and other threats.

In other words, in addition to protecting against known threats, DNS Filtering also plays a crucial role in enforcing internet usage policies . This way, companies can restrict access to streaming, betting or social media sites during working hours, promoting a more focused and productive environment.

Another advantage of DNS Filtering is its proactive ability to not only block known threats, but also detect new threats as they emerge. Using updated databases on dangerous domains, this tool continuously adapts to reinforce the company's cybersecurity.

Data protection and privacy

Currently in society, companies have the priority responsibility for protecting information and preserving privacy. With the increase in security threats and breaches, it is crucial to adopt resources and tools to ensure the confidentiality of information.

Furthermore, consumers and users demand that organizations maintain a high standard of confidentiality and security. Therefore, to maintain their competitiveness in the current market, companies must be prepared to offer the expected level of security.

Corporate data security

It is crucial to protect confidential data, but it is also essential to ensure corporate data security to preserve the confidentiality and integrity of company information . Companies use DNS Filtering to block access to websites known for scams and cyber traps, thus strengthening cybersecurity.

Corporate information is shared between users within the organization, usually between departments or regions, and there is no exact metric to define its scope in small or medium-sized companies.

Compromise of this information can have a severe impact on the organization, affecting its reputation, resulting in financial losses and even litigation. In this sense, implementing DNS Filtering is a proactive measure to mitigate vulnerabilities and protect corporate data.

How DNS Filtering helps protect sensitive data

Blocking access to malicious or dangerous domains helps protect the corporate network against threats, ensuring the security of sensitive data against loss, theft or corruption and compliance with the General Data Protection Law , avoiding damage to the company's image.

DNS Filtering helps identify and block fake pages used in phishing attacks, protecting employees against access to malicious content and preventing the compromise of access data and confidential company information.

Additionally, this tool can be used to monitor and analyze traffic patterns, detecting suspicious activities and attack attempts . This allows threats to be blocked quickly before they cause real damage.

Examples of threats mitigated by DNS Filtering

Cybercriminals employ a variety of tools to illicitly acquire data and cause harm to companies. Therefore, DNS Filtering plays a crucial role in mitigating various threats, such as:

  • Malware: Sites that distribute malicious software can be blocked by DNS Filtering, preventing infections that compromise corporate systems, take down data, take control of devices and corrupt files.
  • Phishing : Phishing is a type of online scam in which criminals try to trick people into providing personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers, by posing as trusted entities. Using fake emails, messages or websites, they collect sensitive data through social engineering. DNS Filtering blocks access to these fraudulent pages, protecting users from online fraud.
  • Ransomware: Domains used to distribute ransomware are blocked by DNS Filtering , preventing attacks that encrypt data and demand ransom to recover access.
  • Botnets: DNS Filtering can block communications with command and control servers used in  DDoS attacks by botnets, protecting against illegitimate overloads of servers and corporate pages.
  • Spyware and adware: Sites that host spyware (collecting information without consent) and adware (displaying unwanted advertisements and hiding threats) can be blocked by DNS Filtering, preventing data loss and unauthorized disclosure of information.

In other words, implementing DNS Filtering is essential to strengthen companies' cybersecurity, mitigating these and other threats.

Respect for users' privacy

The LGPD emphasized that companies need to actively guarantee user privacy. Leaking collected data can cause significant damage, highlighting the need to adopt more effective tools to preserve the privacy and integrity of this information.

Lack of compliance with the LGPD can cause enormous losses for the organization, including severe penalties and damage to the company's image in the market . Therefore, the more prepared the company is to face cyber threats, the lower the chances of suffering attacks that compromise the privacy of employees, customers and users.

Additionally, certain blocking features can harm the company's reputation among its employees. Depending on the resources used, employees may feel that their privacy when performing daily tasks and browsing is being compromised. Therefore, it is crucial to adopt features that protect the network without creating an overly vigilant environment.

How to implement filtering without invading users' privacy

To ensure a good organizational climate and avoid invasions of privacy, the implementation of DNS Filtering must be transparent, establishing clear limits for all users . Policies should be focused on protecting networks and information, without undue monitoring of individual activities.

An effective approach is to categorize blocks based on known risks and threats, without specifically monitoring the sites visited by each employee. The objective is to block access to malicious or inappropriate websites for the work environment, without interfering with employees' personal activities.

It is crucial that the entire filtering process is justified and proportional to the company's real needs , thus promoting network security and work productivity. To keep this policy up to date, it is essential to carry out periodic reviews and ensure transparency at all stages of the process.

