sva for internet providers

Brazilian startup launches new SVA for Internet Providers

The service works by filtering DNS queries and promises to increase internet security for subscribers and great tax savings for providers.

In this time of pandemic, the demand for high-speed internet for studying and working from home is increasing.
To differentiate themselves from the competition, internet providers are seeking to offer customers new Value Added Services, or VASs, that are uncomplicated and truly useful to customers. With this in mind, Lumiun, a Brazilian startup specialized in internet security solutions, is launching its new product, Lumiun ISP . It is a DNS filter in SVA format for internet providers.

Heini Geib, CEO of Lumiun, states: “ Lumiun ISP was created to meet a demand that came from the regional providers themselves, who were looking for a simple and easy-to-use internet access control tool to offer their subscribers”. Lumiun already serves almost 500 customers across the country, through the Lumiun Box product, which also performs DNS classification and filtering. The new product, Lumiun ISP , incorporates solutions developed and improved over years in the areas of filtering and optimizing DNS services.

How it works?

Lumiun ISP works by filtering DNS queries originating on the customer's network. User navigation requests are forwarded to a special DNS server deployed in the provider's infrastructure, which classifies and filters access.

Lumiun ISP makes internet use safer and more productive for families and businesses. With it, the subscriber can activate protection against harmful websites, filters against adult content and pornography, block social networking sites and applications, games and many others, as desired.

The control panel is simple and intuitive even for lay users, and works on any browser or cell phone.

Lumiun ISP

What are the advantages for the internet provider?

Tax optimization is one of the main benefits for the internet provider. “By offering Lumiun ISP as a Value Added Service to its subscribers, the provider has great tax savings and, consequently, increases profitability”, highlights Heini.

According to the CEO, by offering a useful and innovative VAS to subscribers, the provider differentiates itself from the competition, adding value to the telecommunications service, diversifying the portfolio and also creating different possibilities for sales or marketing actions to retain loyalty and attract new customers.

The solution also promises to considerably reduce harmful traffic, improving network performance and reducing the number of support calls related to problems with malware, phishing and other cyber attacks.

Differences in relation to other SVAs

In addition to all the advantages and benefits that all VASs already offer, Lumiun ISP has some differences compared to other value-added services offered on the market.

The first major differentiator of Lumiun ISP is that the solution is completely Whitelabel, which means that the entire product, including the control panel, is personalized with the provider's logo, colors, images and information. The subscriber will view the solution as being a resource from the provider itself.

The second difference is the possibility of integrating the service with the provider's ERP, without the need for new registrations or information migration. This facilitates the implementation process and reduces friction for subscribers using the solution. Additionally, unlike other SVAs, Lumiun ISP has no setup fees for deployment and configuration.

The third big difference is the DNS with very low latency. “We have been working on DNS optimization for many years and guarantee very low latency, providing an excellent internet usage experience for subscribers”, adds Aléx de Oliveira, CTO at Lumiun.

Positive impact

The company's expectation with the Lumiun ISP solution is to bring more security and control over internet use to the largest number of families and companies, bringing benefits to users and providers. “Today we have some partner providers using the solution and with a very positive impact. There are several negotiations underway and providers who wish can carry out a free trial of the service”, stated Heini.

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