data leak

Learn how to reduce losses and losses from data leaks without counting on luck

Today, I intend to demonstrate that, compared to large corporations, small and medium-sized companies have a lot to lose from security incidents . Mainly when data leaks occur.

It's actually quite easy to understand the reasons. Two situations occur that make data leaks and other security incidents more intense and damaging in small and medium-sized companies .

Firstly, because the General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD) does not differentiate between business size . It aims to prevent security incidents and protect holders of personal data against loss, damage and harm.

That is, according to the law, a data leak involving 50 customers or millions of people will receive the same treatment. In other words, the measures provided for by law (fines and sanctions) are the same for small or large companies.

Secondly, because large companies have cultures and practices that aim to minimize risks . And, at the same time, enhance internet access management and control policies . In other words, they have Governance and invest heavily in technology solutions and data security compliance.

The luck of many companies and entrepreneurs is that, even in 2022, the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) declares that it is investing more in educational measures than in punishing .

However, let's face it: counting on luck is not the best way .

An unmanaged data leak could break your company

Reducing risks and enhancing data protection in companies should be common practices. However, this is not even remotely the case , especially in small and medium-sized companies.

Without a doubt, a gross mistake by businesspeople, IT professionals and managers . After all, the LGPD does not differentiate between large and small data leaks or the size of the companies responsible for undue exposure.

Thus, it is easy to understand why small and medium-sized companies have much more to lose than large corporations. In fact, the chances of smaller companies going bankrupt are much greater .

In practice, security incidents, in particular data leaks, lead companies to stop producing, selling or providing services .

And that's where the danger lies: what determines the downtime period (longer or shorter) is how prepared companies are to deal with security incidents.

And, no, how much they rely on luck.

Test against data leakage

I propose an easy and didactic exercise , which only requires the information and knowledge you have about your company.

In the end, we will find out how long your company will be down in the event of a data breach or other security incident. What will determine this period is your level of information and training.

In other words, we will test how prepared your company is, or not, to face security incidents .

For this purpose, I will list a series of questions about measures and measures. You must say whether they should be adopted against data leakage in the company and ransomware attack .

Each negative response means two business days without production or invoicing. See how many you can answer. Then, calculate the impact of the number of days with the company stopped and reflect on the consequences .

Find out if your company is ready to face security incidents

  • Can anyone from the company explain what a data leak is?
  • Likewise, do you know what a ransomware attack is?
  • What are the main causes of security incidents?
  • Is there a difference between a data leak, ransomware attack and a security incident?
  • What are the types of security incidents?
  • What are the dangers of a ransomware attack?
  • What does the LGPD determine? What are the sanctions and penalties for data breaches?
  • How to protect the company against data leaks and ransomware attacks? Name five preventative actions.
  • According to the LGPD, who is responsible for a data leak?
  • Has your company already adapted to the LGPD?
  • What measures should be taken in the event of a data leak and ransomware attack?
  • What do cybercriminals look for in data leaks?
  • What can digital criminals do with the collected data?
  • Does your company invest in data security? As?
  • What technologies and solutions are available on the market for managing and controlling internet access and data protection?
  • Name five preventive actions to avoid data leaks in the company.
  • Are there policies for managing and controlling internet access?
  • If so, have all employees been informed, trained and made aware?
  • Should every data leak be reported?
  • Who should be informed in the event of a data leak?
  • What information should be included when reporting security incidents?
  • What are the consequences of a data leak?
  • Does your company have a crisis management team?
  • Can customers sue your company for data leaks?
  • Your company's revenue, profitability and cash flow allow for how many operating cycles without cash flow?

After 25 questions, what is the result?

The history of Business Administration and security incidents

Although the Administration has its roots dating back to around 5,000 BC, in Sumer. Since that time, solving problems common to society and companies requires a minimum of organization and systematization of processes and controls.

Today, 7,022 years later, the evolution of civilization and the current context requires businesspeople to know that their companies must organize themselves to be productive and safe. There is no room for security breaches. Minimizing vulnerabilities and protecting data are a must.

