activity and process management: 8 tools

Activity and Process Management: tips and 8 tools for companies!

Organize your day, take care of personal obligations, know exactly what needs to be done at work. If you've decided to lead your career on your own, you know how difficult managing tasks can be. Who has never sunk into jobs that seemed endless? Planning and task management are part of the scope of work for those who manage a small business. Trying to do everything at once is one of the biggest procrastination traps. When you find yourself immersed in a pile of work, that feeling of leaving everything for later is likely to appear.

Maintaining focus is one of the most challenging attitudes. Productivity is completely linked to how we deal with the number of tasks and the time available. Carrying out projects in small stages will make everything more fluid, with that good feeling of accomplishment.

In this article, as well as in the IT Guide for Small and Medium-sized Companies , we have selected some tools so that you never have to suffer again when organizing your work.

Best tools for managing processes and activities


TrelloHe's a great work companion. With it, you create tables that indicate the phase in which your project is under development. For example: “To do, in production, finished, etc.” Trello is very intuitive. Thus, there is a learning curve in using the tool that needs to be respected. If you are not a very patient person, you will certainly give up on Trello. But we guarantee: it's worth trying it out and insisting on using it until you adapt. It is very dynamic and makes it easy to drag task boards quickly. You can add members and assign tasks to them.

Creating activity flows with Trello is pleasant and light, demystifying the idea that the work planning phase is a heavy and boring activity. The tool allows you to place colored labels to define priorities. The most important tasks can be in red, for example, in order to be located quickly.

Trello is an excellent activity manager widely used by startups and small and medium-sized companies.


One of the coolest things about Quireis that it shows the details of your activities in a side column – just click on the task line and read everything about it on the right side of the tool. You can mark items as finished and eliminate them from the list. You can also insert attachments, including from Google Drive, add calendars, upload finished work if you are working as a team, use tags to define activities and much more.

The look is very simple and for those who prefer to work on tools with a more modern and dynamic appearance, Quire may not be the best option. One of Quire's greatest qualities is its versatility . It basically has two distinct areas, separated by columns. It's very easy to manage tasks with just two or three clicks.


Asanais an excellent tool for managing tasks in groups. It has chat, a calendar with an overview of members and their roles, a list of activities (which can also be organized through boards) and a discussion forum. Perfect for project managers . Asana is great for visualizing what each team member is doing at the moment and then distributing next steps.

Collaborative chat is a big differentiator, as it facilitates direct and quick communication. No more wasting time sending emails.

Managing tasks with this tool becomes a very interesting activity due to its ability to group different teams and have access to graphs showing the progress of each team's work . The tool can also be integrated with email. Its Premium version allows you to manage tasks for large teams in an easy and dynamic way. For small companies, with lean teams, the free option fulfills its role well.




At ar tia , you can centralize your projects in one place. With personalized reports and dashboards , you have quick access to the necessary information and insights into the performance of each project. Furthermore, you can view, in real time, everything that needs to be performed and, through timekeeping , understand the exact time that each activity requires. 

For teams, artia facilitates communication through the “comments” option, which keeps everyone informed and ensures more collaboration in activities. In addition to all this, the  big difference is the support offered , with accessible resources and in Portuguese.

Although it is a paid tool, artia has a free trial option, making it an ideal option for small and large companies.  


O Basecamp is paid project management tool. It is useful for companies and freelancers, who can use it to organize workflows, issuing reports and timing activities.

As there is no free version (you can try it for 30 days), Basecamp is a very complete tool. It is divided into activities, projects, chats, calendars, among other features that cover different phases of the project, from planning to analysis.

manage tasksThis is a tool collaborative that, according to the developer, It might even be fun to use. O It is based on the so-called “pulse”, which can represent several things: a task, a client, a project, among other options.

The first step in using the tool is choosing a model that adapts to the company's needs. From there, it is possible to customize several items. The platform is intuitive: through columns, in addition to the options we have already mentioned, you can mark locations, add texts, numbers, links and more.

Furthermore, can be combined with other tools, such as Drop box , Microsoft Excel, Google Calendar, Google Drive and Trello — we'll talk more about the latter later.

The tool is paid and usage costs vary between R$83 and R$15,591 per month — billing is done annually —, with plans ranging from basic to enterprise, from 5 to 200 users . For more than 200 people, you must contact the company to request a personalized quote.

manage tasksDespite the name, the is a Brazilian software that serves to manage projects and monitor the workflow. Through it it is possible to obtain reports about deadlines, project costs and performance of each professional involved.

With an intuitive, organized interface and support for Portuguese and English, the platform presents its commands through informative tables and efficient instruction guides.

With tags, deadline schedules, search bar and message boards, also allows you to create several different types of reports to retrieve data on every detail of your projects.

Furthermore, the user who manages the main account can stipulate hierarchical levels in their team, customizing access to the platform's resources and functions in creating tasks.


manage tasksThe company Pipefy helps companies to be more organized and productive, maintaining in an intuitive way the management of processes and recurring tasks that were previously carried out in spreadsheets, forms and email requests. Pipefy operates on two fronts: it standardizes the way the team works and displays the productivity of each area of ​​the company and team members.

Within the platform, the manager informs which activities the team needs to manage and adds a checklist of what needs to be done at each stage, and who should be responsible whenever the activity is requested. So, every time someone creates a new task, the tool automatically delegates it to the right person and informs what needs to be performed in each phase.

Ease of use is one of the highlights of the tool, which does not require an IT structure for installation.

Currently, the services offered are free for up to five users from the same company. From the fifth month onwards, the company starts paying a monthly fee of 30 reais per registered person.

To finish

Managing tasks is synonymous with increasing productivity and improving team performance. This is due to the management of activities and processes in companies, helping people achieve their objectives and goals within the company's strategic planning.

Therefore, if your company's tasks and processes are not managed in any way, think seriously about implementing a solution like the ones mentioned above, or another that you find interesting for your business.

You can find this and many other tools in our IT Guide for Small and Medium-sized Companies . You can download the eBook and send it to your co-workers.

To the next!

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