Cell phones become the main means of accessing the internet in Brazil, points out Cetic.br

In a survey carried out annually by the Regional Center for Studies for the Development of the Information Society ( Cetic.br ), linked to NIC.br , it was found that in 2015 cell phones overtook computers as the most used device for internet access in Brazil. .

Among internet users in Brazil, which make up 58% of the population aged 10 or over, 89% access the internet via cell phone, while 65% access it via desktop computers, notebooks or tablets. In 2014, 80% of accesses were made on computers and 67% on smartphones.

In 2014, 19% of internet users accessed the network only via cell phone, this number jumped to 35% in 2015. This shows the relevance that smartphones currently have in people's daily lives, as the device centralizes the use of several connected services technology, such as access to email, social networks, communication with friends, colleagues and family, access to banking systems and many other services available through mobile devices.

The data are from the TIC Households 2015 , carried out by Cetic.br . The survey also showed that the proportion of households with Internet access (51%) remained stable compared to 2014 and that among households with Internet access, 79% had Wi-Fi in 2015, an increase of 13% compared to 2014.

Regarding the type of connection used by Internet users on their cell phones, 87% connect via Wi-Fi, surpassing access via 3G and 4G networks, which stands at 72%.

Bringing this data to the corporate environment, we have a situation that requires monitoring by managers, as the use of cell phones in the workplace for personal activities can waste employees' time and affect the team's productivity. As we have already said here on the blog, the use of smartphones can consume up to 2 hours a day for professionals in the workplace .

Therefore, it is necessary for companies to monitor the performance of their employees . Because in teams where performance is not satisfactory, this may be due to wasted time and lack of concentration generated by the excessive use of cell phones or other internet services.

If this problem of low productivity and lack of focus among employees is occurring in your company, it is important to use solutions that allow you to monitor and even control what is accessed on the internet on smartphones and computers connected to the company's network. Another practice that has been growing in companies is requiring employees to keep their cell phones stored away and out of reach, allowing the use of devices only in urgent situations. There is a document model for the company's cell phone use policy .

In conjunction with TIC Domicílios 2015 TIC Empresas survey is also carried out , which seeks to measure the presence of information and communication technologies in companies with 10 or more professionals.

If you want to know more about how to manage internet use on your company's network in a simple and accessible way, talk to our consultants .

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