Transparency and clear communication policies

To prevent users from feeling like their privacy is being invaded or that there is excessive control over their digital behavior within the company, it is crucial to communicate DNS Filtering policies clearly and transparently. This includes clearly explaining the following points:

  1. Informational meetings: hold training sessions and informational meetings to explain the importance of DNS Filtering and how this process will work in practice within the company. At these meetings, managers provide a comprehensive view of the organization's security policies, the threats to be mitigated and the expected benefits.
  2. Accessible documentation: Keep blocked site list filtering policies in a location accessible to all contributors . This way, they can consult the policies whenever necessary and better understand how the DNS Filtering process works and is implemented within the company.
  3. Feedback: It is also important to maintain an accessible communication channel so that all employees can express potential concerns and provide feedback on how filtering policies are working on a day-to-day basis. This process can be implemented through opinion polls, meetings and even a ticket system.

Blocking inappropriate and harmful content

Although the internet is essential for businesses today, it is crucial to control its use carefully. While certain online tools contribute positively to operations and business continuity, there are also websites with content that must be blocked to ensure security and productivity.

In addition to impacting the company's results, access to inappropriate and harmful content can represent a real cyber risk. It is common for websites of this type to contain disguised threats that can harm the integrity and privacy of information.

Identification and blocking of dangerous content

DNS Filtering blocks content considered dangerous and harmful. This blocking includes sites known to host phishing and malware, as well as sites with adult content, gambling platforms, and other categories that can compromise productivity and workplace safety.

We identify this type of content through blocklists maintained by the DNS Filtering service, which are constantly updated based on emerging threats. In addition to these lists, companies can implement blocking policies based on specific needs, ensuring that DNS Filtering protects according to the organization's new threats and needs.

Types of content that can be blocked

In this sense, there are several categories that, when blocked, can benefit the smooth running of activities and strengthen the security strategy:

  • Malware and phishing sites: There are sites known for distributing malware or carrying out phishing attacks, specifically designed to trick users and cause numerous problems for the company.
  • Social networks and streaming sites: This content can impact employee productivity. Blocking these platforms during work hours can help them stay focused on what's essential.
  • Gambling and adult content: These sites may be inappropriate for a work environment and may also pose additional security risks.
  • Illegal content: Sites that host illegal content, such as drugs, piracy and other prohibited materials, can be blocked to ensure the company's legal compliance and employee safety, thus creating a safer and more appropriate work environment.
  • Downloading potentially dangerous software: Many cyber attacks begin with downloading software from untrustworthy sources, which can be attached to programs and malware that cause numerous problems.

Positive impact on safety and the work environment

Implementing DNS Filtering can have a very positive impact on security and the work environment within your company . It significantly reduces the risk of malware infections, information leaks, and other cyber threats by blocking access to dangerous websites.

This promotes a safer and more stable network. Furthermore, by improving cybersecurity, DNS Filtering also increases productivity . By blocking websites and content that can cause distractions or waste time, such as streaming platforms and social networks, it helps employees stay focused on work-related activities.

This, in turn, increases operational efficiency. Working in a more productive and safe environment is directly linked to employee satisfaction and well-being. Carrying out your tasks on a protected network provides greater confidence and peace of mind, helping to establish clear expectations and reduce conflicts in the workplace.

Protection against online threats

The threats found on the internet are varied and can cause significant damage to users and companies. Given the various strategies used to divert information, contaminate devices and carry out financial fraud, it is crucial that companies prioritize protection against these online threats.

Therefore, more and more companies are looking for tools and resources that can strengthen their security and guarantee data privacy. The greater this concern, the better the company's security and its reputation among consumers.

Examples of online threats such as malware and phishing

Digital threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and difficult to detect, constantly evolving to reach a greater number of users. Malware and phishing are examples of threats that cause significant damage to companies, facilitating financial scams.

Malware is malicious software designed to steal data, take control of devices, and corrupt files. This type of programs are distributed via deceptive downloads, email attachments and websites from untrustworthy or compromised sources.

On the other hand, phishing is a strategy used to deceive users and obtain confidential information, such as access data and credit card information. In other words, this cyber scam is usually carried out through fake emails or websites that convincingly imitate legitimate pages.

