6 Common Small Business Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Companies of all sizes use the internet nowadays to carry out their daily tasks and often make common mistakes. Therefore, everyone must be concerned about the functioning and security of the navigation used by their employees.

Most institutions take great care to ensure that the internet is agile and secure in the office and, therefore, does not interfere with the productivity of professionals. However, small companies generally do not pay as much attention to this issue, as they believe they are not at risk.

But, this is a big mistake! They are also exposed and, for this reason, must protect themselves just like large and medium-sized companies. If you have or work in a small office, this post was made for you.

Next, we'll show you 6 common small business mistakes and how to fix them so you can protect your institution!

Common small business mistakes

1. Use weak passwords

It may seem like a joke, but the first mistake, and the most common on our list, is the use of weak passwords. They are easily discovered by hackers and, consequently, office computers are also easily hacked.

Therefore, create strong and different passwords for each login. To avoid forgetting or confusing all your passwords, simply use software that records and manages all of them for the company.

Furthermore, sharing passwords is another serious mistake. In some cases, the company's professionals don't do this out of harm's way, it's just to make the job easier. However, this can cause problems later, such as employees hacking into others' computers.

The main solution in this case is to talk to the company's professionals and reinforce the importance of not sharing corporate passwords.

2. Avoid backups

Another common mistake is avoiding backups because they believe they are not that important for the company. They are essential, as it is not possible to predict when office equipment may stop working, be hacked or when the power will go out.

If this happens and the company does not have a backup, all of the institution's data may be lost. Therefore, backups must be carried out in companies of all sizes so that they are not harmed if an unforeseen event occurs.

The solution to this error is to perform backups frequently so that the company's most recent documents are not lost in an incident. It is also recommended that the company have backups both online (cloud) and offline.

3. Not training employees

Having professionals who don't know exactly how to use the network safely may seem harmless, but in fact it can cause serious problems for the institution.

If you have a great safety net in your equipment, but don't teach your employees to recognize traps, it won't be enough to protect your system. This is because professionals can easily fall prey to threats by clicking on an untrustworthy link, for example, or by opening attachments without checking the sender of the email.

Therefore, it is essential to raise awareness among your employees and teach them how to navigate safely. To do this, you must always remember to train professionals as soon as they start working at the company. If there are old employees who have not been trained, hold a meeting and teach them.

Furthermore, if there are updates that change any rules that were passed on to professionals, it is essential to inform them about the changes. This way, they will continue to use the equipment correctly.

4. Not performing system updates

Updates are frequent in browsers, systems and programs, but it is very common for people to postpone these updates for as long as possible. This is also a mistake, as the modernizations offered are usually much better than the old versions.

After all, the purpose of the update is really to bring improvements, in which glitches and problems have been fixed. Furthermore, updates generally bring new features that help with data security and facilitate tasks that were previously more complex.

To fix this error, it's very simple: just stop ignoring updates to your programs and systems and carry them out as soon as they become available. Also, don't forget to tell your employees so that they can do the same on their computers.

5. Not using the cloud

Small companies tend to use tools that are installed on office machines instead of using them via the cloud. However, this can delay professionals' work, as they can only access data and systems when they are in the office.

Therefore, this situation needs to be fixed. To do this, you need to give the cloud a chance and see how using services from it can be positive for your company.

In addition to facilitating access to tools, using the cloud also means there is no need to maintain heavy software on your machines. Positive point, as it frees up space on computers and they can run less loaded.

6. Not protecting yourself with an antivirus

This is certainly the biggest mistake made by small businesses. As mentioned, offices of all sizes are subject to having their systems invaded by viruses and other malware. So, everyone needs to protect themselves against these threats, because they can cause serious damage to the institution, such as stealing company data or damaging machines.

The best solution to this error is to purchase a quality antivirus, that is, one that really protects your equipment. Therefore, do your research and see which one brings the most benefits to your company and fits your budget.

Although they may seem irrelevant, the 6 most common mistakes made by small businesses can cause big problems for them. That's why it's so important to fix them. And the solutions are simple, aren't they?

Therefore, don’t delay in putting them into practice in your office.

If you want to stay up to date and learn more about how to protect your company's data, be sure to access our blog !

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