Black Friday 2020: How to maintain team productivity and internet security?

Black Friday 2020: How to maintain team productivity and internet security?

Black Friday, scheduled for November 27th, a Friday, promises to generate good results in the lives of retailers and consumers, taking into account the country's economic scenario with the arrival of the pandemic at the beginning of the year.

The moment has boosted online shopping in Brazil and it is speculated that this year Black Friday will be the edition with the greatest number of offers and also the highest revenue for the same reason.

But not everything is perfect. Along with the large influx of users in online stores during the period, fraud will also increase. In the year with more cyber attacks , the online shopping journey will certainly be a little more dangerous.

Furthermore, retailers usually anticipate offers so as not to overload shopping sites, making what was supposed to be a special day, a week, or in many cases, the entire month of November. In this way, employees who are looking for good opportunities during this period may waste time doing research and shopping on the internet during working hours, which ends up harming productivity and indirectly, the security of the company's data , in the event of a cyber attack.

With these factors in mind, I have brought here in this article some information that can resolve some of the doubts about these dates and also help business owners, employees and IT professionals to avoid falling for scams and keep everyone focused and productive during working hours.

Productivity x Black Friday

sexta-feira Negra

There are countless ways to harm productivity during periods of special offers on the internet. The main way is in wasting time while researching products or when shopping online.

Predicting such behaviors and guiding employees about this is an important action for managers who care about the health of the business. In serious or recurring cases, it is interesting to record the company's internet use policy document

However, without any control, it is up to the employee to follow the rules and not carry out research or purchases during working hours. In other words, working time and company data are in his hands alone.

Data security x Black Friday

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For managers, Black Friday should be a cause for concern because of the company's confidential and sensitive data. Amidst all this anxiety about searching for attractive offers and big discounts, employees can make purchases and access websites without worrying about internet security.

In these scenarios, digital criminals are prepared with different baits to be able to carry out scams and take advantage of the situation.

A very common attack during these periods is Malvertising , the famous advertising attack, where users are bombarded with false advertisements with extremely attractive (and lying) prices for various products on the internet.

Therefore, being aware of basic security measures in the company is the manager's duty.

Basic tips for Black Friday

sexta-feira Negra

No panic: Some complex problems can be solved in simple ways. Therefore, I have listed some basic tips for solving internet security and productivity problems, but which must be well implemented in the processes and customs of internet users in the company.

Be careful with emails

During the days leading up to Black Friday promotions, advise employees, as the volume of Spam sent to emails increases considerably, and may even cause congestion on the email server. Such emails may contain files or attachments with malicious content and if an employee clicks, there is the possibility of causing serious data security problems in the company.

Keep your antivirus updated

Updates are not only made for interface improvements, but also for security, especially when we talk about antivirus . Therefore, keeping them always updated and also educating employees so that they know the importance of this is extremely necessary.

Without any antivirus, the company's computer will be susceptible to attacks, making the lives of digital criminals much easier and deliberately exposing the company's data, especially during this period of special offers on the internet.

Have a backup system

As I've said several times here on the blog , maintaining a reliable backup system is important. It's like being one step ahead of hackers, because if they somehow manage to break into your network, your data will be well-guarded and protected for restoration. This way, you avoid several headaches with data recovery attempts, or in worse cases, “starting over” without any data. Imagine the chaos!

Therefore, use qualified backup tools appropriate to the size of your company to avoid any problems in the future. In fact, in our IT Guide , we list good solutions for this purpose.

Implement a Firewall rules system

I couldn't stop talking about him. A firewall is a security device that controls the flow of data on a network. With it, you can filter traffic, configuring what should pass through and what should be discarded.

When correctly configured on a computer network, the firewall works as an additional layer of protection against external attacks and increases the security of the company's network, equipment, systems and information. Typically, the firewall is one of the main defenses in a private network, being essential in protecting against unwanted traffic and intrusion attempts.

On the market today there are several Firewall tools and solutions compatible with different business sizes. Always use an updated and well-configured Firewall system on all devices to keep your company's network safe and away from attacks during Black Friday.

Control internet access

Controlling internet access is a common practice in companies and increasingly important, especially on dates like Black Friday. Unlike guiding employees and defining access rules, access control does not require the employee's common sense and will to ensure that harmful websites outside the scope of work are not accessed.

In most incidents or security breaches, the gateway to attacks or virus installation are users who are unable to identify possible risks and end up clicking on fake email messages or malicious links on the internet.

internet access control system in the company leaves it up to the technology and rules implemented by the manager, allowing access to websites considered harmful or outside the scope of work, and no longer up to the good will of the employee. do not access this type of website.

There are several tools on the market, however, Lumiun serves small and medium-sized companies in a more complete way, as in addition to internet access control, it also has a Firewall and Business VPN for remote access control.

Don't depend on anyone to keep company data safe and professionals productive and focused. See in practice how Lumiun works, download our presentation and see in more detail what the solution is like.

I hope I helped you prepare in advance for the risks of the long-awaited Black Friday.

To the next!

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