How DNS Filtering prevents attacks and protects users

As mentioned earlier, DNS Filtering strengthens attack prevention and protects users against cyber threats. The technology blocks access to domains known to host malicious or dangerous content , preventing such threats from compromising the corporate network and ensuring the security of the organization's devices and data.

DNS Filtering also stands out for its effectiveness in blocking phishing pages, which are domains that imitate legitimate websites such as service providers and banks. This approach prevents users from accessing fraudulent websites, drastically reducing the risk of sensitive information and credentials being stolen.

Additionally, the technology blocks domains associated with ransomware, botnets and other threats, preventing infections and keeping the corporate network safer . Monitoring DNS traffic helps you detect suspicious patterns and mitigate cyberattacks before they can cause damage.

Additional Benefits of DNS Filtering

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, DNS Filtering offers several additional advantages. This strategy allows the company to reduce bandwidth consumption by websites that are not relevant to daily activities , improving overall network performance and optimizing resource allocation.

This tool also allows the company to comply with data security regulations, such as LGPD and GDPR , by preventing access to websites that compromise information security and privacy. This process helps companies avoid penalties imposed by law and protect their reputation in the market.

Implementation of DNS Filtering in companies

Given all the advantages mentioned throughout this material, we now need to understand how to implement this feature. If your company seeks to maintain compliance with legislation and ensure safer day-to-day processes, DNS Filtering could be the ideal solution .

To effectively adopt DNS Filtering, it is essential to follow an organized and well-structured implementation process, as detailed below:

Step by step implementation

See below the fundamental steps for implementing DNS Filtering within your organization:

Needs assessment:

The implementation of DNS Filtering goes through several crucial steps, starting with defining objectives and policies. It is essential to initially identify the specific needs of the company and the threats that DNS Filtering must mitigate.

Managers must understand these security and productivity needs to determine which categories of content need to be blocked. Furthermore, it is essential to establish which are the main threats that must be monitored and prevented to guarantee the organization's security.

Solution choice:

After defining the objectives, the company needs to select a DNS Filtering solution that meets its needs. This may involve choosing cloud-based solutions like Lumiun DNS , or setting up in-house local DNS servers.

During the selection process, it is essential to consider factors such as ease of implementation, solution scalability, and monitoring capabilities . Furthermore, the quality of the technical support offered must be a crucial aspect to be evaluated in the final decision.

Policy definition:

In the next phase, managers must establish filtering policies, determining which types of websites will be blocked and the criteria used for this decision . Categories of sites to be blocked are defined, such as malware sites, adult content, social networks and gaming platforms.

Therefore, the choice must reflect the specific needs of the company and the type of content that needs blocking. It is essential to consider that each company has different requirements, and it is essential to take this into account when implementing policies.


After the first phases, it is necessary to start configuring the company's DNS servers to redirect traffic through the filtering service. Therefore, it is crucial to use an efficient and easy-to-use tool that simplifies the configuration process.


To check whether the implemented policies are achieving the results expected by your company, it is essential to carry out access tests. These tests allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of blocks and ensure network protection.

During this phase, it is important to test different scenarios to verify the effectiveness of the blocking and make adjustments as necessary.

Training and communication:

Now that the entire process has been established and DNS Filtering is active, the company must communicate these changes clearly and transparently to employees . It is essential to ensure that employees understand the need for this feature without feeling like their privacy is being invaded.

It is important to provide clear information about what will be blocked and the reasons behind this measure . Furthermore, being available to respond to possible questions and concerns from employees is essential. Explaining the benefits of this security measure will help everyone understand the importance of protecting company resources.


Monitoring this tool is essential for the company to maintain its protection at a high level. A monitoring system will track DNS traffic and help identify suspicious activity.

Additionally, policies should be reviewed periodically for adjustments as needed . This will allow your company to maintain the security and effectiveness of protection resources.

Recommended tools and solutions

The advancement of technology has enabled the development of several solutions and tools focused on cybersecurity. Several options are available on the market to implement DNS Filtering, such as Lumiun DNS .

Lumiun Lumiun DNS is a cloud-based tool that offers an intuitive interface, configuration flexibility, and monitoring capabilities. It allows companies to easily perform category blocking and monitor DNS traffic in real time, generating detailed reports on network activity.

When choosing a tool like this, it is crucial to consider your organization's specific needs and evaluate what functionality can be offered. Support is also an important factor to consider, as your company may need specialized assistance to ensure the solution functions properly.

Addressing concerns about abusive surveillance

There is substantial debate surrounding the limits of monitoring that a company can adopt on its networks and devices to ensure continuity of operations. Management must find a balance between necessary cybersecurity and respect for employee privacy.