Since then, some theories and theorists have stood out and entered the history of Administration. Especially Taylor (Scientific), Fayol (Classical), Mayo (Organizational Behavior) and Weber (Organization Theory).

So, the more answers you were able to answer , the less the administration's parents turned over in their coffins.

Joking aside, every company, regardless of size, demands the same processes created by these scholars: planning, organization, management and control .

From cash flow, through employee training, to investment in management and control of internet access .

Digital transformation and data leakage in companies

Without a doubt, the pandemic has accelerated digital transformation processes .

It is certain that large companies find it easier to invest in and adopt technologies and tools to optimize and maximize production, management and control processes .

However, despite the lower investment capacity, small and medium-sized companies also have to manage and administer their businesses . Therefore, in them, the training and qualification of human capital .

After all, it is employees who must overcome obstacles and challenges to produce and sell their products and services with the greatest productivity and effectiveness possible.

At the same time, entrepreneurs and managers cannot do without any accessible technological tool or solution.

Just like information, technology is a relevant asset. They are available to streamline management, production and communication processes, without leaving them susceptible or vulnerable to cyber threats .

Technology in favor of data security

A good example is the way companies charge. In addition to the paperwork involved, one or more full-time employees to issue and send invoices and bills. And then manually control and monitor payments.

Today, modern financial management needs just a few clicks to automate this entire process .

Therefore, the most logical and viable thing is to add information security solutions, technologies and systems to protect the personal and sensitive data involved in this process .

Another great example is a practice that was already out of use: analogue and face-to-face communication . It was banned once and for all with the pandemic, due to contagion with Covid-19.

Modern business communication management has long .

Without a doubt, mobile and internet access have revolutionized communication and allowed work and business continuity during the pandemic.

The same technology that allows all this connectivity and remote work (home office) is vulnerable and takes its toll: eternal surveillance (internal) and total control of communication (external) .

Otherwise, digital threats and security incidents cause disruption, losses, make business unfeasible and can even put the existence of companies at risk .

What to do to avoid inconvenience and losses

A data leak in the company is not always caused by hackers and malicious attacks . Since much of it originates from misuse and improper and uncontrolled access to the corporate internet by employees themselves.

Even if security incidents facilitated or caused by employees are unintentional, they always cause a lot of inconvenience and damage .

Although the human factor is a key element , it is companies that respond in the event of a data leak .

In fact, this type of situation only occurs because companies do not invest in managing and controlling internet access .

After all, it is their responsibility to process personal data under their custody , in accordance with the LGPD ANPD standards and guidelines .

Therefore, in addition to technological solutions and information security systems , companies must also invest in employee awareness and training .

Avoidance is the best solution

Without a doubt, the best solution is to invest in prevention against cyberattacks and security incidents .

Because, after a 2021 with record data leaks, the exposed information will make life easier for cybercriminals. The trend is for virtual threats to become more sophisticated, individualized and frequent .

Therefore, minimizing cyber risks and threats and complying with the General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD) means investing in solutions to prevent information security incidents .

This way, financial losses are avoided and the image and reputation of companies are protected .

Certainly, it is urgent for companies to structure and implement data security and internet access management and control policies. Since employees are the main entry point for cyber attacks .

Without a doubt, it is necessary to invest in information security solutions, technologies and systems , and in employee training and qualification .

Preventing data leakage in the company is possible, affordable and simple. Simply adopt prevention measures against cyberattacks and security incidents .

Security incident prevention

Learning and being informed about data leaks allows you to act preventively and contributes to reducing damage and losses .

Managing and controlling internet access does not need to be difficult or complex. Simply invest in solutions to prevent information security incidents .

In practice, in addition to prevention , the best solutions on the market offer even more benefits. productivity and profitability indicators . Just search and compare.

Information to prevent data leakage

Knowing more about data leaks and security incidents is the first step to preventing and protecting your company.

Feel free to access recent articles about data leaks in the company. Each link is an article with information, tips and suggestions.

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