Brazil stands out in the growth of the Cybersecurity sector

Brazil stands out in the growth of the Cybersecurity sector

In recent years, Brazil has consolidated itself as one of the main players in the global market in the cybersecurity sector. According to Check Point Research, cyber attacks grew by around 70% in Brazil in one year . The increase in digital threats, combined with the growth of online activities and the digitalization of services, has generated the need for more robust investments in cybersecurity . This, in turn, boosted both the demand for more qualified professionals and the development of more innovative solutions.

According to a survey carried out by LinkedIn Economic Graph, Brazil occupies the third global position in the growth of the cybersecurity sector, presenting a significant increase in the number of vacancies and professionals specialized in the sector. The data highlights the country's progress in cybersecurity and the importance of cyber protection for the continuity of services and business security.

Furthermore, according to the Global Cybersecurity Index 2024 (GCIv5), published by the ITU (International Telecommunications Union), Brazil now ranks second in the Americas in terms of commitment to the Global Cybersecurity Agenda . These numbers result from the increase in cyber attacks targeting Brazilian companies and the emergence of legislation aimed at cyber protection, such as the LGPD. Data like this highlights the growing concern about developing and implementing more robust solutions to protect the digital environment.

However, this sector still faces numerous challenges . Despite presenting a significant increase in the number of vacancies, issues such as the quality of the positions offered and the high level of stress among professionals are some of the obstacles that need to be overcome to guarantee the success and sustainability of the sector in the long term.

Growth of the cybersecurity sector in Brazil

The significant growth of the cybersecurity sector in Brazil reflects the increasingly urgent need to adapt in the face of the exponential increase in cyber attacks . The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated digital transformation, making companies even more dependent on digital systems to maintain their operations. This change has considerably increased exposure to cyberattacks, generating a growing demand for more robust security solutions .

According to the research, the number of cybersecurity professionals in Brazil grew 4.5% between May 2023 and May 2024, an impressive number that places the country as one of the leaders in the sector. This growth is driven mainly by the need to protect company and government systems, which have become frequent targets of cyber attacks.

However, despite the increase in the number of vacancies, there is a mismatch between the demand and supply of qualified professionals. Due to the lack of more specialized labor, companies have increasingly invested in training and internal qualifications to meet this need. Furthermore, talent retention become essential and indispensable.

The evolution of Brazilian cybersecurity legislation

In recent years, there has been a concerted effort in Brazil to create a robust legal framework to deal with cyber threats. The General Data Protection Law (LGPD) , which came into force in 2020, was an important milestone in the protection of personal information, placing the country on the global privacy and cybersecurity radar. This legislation increased the responsibility of companies, requiring the adoption of more rigorous measures to guarantee the protection of sensitive data.

In addition to the LGPD, in 2021 the Brazilian government launched the National Cybersecurity Strategy , whose main objective is to strengthen national security capabilities, improve international cooperation and encourage the development of technologies within the country. These initiatives are fundamental to protecting critical infrastructures and ensuring the smooth functioning of strategic sectors such as telecommunications, energy and financial services.

Many organizations, especially small and medium-sized ones, face significant challenges in complying with all LGPD requirements and cybersecurity standards. This scenario highlights the need for more education and technical support to ensure compliance is achieved across all sectors.

The impact of cyberattacks in the country

This exponential growth of the country in the cybersecurity sector was mainly due to the immense impact of cyberattacks in Brazil, such as phishing, ransomware and malware. According to a survey carried out by IBM, the global average cost is US$4.35 million for each data breach. The acceleration of digital transformation has created the need to develop strategies and resources to combat numerous attacks targeting sectors such as healthcare, finance and governments. In addition to generating financial losses and damaging reputation , these attacks have become dangerous due to the leakage of sensitive data .

In addition to directly affecting operations, cyberattacks generate indirect costs related to data recovery, loss of user trust and legal penalties. In many cases, companies that suffer from these attacks find it difficult to recover, especially when they do not have response plans .

This scenario reinforced the importance of organizations investing in preventive strategies , such as advanced monitoring systems, internal security policies and employee awareness. This greater investment in cybersecurity was one of the factors that made Brazil reach this level of prominence in the global cybersecurity sector.

Brazil in third place in the global ranking

Brazil occupies the third position in the global ranking of growth in the cybersecurity sector, with a growth of 4.5% in the period of analysis, positioning itself behind only Spain, with 5.5%, and Germany, with 4. 7%. This increase in performance mainly reflects the country's progress in the field of cybersecurity and the recognition of the need for a safer digital environment .

Furthermore, this prominent position demonstrates that the country has strived to keep up with global demands and increasingly strengthen its cyber capacity . Public bodies and Brazilian companies are investing in cutting-edge technologies to prevent and combat cyber attacks, boosting the growth of professionals in this sector.

To follow this growth pattern, Brazil needs to overcome internal challenges , such as training more specialists and creating policies that make vacancies more attractive . Although it is one of the leaders, Brazil needs to evolve on issues such as valuing professionals and improving working conditions .

Comparison with other countries

Establishing a comparison with other countries, Brazil has demonstrated significant progress, but still has areas to improve to maintain competitiveness with sector leaders. Germany and Spain occupy second and first place in the ranking, historically investing more consistently in technological infrastructure and professional education .

In the case of Spain, for example, the country recorded a 5.5% in the number of cybersecurity professionals, while Germany showed an increase of 4.7% . These countries are recognized for consistent investments in workforce training, and also have talent retention policies , which offer better working conditions and lower levels of occupational stress .