Therefore, inappropriate use of the internet can result in major financial losses , highlighting the critical importance of monitoring and access control to sustain operational efficiency.

Balance between security and freedom

Given these factors, it is essential to find a balance between cybersecurity and freedom in the workplace. The implementation of DNS Filtering must focus on protecting networks and devices, without compromising employee privacy.

It's crucial to avoid a feeling of constant surveillance by choosing to block specific categories of dangerous or malicious websites without monitoring each online movement individually . Therefore, the process must be designed to maintain a healthy work environment, where filtering policies are clear and understood by employees, without unduly exposing confidential information.

Including employees in the development of filtering policies is essential so that they understand the need for the measures adopted and the importance of a preventive approach when using the internet. This transparency not only strengthens employee trust, but also facilitates the effective implementation of cybersecurity policies within the company.

How to Avoid Feelings of Excessive Surveillance Among Employees

Implementing DNS Filtering in a transparent and communicative manner is essential to ensure understanding and acceptance by employees . Clearly explaining the objectives and benefits of this measure, emphasizing the protection of the network and confidential corporate data, is crucial, without focusing on monitoring employees' personal activities.

Employees should be aware that the goal is not to monitor their personal activities, which builds trust and reduces concerns. Regular feedback on the results obtained with DNS Filtering is essential to demonstrate that threats are being blocked and that the network is safer due to this implementation. Tangible results will help employees understand the importance of these security measures, perceiving DNS Filtering as a valuable protection tool.

Internet usage policies must be balanced and aligned with the company's needs . It is possible to allow reasonable use of the internet during breaks and lunch hours, demonstrating that the company does not seek to restrict employee access, but rather to protect its resources effectively.

Flexible and adjustable policies according to the team’s needs

To ensure effective implementation of DNS Filtering, it is crucial that policies are flexible and adjustable to the needs of your team and business . This involves balancing cybersecurity with the flexibility needed to maintain uninterrupted operations.

In sectors where access to tools such as social networks is essential for team activities, it is important to consider these needs when defining DNS Filtering policies. Clearly communicating any policy changes to employees is essential to ensure they understand the reasons behind access restrictions or releases.

It is recommended to involve employees in the process of defining and reviewing policies. This not only promotes transparency, but also allows you to collect valuable feedback on team concerns and needs. Thus, this engagement helps to develop policies that are better accepted and adapted to the company's reality, facilitating implementation without generating unnecessary friction.

Communication and Transparency

Successful implementation . It is the duty of companies to inform employees about filtering practices, explaining the benefits for security and data protection, as well as detailing the types of content that will be blocked.

This communication can be carried out through periodic meetings, specific training and the provision of accessible documentation . Likewise, having a continuous information exchange channel is crucial to keeping employees updated about changes in filtering policy, new cyber threats and additional security measures that will be implemented.

Employee involvement in the policy-setting process

The involvement of employees in defining DNS Filtering policies is crucial to ensure transparent and effective implementation. In other words, engagement not only increases acceptance of implemented measures, but also improves their effectiveness by incorporating continuous feedback on employee needs and concerns.

Therefore, participating in the creation of policies allows employees to feel more respected and valued by the company, which increases their commitment to security policies. Gathering feedback through surveys, meetings, and security committees provides valuable insights into potential gaps in existing policies.

Additionally, employee involvement helps identify areas where DNS Filtering may negatively impact productivity or the organizational climate. Additionally, in some cases, certain categories of sites may not be essential for certain teams, allowing for policy adjustments to balance access as needed. In this way, a collaborative approach to defining DNS Filtering policies can make them more effective and balanced for all parties involved.


Therefore, DNS Filtering is an essential tool for companies that want to protect themselves against cyber threats and provide a safer and more productive work environment. Blocking inappropriate and dangerous websites helps prevent malware infections, phishing attacks, and other cyber threats while ensuring compliance with current regulations.

However, implementing DNS Filtering must be done in a way that respects users' privacy and avoids any sense of excessive surveillance. Incorrect implementation can harm the organizational climate and result in greater losses for companies, such as a drop in productivity and problems in the work environment.

Therefore, by adopting a balanced and collaborative approach, it is possible to enjoy all the benefits of DNS Filtering without employees feeling monitored. This way, your company will have a safer network, more productive employees and a reliable work environment.

lumiun dns - web content filter
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