digital security and dns

Digital Security and DNS: protection against cyber threats

Internet access has become extremely democratic, and users from all over the world can access websites and content very easily. But, have you ever wondered how this access actually happens? The evolution of technology has brought us many facilities, at the same time as raising an alert regarding digital security.

Access to pages takes place through a resource called DNS – domain name system. This feature allows information entered into the search bar to automatically match the IP address. Thus, DNS allows users to access pages from anywhere in the world.

This technology has enabled the development of security tools aimed at protecting networks and devices, such as DNS filtering. This filter allows companies to establish more assertive control over which pages can be accessed within the work environment and which of them should be blocked because they represent a security threat.

DNS and digital security for your MSP

Companies that provide IT service outsourcing – MSPs – also have a great need for security. Since these businesses work with confidential information and need to guarantee increasingly secure resources for their customers. Making protection tools become indispensable.

MSPs have been showing great growth in the market, see how this type of company can transform the technology sector of a business:

What is DNS?

DNS allows the location of IP numbers and the conversion of information to website addresses, entered in the navigation bar. Without this technology, accessing websites would be a much more complex task, as it would be necessary to provide the IP number to access any web page.

The DNS system allows the translation of these addresses into domain names, making access to the internet democratic and simplified.

What is the function of DNS filtering?

Now that we understand how the DNS domain name system works, it is possible to understand what the DNS filter . Taking into account that each domain responds to an IP address, it is possible to filter and block certain types of pages through the DNS filter.

Using a DNS filter, it is possible to block malicious websites or content that is inappropriate for access during work hours, for example.

With the help of this tool, the company is able to block possible unauthorized access and avoid the main security problems that could affect the confidentiality and security of its data.

Another great advantage of this tool is that, by blocking certain types of content such as social networks , betting sites, gaming and streaming platforms, entertainment pages, e-commerce, among others, the company will be able to increase worker productivity . This is because the time that was previously wasted with improper access will be fully allocated to the company's strategy.

DNS for digital security

As we have seen, DNS filtering can be implemented to block numerous types of content that could be considered harmful to the company. Through it, your business will be able to keep users away from pages that could cause problems.

It is very common for certain pages to end up hosting and hiding malicious software in images, videos, banners and malicious advertisements. By blocking this type of content, you can keep your employees away from these threats and prevent the company from suffering from information leaks or data loss.

How content filtering can help your MSP

Companies from all segments can benefit from web content filtering. However, technology companies, such as MSPs , can guarantee even more advantages with this type of tool.

The content filter can be applied to company devices, networks and systems, ensuring protection against cyber threats. Filters can be implemented according to the type of access performed by users and the company's access needs.

This way, it is possible to increase the protection of network devices without having to harm business activities by blocking content that is really necessary. It is important to remember that these filters are applied not only according to the company's strategy, but also in relation to the type of access that each user can perform within the business.

This means that employees from different sectors of the same company can have personalized access types according to their demands. This characteristic makes DNS filtering one of the smartest strategies for organizations that want to have more effective control over accesses made.

Protection against cyber threats

In addition to ensuring that employees do not waste time carrying out inappropriate access, the DNS filter also increases the protection of your business's devices and networks. Cyber ​​threats can be hidden on several pages, such as:

  • Entertainment website;
  • Virtual stores;
  • Fake pages;
  • Gaming and betting sites;
  • Social media;
  • Streaming platforms;
  • Website with pornographic or violent content;
  • And much more.

Blocking websites will help your company ensure that employees stay away from cyber problems that hinder the smooth running of the company's activities. Certain cyber threats can cause delays, information leaks, device contamination, and many other damages.

Companies that suffer cyber attacks end up having their image seriously damaged, impacting their growth and market performance.

Protecting remote users: digital security for the home office

The recent pandemic ended up transforming the reality of several companies around the world. With the need for social isolation, many organizations ended up implementing remote work to continue their activities.

This modality ended up proving efficient and numerous companies maintained remote work as an alternative to reduce costs and increase employee productivity. However, there is also a challenge regarding information security in the face of this work alternative.

Having security tools such as DNS filtering will help increase security when working from home and ensure that employees do not harm the company's networks and devices.

Importance of DNS for your MSP

As we can see throughout this article, the DNS filter can ensure that your organization has an extra layer of security, preventing the incidence of cyber scams and information leaks. The more prepared your company is to deal with this type of threat, the better your position in the market will be.

DNS filtering is an economical and efficient alternative, and can bring numerous advantages to your MSP's security strategy. In addition to being an intuitive and easy-to-use resource, the DNS filter is a complete and excellent cost-benefit tool.

Cybercriminals develop resources daily to hide their traps and access information improperly. Protecting yourself against cyber threats will help your business reach a competitive level and stand out from the competition.

Digital security as an ally in the productivity and profitability of your business

What many managers still don't understand is that investing in digital security will not only add advantages to protecting business networks and devices. A complete and efficient security strategy will contribute to increased productivity, and consequently, to increased profitability for your business.

This is because the damage caused by a cyber attack can cause networks to be unavailable and impact the results obtained by your company in the short, medium and long term. Investing in digital security is essential for your company to achieve success and stand out in a market that is already very competitive.

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