However, Brazil has a competitive advantage in terms of growth potential . With the market expanding and a very young population, the country has the ideal conditions to further increase its share in the global cybersecurity market , provided there is adequate investment in education and talent retention .

Challenges in the quality of vacancies and occupational stress

Although Brazil has seen a 4.5% growth in the number of vacancies in the cybersecurity sector, the quality of the positions offered is worrying. Many professionals face stressful and excessively long working hours , given the critical nature of their duties. The constant pressure to keep systems protected and data confidential makes stress a common factor in these workers' daily lives.

This national reality has led several professionals to reconsider their careers. According to a study carried out by Issa International (Information Security Systems Association), almost a third of cybersecurity specialists in Brazil report suffering from overload and consider leaving the profession due to high levels of stress . The lack of adequate policies to deal with professional burnout is one of the factors contributing to this trend.

It is important to remember that many vacancies offered in Brazil still do not offer salaries or benefits compatible with the responsibility required of professionals and the complexity of their tasks, which worsens the problem and directly affects talent retention .

The pressure on cybersecurity professionals

As a critical activity, the work of a cybersecurity professional is quite complex and exhausting . In addition to ensuring the protection of systems against sophisticated threats, it is necessary to maintain continuous monitoring of what happens in the organization's digital environments. This responsibility generates high pressure , mainly to avoid failures that result in financial damage or damage to the company's reputation .

Continuous stress leads to burnout , which, according to experts, is one of the biggest challenges for retaining talent in the cybersecurity sector in Brazil. The psychological impact of this pressure is reflected in the high turnover rate of professionals, who frequently change areas or leave the market due to overload.

It is important that companies create a more balanced work environment , offering psychological support and better working conditions . Ensuring that employees have the necessary resources to manage their emotions assertively is essential to keeping these professionals motivated and productive in the long term, in addition to, of course, retaining this talent.

The quality of the vacancies offered

Although the number of vacancies in the cybersecurity sector in Brazil is constantly growing , the quality of these opportunities still leaves something to be desired. Many professionals report that, in addition to stress and occupational pressure, vacancies do not offer salaries compatible with the required specialization, which discourages staying in the sector.

Another challenge is that, in many cases, companies do not offer structured and attractive career plans , making it difficult for security specialists to progress professionally. These factors create an environment where professionals do not see prospects for growth , leading them to look for opportunities in other markets or even outside the country.

In this sense, investing in improving working conditions , offering attractive salaries and developing career plans are essential strategies to retain these talents and improve the quality of vacancies in the cybersecurity sector.

How to improve the cybersecurity scenario in Brazil

Improving the cybersecurity in Brazil involves a multifaceted approach. For Brazil to continue to stand out in the global cybersecurity , some measures can be taken:

Encourage specialized technical training

One of the most effective ways to improve the cybersecurity in Brazil is to encourage specialized technical training. This means that it is necessary to invest in the creation of more technical and undergraduate courses focused on cybersecurity , both in public and private institutions. These measures are essential to meet the growing market demand for qualified professionals.

In the case of companies, training and certification programs can also be developed in partnership with the private sector, universities and government, ensuring that professionals remain up to date in the face of constant technological innovations and new cyber threats.

It is also crucial to encourage the participation of young talent in the field of cybersecurity . Scholarships and inclusion programs are essential to attract professionals and strengthen Brazil's cyber defense.

Public and private policies to encourage innovation and research in cybersecurity are also fundamental. The development of its own technological solutions, always adapted to Brazilian needs, can help the country become a reference in the fight against cybercrime .

Talent retention policy

Brazilian companies need to develop more effective policies for talent retention , as a way to avoid losing valuable professionals to other areas of activity or abroad. Improving working conditions increases employee engagement and productivity, valuing professionals and benefiting the organization.

Offering financial and non-financial incentives is a smart approach, such as clear career plans, personal development opportunities and the creation of a work environment that values ​​employees' well-being. The lack of adequate policies accentuates the global challenge of retaining talent in this sector in Brazil. Implementing strategies of this type to keep professionals in the country is essential to achieving long-term success.

The importance of international collaboration in cybersecurity

The global nature of cyber threats makes collaboration between countries essential to effectively combat these threats. Recognizing this reality, Brazil has increased its international cooperation in digital security through initiatives such as the LGPD and the National Cybersecurity Policy. Participating in threat intelligence sharing networks helps identify and neutralize potential attacks before they materialize.

For this reason, Brazil has strengthened its presence in international forums aimed at combating cybercrime and protecting critical infrastructures. Maintaining this participation is vital to align the country with global best practices and adopt innovative solutions tested in other markets. The exchange of information and the exchange of knowledge are key parts in strengthening cyber defenses.

Furthermore, international collaboration allows the creation of common regulatory frameworks between countries. Establishing harmonized legislation will facilitate cooperation in combating transnational crimes, allowing cybercriminals to be held accountable no matter where they are.

Future perspectives for the cybersecurity sector in Brazil

We know that the future of cybersecurity in Brazil is very promising, but it mainly depends on how the country will deal with current challenges. Therefore, the sector has immense potential to continue growing, especially with the increase in cyber threats and the digitalization of services.

With adequate investments in education , offering better working conditions and creating public policies that encourage innovation , Brazil could become one of the global leaders in cybersecurity in the coming years. With these countless opportunities for growth, Brazil has the opportunity to consolidate itself as a reference in global cyber protection .

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