
8 benefits generated by controlling internet access in companies

In the current working environment of companies, most employees remain connected to the Internet practically throughout their working hours, as more and more tasks are carried out through systems, emails , spreadsheets and over the internet, which speeds up activities. and delivery of tasks.

However, at the same time, employees can use the internet inappropriately and this misuse can generate numerous problems and losses for companies. Without any type of Internet access control or policy, it is normal for employees to use their working time accessing personal email, social media , videos on YouTube, WhatsApp, researching topics of personal interest and various other activities unrelated to work.

Therefore, controlling internet access in companies is a fundamental policy in managing teams and technology resources, as it avoids various internet security problems, reduces wasted time and increases professionals' focus and productivity.

In the next lines you will see the main benefits and advantages that internet access control provides to companies.

1 – Greater productivity and quality in tasks

By controlling the company's internet access, the waste of time caused by improper access or access outside the scope of work is reduced .

Employees start to perform more tasks during work and, at the same time, manage to generate better results. Furthermore, the results of the tasks are carried out with greater concentration, which is fundamental to the quality of the work carried out.

2 – Focus on the company’s tasks

It is common for almost all employees to access their personal email, for example, or to open their social media profile a few times a day. In addition to poor use of working time, this creates distraction and lack of focus while carrying out an activity .

With restrictions on internet use, it is possible to avoid access to websites that take up employees' time and focus, putting an end to work interruptions and ensuring that employees remain focused on company-related activities.

3 – Protection against internet threats

Internet security is essential when access is made in corporate environments.

The internet network is full of threats and security flaws, which, when encountered by an unprotected and lay employee, can cause significant losses for the company, such as loss of data or repairs to equipment and systems. To get a sense of the scope of the topic, according to the Cybercrime Magazine portal, Cybercrime Will Cost the World US$10.5 Trillion Annually By 2025 .

Most threats against companies come from accessing harmful websites or clicking on false emails and advertisements. In this way, managing internet access in the business environment can protect the network from various attacks , being one of the main benefits of internet access control.

4 – Lower occurrence of problems with viruses and malware

The vast majority of viruses and malware that exist today are installed by accessing harmful websites or by downloading and installing a file from a dubious source (the famous pirated software ).

Access to harmful websites usually happens through a link in a fake email or spam message, or through a lack of attention and responsibility while browsing.

It is possible to avoid access to these sites by controlling internet access, increasing the network's layer of protection , blocking sites with low reputation and harmful, thus reducing the incidence of problems with viruses and malware.

5 – Faster Internet

We increasingly need more speed and consistency in the internet signal for work tasks. But, unfortunately, we do not always have both factors in mind. Combined with this limited internet speed, imagine your employees watching videos, transferring files and accessing social networks during work, further damaging traffic speed and internet bandwidth consumption.

Without an access control system and internet consumption, these unrelated accesses will certainly consume the majority of your network traffic and other more important tasks will be compromised. By blocking video sites, social networks and others, all internet connections are available for the company's activities .

6 – Monitoring and information about internet use

Just creating navigation rules, blocking some sites, is not very smart. Knowing exactly which sites are most accessed and thus creating specific navigation rules for employees is essential.

With a complete access management service, it is possible to obtain detailed reports on the websites accessed, by time, by users or by equipment . This information is important to verify the commitment and responsibility of employees and serve as justification for possible penalties.

Furthermore, access in the financial sector is different from the marketing sector, for example, where social networks are part of daily work. Therefore, identifying and balancing access and blocks can be one of the great benefits of the company's internet access control.

7 – Better performance of systems and computers

With better internet performance and without running programs on the computer to access videos and social networks, for example, systems and computers have more resources available . This way, it is possible to improve the performance of activities connected to the internet and make the employee's work more stable and productive.

In addition to the performance factor, controlling and managing the internet in the company can avoid security problems such as the installation of viruses, which can slow down computers and even compromise the functioning of the network.

8 – Lower equipment maintenance costs

With the network and internet access protected from threats, problems of slowness and computer failures , generally caused by the installation of viruses resulting from access to harmful websites.

Problems of this type are frequent, as we receive countless spam messages with malicious links every day, where all it takes is one click to infect and compromise your computer. These problems generate expenses for equipment maintenance and employee idleness, but can be avoided by controlling Internet access. Furthermore, there is the time factor : the loss of productivity due to the slowness of the infected computer's system and internet, and also, the IT professional's time to solve the problem ends up becoming expensive, if the problem is recurring.

To finish

As you can see, there are many benefits that internet access control can bring to the company. But the most important thing is to understand that measures like this benefit everyone. For the company, which optimizes team productivity and reduces costs , and also for employees, who can perform their work without distractions , generating better results.

When implementing an access control policy, it is also important to seek balance and common sense in restrictions. It is interesting to release access according to the responsibilities and activities of each employee or team, and even define some break times, where entertainment sites and personal activities can be carried out, as the employee's rest and relaxation can contribute to the well-being in the company and its productivity.

Until later!

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