block employee websites

Blocking employee websites: synonymous with security and productivity

Blocking employee websites is, without a doubt, one of the best practices in corporate internet security .

Above all, because the lack of control over employees' internet access is the origin of most data security incidents or failures.

After all, users are the biggest gateway for malicious attacks and the infection of devices, networks and systems by viruses. In fact, the vast majority of employees are unable to identify risks and end up accessing fake messages or malicious links .

Furthermore, without blocking employee websites, teams very easily lose focus and productivity when accessing social networks , for example.

That's why a DNS filtering tool is a great solution for blocking employee websites, combating digital threats and eliminating most internet security problems.

Do the right thing, the right way, all the time

In this sense, blocking employee websites is part of information security compliance processes .

The objective is to increase data and information security , reduce costs and increase productivity .

In a simplified way, the set of tools and good practices for managing internet access significantly contributes to making companies safer, more reliable, productive and profitable .

Without a doubt, companies' internet security compliance processes must be fully effective . That is, in a simplified way, doing the right thing, the right way, all the time .

Consequently, effective tools and solutions to implement and enforce the company's internet access control policy are extremely necessary.

In fact, blocking employee websites and controlling and monitoring internet access in companies is a fundamental policy .

Above all, to avoid internet security problems, reduce wasted time and stay focused on work .

As a result, the productivity of professionals and company's profitability increase .

What is the solution to block employee websites, reduce costs, increase security and increase productivity?

The solution is, first of all, to apply browsing rules and/or block employee websites .

However, first, each company must plan, inform and implement the rules and restrictions it deems relevant, through an explicit internet usage policy for each company.

As a result, this first and important good practice will contribute to increasing safety , improving employee focus and productivity, reducing costs and increasing productivity in companies .

Then, business owners and managers need to research , compare and choose the technological solution that offers the most complete, efficient and appropriate .

This way, by taking care to compare the tools available on the market, companies will certainly be well served in terms of their needs in the area of ​​internet access management and control .

See, at the end of this article, the comparison between the solutions for blocking employee websites and managing internet access control available on the market .

Effectiveness, experience, information and solutions to share when blocking employee websites and monitoring internet access

Lumiun Box is an internet security and access management service . Aimed at small and medium-sized companies looking to protect themselves from internet threats and increase the productivity of their teams.

We offer a solution that allows you to implement rules to block employee websites and choose what should and should not be accessed, protect against internet threats and monitor network usage.

Lumiun Box offers online services, features and tools, with a strong difference in ease of implementation and management .

Furthermore, having been on the market for almost 10 years, it has plenty of effectiveness, experience, information and solutions to share with business owners and managers.

A way for us to contribute significantly to increasing productivity , monitoring internet access and all data security management in companies, such as blocking employee websites.

See some of the many articles we have available on the lumiun blog , which help business owners, IT professionals and employees understand when blocking employee websites is recommended and how it can be advantageous and beneficial for everyone .

Internet Access Control Guide for Businesses

The internet is a means of communication, source of information and work tool in companies. However, the lack of control over internet access in the business environment can have negative results, especially on employee productivity.

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8 benefits generated by controlling internet access in companies

In the current working environment of companies, most employees remain connected to the Internet practically throughout their working hours, as more and more tasks are carried out through systems, emails , spreadsheets and over the internet, which speeds up activities. and delivery of tasks.

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Is blocking employee websites still important?

It comes as no surprise to anyone that threats to companies' cybersecurity continue to grow. As well as the complexity of attacks and the damage caused, it has increased. Even the specific law for processing personal data, the LGPD , is used as persuasive when extorting money from companies that had data leaked.

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Sites and categories to block in the company. No more distractions!

Managers and IT professionals in Brazil are looking for ways to block employee websites on company computers and devices. It's no wonder, after all, according to research , it takes a Brazilian worker 1 hour to do what a North American worker does in 15 minutes.

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4 ways to block employee websites when working from home

It is practically impossible to imagine a company without internet . With part or all of the company's employees working from home, the chances of these professionals not being connected are almost zero.

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Internet access control in companies: what to block and what to release?

Controlling internet access is a common practice in companies and is increasingly important and necessary. Two main points must be observed when managing internet use in corporate environments: data security and team productivity !

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For Businesses: How to Block Pornography Sites

We know that pornography is responsible for a large volume of internet access around the world. There are several websites, available 24 hours a day, every day of the week and catering to the personal tastes of each user through media such as photos or videos, and in some cases, live online rooms.

