time management on the internet

7 time management tactics on the company’s internet

Time management is one of the most important things for anyone looking to increase their productivity and make the most of their day. If individually this is important, for managers this is a key aspect for the success of a business. When it comes to time management on the internet, this concern is even greater.

Since it is practically impossible to find a business these days that does not require the internet, staying connected during working hours has become essential. However, while the internet is an environment rich in content and information, it is also a place where distractions spread like smoke. Therefore, it becomes necessary to find ways to produce more and avoid wasting time during the workday.

Basically, time management consists of a methodology that helps prioritize important activities within the shortest possible time. For example: fitting X number of tasks into an 8-hour workday, or managing to study all college subjects within the time available on the weekend, without leaving anything unfinished.

We can apply time management methods to all aspects of our lives, adding more organization and quality to our lives, regardless of the tasks.

How to manage time? 

First of all, it is necessary to carry out a complete mapping of all tasks and obligations that must be fulfilled and how much time is available for everything to be done properly. Furthermore, it is important to determine how much time is needed for each task to be completed correctly and what the priorities are, in order to better organize employees' routines.

To help you, we've brought you some time management tips on the company's internet that can optimize your day-to-day life and considerably increase your productivity. See below:

1. Planning 

Unless the employee is new to the job, they certainly already have a basic idea of ​​which tasks must be performed on a daily basis and the approximate time each of them takes to complete. Based on this information, it is important to establish a rough plan of how your day will be conducted and the tasks considered important and priorities.

Of course, this planning is not a rule and will not be definitive on the first attempt. It's important to test it in different ways and implement changes as necessary. The ideal is to find a routine that works organically for everyone, and that brings benefits, especially in terms of productivity.

2. Consider distractions 

It's no surprise that the internet is full of various distractions, and it's important to avoid them in everyday life. However, if it is very important for the team to check personal email or social networks, it is interesting to educate them so that this type of access that is not related to work is done during lunch hours, for example. This way, everyone can relax their mind a little without impacting their workday.

3. Value the sequence 

Similar activities are completed faster when done in sequence. When creating a plan for your team, try to place similar activities sequentially. If the brain is already working in one direction, there is no reason to cut that flow. Starting a new task involves a huge change, so maintaining continuity helps to produce even more.

For example: if the employee is already involved in an activity that uses certain tools, organize activities that use the same resources to be carried out immediately.

4. Have priorities 

Within the routine, only those who are directly involved with it know what is most important. Therefore, it is interesting to suggest an organization that allows priority activities to be carried out as soon as possible, avoiding damaging the routine and wasting your time on less important tasks.

5. Focus 

The temptations of the internet are many, and they are the great villains of those looking for more productivity within the working day. Even though it is a constant challenge, escaping these distractions is essential to maintain a more productive and efficient routine.  If employees have difficulty avoiding these traps (social networks, entertainment sites, e-commerce, personal email, etc.), there are some tools and methodologies that can help, such as:

  •       Pomodoro Method;
  •       KanBan method;
  •       GTD method;
  •       5W2H;
  •       SMART technique;
  •       Between others.

With a simple internet search, you can find various materials about these tools and methodologies, so you can apply them in your routine.

6. Set realistic deadlines 

Missing deadlines is one of the biggest causes of procrastination in the workplace. Since there is no deadline to be delivered or completed, a task may take longer than necessary to complete. For this reason, even if a task does not have a pre-established deadline for completion, set a deadline for it to be carried out within your plan.

7. Learn to centralize information 

Rework, in addition to being extremely tiring, represents one of the biggest drains of time within the routine. To avoid this problem, try to concentrate all the information relevant to a task, so that it is carried out with quality and agility.

Tools for time management on the company’s internet

The internet offers countless facilities, but on the other hand, it is an environment that can considerably harm workers' productivity , for this reason, having an internet access blocking can add countless advantages.

The lack of more assertive access control contributes to the indiscriminate use of this tool, mainly on entertainment pages, e-commerce sites, social networks , emails for personal use, among others. The access blocking tool helps prevent productivity drops and, more importantly, security issues.

This is because several websites and pages have malicious links, the aim of which is to create points of vulnerability that favor invasions, data theft and access to the company's systems . In addition to being excellent cost-benefit, website blocking tools are valuable allies in business productivity. This is because, through them, employees are able to maintain focus on their activities and avoid the temptations of the internet, which are true black holes in productive time.

The importance of time management on the internet 

As we have seen, although it is a resource that has immensely transformed the way we carry out countless tasks, the internet is also an environment full of distractions for those looking to deliver more productivity within their routine.

These distractions consume a lot of time within the working day, and end up harming worker productivity and business profitability . Activities end up piling up and the time available to meet demand ends up very short. The result of this is a series of negative consequences for the company, which begin with delays in less urgent tasks, but result in the loss of the company's image in the market.

Faced with a scenario where agility is the norm , ensuring that more is done in less time is essential. Therefore, time management is a priority for those seeking to deliver increasingly better results. By carrying out tasks with greater efficiency and intelligence, it is possible to improve not only business results, but also contribute to a better quality of life for workers.

In our previous article, we brought some indicators to more efficiently monitor the productivity of workers on the internet. Click here and check out this material.

Using the right resources, doing more in less time stops being a utopia and becomes a reality. Managing time on the company's internet should be part of your processes and priorities.

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