Alex de Oliveira
110 posts
Hello, my name is Aléx de Oliveira and I am the CTO and co-founder of Lumiun. At Lumiun, I lead the technical team responsible for creating and implementing information security solutions for companies of all sizes. If you need help implementing information security solutions for your company, you can count on me and the Lumiun team. We are always ready to help our customers achieve their goals safely and efficiently.
Internet Security Week – Edition No. 91
Hello everyone, Aléx de Oliveira here replacing Kelvin in this week's edition. In issue no. 91 of…
November 22, 2021
Do you know why blocking websites is important for companies?
Quickly and succinctly, we can state that companies have the most varied reasons for blocking websites.…
November 18, 2021
6 reasons to use Lumiun Box to control internet access
Controlling internet access is a common practice in companies and increasingly important…
April 8, 2021
Internet Security Week – Edition No. 51
In edition no. 51 of Internet Security Week, new mega data leak, phishing campaign makes hundreds…
February 15, 2021
For SMEs: What to look for when choosing a cybersecurity solution?
We know that data is the cornerstone of your company and that keeping it secure is the foundation…
February 11, 2021
In compliance with LGPD Security and Prevention principles
Many Lumiun visitors and customers ask: How can Lumiun help our company comply with the law…
December 11, 2020
Information Security Week – Edition No. 36
In edition 36 of Information Security Week, tips for protecting your data, identifying WhatsApp cloning,…
November 3, 2020
Cybercrimes: How to act in case of invasion and data theft?
Cybercrime, a subject that needs to be present and debated in everyday life, but which is still little…
August 21, 2020
Is raising employee awareness enough to rid your company of phishing?
As I have already written in several articles here on the blog, it is extremely important to make employees aware of safety…
July 29, 2020
Why, with social distancing, is VPN essential for businesses?
With the adoption of home office, corporate VPN is becoming an essential security and productivity tool…
July 21, 2020