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Ultimate guide: how to block inappropriate websites in your company

With the increase in internet use by companies, controlling internet access becomes essential to maintain information security and employee productivity. Within this, one of the most common practices is to block inappropriate websites because they are harmful or outside the scope of work.

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Does blocking social media optimize team productivity?

Based on the new technologies launched all the time in the consumer market, the use of social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, among others, is completely inherent in the daily lives of most people. But, along with these innovations, a new problem arises: establishing limits on its use.

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Social networks at work: productivity or distraction?

The Brazilian is currently ranked second in the world in terms of number of hours on social media. There are a little more than nine hours connected to the internet and more than three hours a day spent on social networks, according to a study by the agency We Are Social. Perhaps this number has increased significantly in recent months, due to the pandemic with many working from home, even so, these are very impressive numbers.

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What is the risk of releasing social networks in the company?

We can no longer imagine our life and work without social media. One of the sales tools most used by companies, and the fastest way of information and communication between people around the world. However, it is important for organizations to understand the risks and how hackers use something routine to protect their network and employees.

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Advantages and disadvantages of blocking access to social networks in companies

A question that affects most business owners, managers and IT professionals is whether or not to block employee websites and access to social networks during employees' working hours.

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Importance and benefits of security and control of internet access in companies

We all know how much internet access is present in the daily lives of companies and in the corporate work environment in teams. Certainly, it is impossible to imagine carrying out activities in offices without teams connected to the internet carrying out their activities.

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4 symptoms that your company needs to establish an internet access policy

The use of the internet has become fundamental in practically all companies. Above all, because a large part of the activities and processes are carried out with the help of technology, such as contact with customers, negotiation with suppliers, marketing and sales actions, quotations for products or services, management applications, cloud computing services and countless other resources. .

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DNS firewall for what?

To begin with, before clarifying the function and importance of a firewall and a DNS filter for companies and organizations , we need to define what a firewall is and what a DNS filter is . A firewall is hardware and/or software that monitors and controls the flow of data and internet access on a network , in accordance with each company's security policy.

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Be careful: complying with the LGPD does not mean absolute protection

You can't be too careful when it comes to your reputation and finances. Although this warning and guidance is useful for many situations, it is accurate when it comes to complying with the LGPD (General Personal Data Protection Law) .

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Do you know why blocking websites is important for companies?

Quickly and succinctly, we can state that companies have the most varied reasons for blocking employee websites . However, with a little more attention and a more in-depth analysis, to a greater or lesser extent, two aspects appear constant and repeated: safety and productivity .

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When is blocking websites in the company recommended?

When this type of question arises for business owners and/or managers, it is most likely because the recommended time to block employee websites has arrived .

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How to block websites: discover the advantages of managing internet access

The management and control of internet access in companies is a demand that has been increased by the pandemic context. Regardless of the size, it is undoubtedly essential to know how to block employee websites in companies .

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6 reasons to use Lumiun Box to control internet access

Controlling internet access is a common practice in companies and is increasingly important and necessary. Certainly, in a general context, two main points must be observed when managing internet use in corporate environments: data security and team productivity !

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Take a free security test and find out how to block websites in your company.

Evaluate the solutions available on the market

Interface, technical support, reports and functionalities, without a doubt, are decisive features for business owners and IT managers when choosing a tool to block employee websites and manage internet access.

In fact, the more professional the requirement for effectiveness and data security when accessing the internet , the fewer options managers and entrepreneurs will have.

In other words, there will be fewer tools left with technology capable of offering total control and complete management of internet access with adequate levels of protection and security .

Thus, among the alternatives available on the market, we have solutions such as Cisco Umbrella , DNS Filter , Fortinet FortiGate , Lumiun Box and pfSense .

Although they differ greatly from each other, not all of them adapt or cope with demands such as blocking employee websites or protecting data security.

Don't forget to compare!

Now, analyze the comparative table , with the main characteristics and differences between the most common solutions on the market and Lumiun Box .

That's why Lumiun Box It is the most sought after solution among the tools on the market for blocking employee websites and controlling internet access .

Certainly, among the main reasons, three stand out:

  • It is super affordable and with payment in Real (R$),
  • it is very easy and simple to install and manage (does not require specialized professionals to maintain and operate the system),
  • the entire solution is in Portuguese (control panel, system and support). 

Although there are some alternatives, the set of advantages and benefits that our solution delivers is surprising .

Lumiun Box 's differences make our solution more effective when it comes to blocking employee websites by controlling internet access .

See also the Complete Guide: How to Block Websites at the Company , available for free download.

how to block websites
lumiun dns - web content filter
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