4 ways to block employee websites when working from home

It is practically impossible to imagine a company without internet . With part or all of the company's employees working from home, the chances of these professionals not being connected are almost zero.

However, by revolutionizing the way we work, and facilitating the work of companies that are facing the pandemic, the internet, if used incorrectly, can cause several problems , especially for those who work from home .

In this type of work, deliberate use of the internet and a certain lack of control over employees' tasks and access through managers are common. These practices harm the company and pose a threat to team productivity

Many companies control internet access, however, normally in person, within the company's premises. What many managers and IT professionals don't know is that even remotely, it is possible to block websites for employees working from home, benefiting employees and business owners.

How to block inappropriate websites for employees working from home?

ways to block websites at home office

Today, there are several tools that not only block websites , but also restrict the use of the internet and remote access to data on the company's internal network, helping with the fluidity of systems and keeping the data used in connections more secure.

Below, check out some ways to manage the internet for professionals working from home, blocking websites outside the scope of work.

Browser configuration

Regardless of which operating system is used on the user's device, most internet browsers offer website blocking options in their security settings.

ways to block websites at home office

Obviously, this configuration must be done manually and individually, taking time from the responsible professional, as it has to be done remotely, and it is also a not very effective option, after all, users with a little knowledge of technology, or a simple Google search , you can bypass this block by deactivating the configuration.

Another negative point is that the blocking is done permanently, and if the remote employee's device is personal, the blocking will remain even outside working hours.

However, it is a basic and easy-to-apply form, suitable for small teams and free of charge.


The vast majority of companies use computers with the Windows operating system. With just a few changes to the Hosts file, you can block any inappropriate website that you don't want your employees to access during work hours.

Hosts is a file that contains only text and can be edited, including blocking lines with the addresses to be blocked.

ways to block websites at home office

As with browser configuration, this is a manual and individual way, requiring time and remote access to the employee's device in the home office, in addition to not having the possibility of configuring blocking times.

Browser extensions

In addition to blocking websites, extensions can filter search results in the main internet browsers.

A very effective and mostly cost-free way is to install extensions for this purpose.

ways to block websites at home office

In some, it is also possible to define specific times and days that the site will be blocked and also measure the number of times attempts to access the site were made.

However, like the previous ones, it requires manual and individual installation, and can also be circumvented by a user with basic knowledge of technology and the internet.

DNS Filter

DNS blocking restricts the user from having access to any type of content, determined by the manager. Typically, DNS filter tools have several functionalities , having complete data security solutions, making it easier to define what should or should not be accessed by employees.

There are several benefits to using a DNS filter for home office employees:

  • Management of the entire remote team in a single panel
  • Application of general and individual rules without the need for manual and individual configuration of equipment
  • Improving remote team productivity and focus
  • Security when accessing company data remotely
  • Impossible to bypass the blocking system
  • Monitoring access and connections in real time
  • Setting specific blocking times

But there is a catch. Not all solutions on the market have these features, especially for teams working from home.

With Lumiun's Business VPN , it is possible not only to keep company data safe, but also to manage internet access for all employees, even remotely.

Furthermore, the solution has support and an intuitive interface, 100% in Portuguese, with payment in local currency (R$) with value referring only to the number of connected users, i.e., you only pay for what is actually used.

In an article here on the blog, we talk in more detail about Business VPN , if you want to delve deeper into the subject, it's a good read.


If you still have any doubts about how important it is to block websites for employees working from home, know that the advantages go far beyond keeping employees productive and under observation. The dangers of the internet are countless and the vast majority come from access by lay and unprepared users.

I'm glad if this article helped you in any way to block websites for employees working from home.

Until later!

lumiun dns - web content filter

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